
Breaking the News to her

Chapter 6



* * CHAPTER 6 * *

For about two hours, Pietro busied himself with little house chores, hoping his wife will open up to him by the time he's done. When he was through, tidying the house, he proceeded to the room door again and knocked.

" Enola. Please, open the door. Let me have a glimpse of you at least" he pleaded in his gentlest voice.

" Go away Pietro, I don't want to talk to you" she made muffled noise from inside.

" Come on, honey. You should tell me what's really wrong. There might be ways I can help you" he pressed, knocking the bedroom door slightly.

She said nothing in reply again, leaving her husband with no option than to head back to the living room. He positioned himself in a lying position and soon drifted off to sleep on the couch.


Pietro arrived at the gate of the mansion and opened his mouth in awe. The rumors he heard are true. His soon to be boss is a wealthy Italian man. He carefully stepped into the compound which was lined with grasses and beautiful Flowers. There were various workers seen around the mansion doing their thing. Any of them barely noticing each other as he walked closer to the mansion's main entrance. On getting there, a man clad in a security uniform stopped him, asking to see a proof of invitation by either Mr or Mrs Giovanni.

Pietro took out his phone, visited his g.mail where had communicated with whoever invited him over for the interview.

" It states here that you should arrive by 9:am. Mr Pietro" the guard mentioned.

" Yes" Pietro agreed, inclining his head in affirmation.

" It's just a little after 7:am" the man expressed in a bewildered state, raising his brows at Pietro who simply smiled in return.

He's really desperate for the job and doesn't car if he arrived two hours earlier.

" I'm sorry, I can't let you in" the guard pronounced.

" Why not?"

" It states in the letter that you should arrive by 9.. I can't let anyone gain entry except it's nine. It's an order from the boss"

" Isn't there supposed to be a reserved place for those that arrived earlier?" Pietro queried expectantly

" Of course. There is. Go further into the compound, you'll see a space where some tulip chairs are arranged in rows, you can sit there and relax till it's time"

" Thank you" Pietro acknowledged before proceeding to the place

* * * * *. . * * * * *

Crystal awakened at the blaring sound of the alarm. She lazily opened her eyes and glanced at the wall clock right in front of her. It was a little past 7:am.

She sat up, shifting her gaze to where her husband laid. He was fast asleep, snoring softly in his sleep.

" Honey.." she called in a bid to wake him up, stroking his hair passionately. She called him out again and again till he finally bulged.

" It's late already. You should dress for work" Crystal told her husband calmly.

Marco pulled his wife into a hug before anything.

" How was your night?" He enquired from her, kissing her on the neck.

" It was long, the alcohol I had yesterday made me sleep for so long. Thankfully, there's no hangover"

" Hmmmm. You got intoxicated pretty quick yesterday night"

" I told you I have low alcohol tolerance..."

" Yeah. I remember that vividly"

Marco disengaged from the hug and locked glances with his wife.

" Well, Did I not tell you I'll be taking a day off from work today?"

Crystal shook her head negatively.

" Today, I'll be recruiting a gardener for us since we need a new one"

Crystal forced a smile on her lips and nodded...

" Okay then. We should do something fun later"

Marco inclined his head in affirmation and went into the bathroom to get refreshed. While in the bathroom, Crystal paced the bedroom restlessly... A thought had crossed her mind yesterday, not just yesterday infact, she had always thought of it. The problem is she doesn't know how well her husband would take it. Would he agreed to the idea or even get angrier that she brought the topic up. Still lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice when her husband entered.

" Darling... You look disturbed" his husky voice pronounced, causing her to jump wearily.

Marco frowned at her reaction, wrapped his arms around her shoulders in order to make her relax

" What's wrong?"

" Nothing" Crystal responded a little too quickly.

" No. I'm not taking that. There's something really wrong and you have to tell me" her husband pressed, leading her to sit on the edge of the bed.

" I've always been trying to tell you this but I don't know how well it'll go with you"

" You don't have to worry yourself unnecessarily... If you want it badly, then I'll give it to you"

" I want a child. I understand that we cannot make one so I want us to adopt them. One is enough" Crystal disclosed.

Marco released her hand and moved farther away from her, his Expression unreadable.

" I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you feel bad"

" No.... It's fine. I understand how you feel. I'll make preparations for it."

Crystal jumped to her feet, rushed to meet her husband and embraced him in a hug.

" Thank you so much!" She breathed

Marco returned the hug reluctantly.

" I'll do anything for you. Which gender do you prefer... A male or female"

" I want a male"

" Consider it done" her husband assured her.

Crystal finally let her husband go, allowing him the opportunity to prepare for the interview.

