
Marco's Controversy

Chapter 4

Marco's Controversy

* * * *

It's evening already. Crystal sits in the patio, enjoying the cool evening breeze on her face. She glances around. There are literally workers everywhere in this building doing their jobs and most of all, minding their businesses. Crystal sips her juice, reminiscing over the past events of her life. She does not know whether to be happy or sad for getting married to this man. Till now, Crystal knows nothing about how he met her dad.

On that fateful day, her dad had come back from somewhere, so drunk and wasted.

" I've found you a husband Crystal" he announce to her while she was in the living room, doing her assignment. Her mum and Anna was also seated there and heard her dad when they made the announcement.

" what do you mean by that" Her mum snapped at her husband.

" I mean I've found a man who is willing to get married to Crystal. A rich popular multi millionaire based in Sicily" her dad explains as he raises his hand in Victor as if he'd do something extra ordinary and deserves to be praised

Anna gasp, staring at my dad in annoyance.

" Are you serious right now?" My mum asks rhetorically

" Yes. I am"

" She's still too young dad. She can't get married now" Anna blurted out.

" I know. He says he'll not do anything with her till she's twenty years old" her dad clarified.

" Men are not to be trusted" Anna screech in dismay.

" I know him so well. he's a man of his words".

Crystal simply glared at her dad in utter dismay. She's just sixteen years old and he's happy to give her out to an old man because of his riches and fame. Crystal stands from the chair abruptly, holding her book tightly to her chest. How can her dad be comfortable with the idea of marrying her off at this stage of her life. Isn't that insanity!!!! Crystal thought

" Your dad is drunk. I'll assume he doesn't know what he's saying" her mum had interfered, taking her dad into the room they both shared.

Anna stood up, holding Crystal by the hands having noticed her anxiety.

" I promise you Crystal. I'll do my best not to allow anyone take you away" she assures pulling her sister into a hug. Crystal leans in on her elder sister's shoulders.

" I really don't want to go anywhere. I don't want to leave you or mum" she sobs

Anna pats her back reassuringly, muttering soothing words to her

* * * *

The next day was a weekend. It was in the afternoon and their dad had called for a little family meeting. Crystal stayed in her room, not acknowledging her dad's orders till she was dragged out by him.

" I'm sorry Crystal" her dad apologizes first off before saying anything.

" Sorry for?" She fired.

" Marrying you off without your permission" he express

" You said this yesterday but mum told me you're wasted and she'll assume you are blabbering".

" Well I'm not blabbering"

" Mum. Is he still drunk?" Crystal calls out, referring to her mum nervously.

No response...

Crystal stifle, stares at her mum then sister. The two had a pitiful Expression on...

" I'm so sorry Crystal. He explained it all to me. I believe the man will not hurt you" her mum assure, wiping at her tears furiously.

" He's coming for you in an hour's time".

" Wow.. so fast?" She query in a tear filled voice.

Her dad nods. He intentionally avoids eye contact with Crystal. Too Ashamed to look in her eyes.