* * *. * * *

Marco sat on the ergonomic chair in his home office. A place he had considered building for himself years ago to serve purposes like this.

He went over some of the documents submitted on his table before nodding at his secretary to commence the interview process.

" Call the first number in" he ordered.

The first man came in, looking a little over fifty and a bit frail for the work. Marco didn't hesitate to interrogate him why he wanted to job but indepthly, he knew it wasn't going to him.

" Is that all" Marco asked his secretary after interviewing about six men.

" Yes sir. There were over a hundred applicants so I filtered them out.. these were the ones that were qualified based on their Curriculum Vitale."

" Alright... The last one I interviewed is the one I'm picking.. pay the rest off and tell my new employee to resume today" He asserted.

" Yes sir.."

" One last thing..... Those pills from yesterday, can you get more of them?"

" Yes sir."

" Good" Marco praised before heading back into his mansion...

* * * *

Pietro beamed with excitement when the news was relayed to him. He thanked the secretary profusely, bowing his head vigorously. His wife, Enola will be definitely proud of him when she realizes he has gotten a job in the billionaire's mansion. Tools were handed over to him... He was also given a uniform to wear whenever he's at work. He wore it immediately since he was asked to resume instantly.

Pietro went back into the compound and resumed his duty immediately, cutting the thorns off the grasses.

When he finished the day's work, he went to the back, where he had sat earlier this morning. He settled on one of the tulip chairs, enjoying the fresh evening breeze...

He met other workers there also, some of them were busy with their phones while others had their noses buried in the papers. Pietro tried to engage in a conversation with one of the who sat closest to him.

" Hello there, my name is Pietro Antonio. I resumed work here today. If you don't mind, I'll like to know a little about how things run in this place"

Either the man didn't hear him or he pretended not to. Pietro repeated his question again, even louder this time and he got ignored....

" Oh wow" he mouthed to himself. Seems as though the man isn't interested in communicating with him.

Unexpectedly, everyone stood from their chairs walking towards the direction of the main gate. He checked his time and found out it was 6:pm, the official closing hour. Pietro removed my uniform, adjusted his clothes and proceeded out of the place.

" Hey man" the man he tried talking to earlier greeted.

" Hello" he responded in a puzzled state. Why was he replying him now after all the negligence.

" Yeah... I know exactly what you are thinking.... Why is he responding to my greetings now? Is he crazy? Blah blah" the man attacked, catching Pietro off guard.

" Uhm.. o.. of... C... Course not" Pietro stuttered, throwing a fake smile at the man.

" Yes... That's it. Now, I'll reveal a very huge secret to you.. while in Marco Giovanni's house, no body is allowed to communicate with each other except it's necessary.... It's one of the rules of the house"

" Why's that"

" I'm not sure why. He probably doesn't want anyone to conspire against him"

" That does not make any sense"

" I know it doesn't... Let's just assume that's why"

" Hmmmm" Pietro hummed

" Well, there's more... Marco Giovanni has a very beautiful wife too.. he keeps her in most of the time, doesn't give her enough freedom to come out"

" A wife?? That's a surprise"

" Yeah. She's Crystal Giovanni. Rumor has it that she got married to the man for his money"

" Do they have children?"

" Not one that I know of. My name is Jason Smith by the way...."

" An American?"

" Definitely. you should know by my Accent"

" You've got wife and children?"

" No... I'm still a bachelor. How about you? What's your name?"

" I told you earlier"

" Forgotten" Jason blurted

Pietro heaved a sigh and introduced himself again.

" My name is Pietro Antonio. An Italian man. I have a wife but no children"

Both continued their conversation till they parted ways.

* *

Pietro knocked on the door, humming happily to himself..

" Enola... It's me. Answer the door" Pietro yelped from outside.

The lock clicked, door knob twisted and Enola opened the door for her husband.

Pietro went in, examining his wife thoroughly and smiled after noticing his wife looks much better than yesterday night.

" Welcome home honey" she said to her husband happily.

" It's good to see you are back again" Pietro squealed, raising his wife onto his arms.

Enola giggled, hugging her husband even tighter.

" Yes baby... How did the work go today?"

" It went well... Not as stressful as I thought"

" You didn't tell me about the nature of the job yesterday."

" You were acting all up, so I couldn't"

" Hmmhmm... I'm so sorry about yesterday."

" It's alright. If you wish to share what happened, I'm always here... Well, I got a job as a gardener in the home of Marco Giovanni..."

Enola shrieked with laughter, reacting ad though her husband just cracked a joke.

" You are kidding me right?"

" I'm definitely not... I'm dead serious about it"

Enola glared at her husband in disdain

" Quit the jokes....Please... Tell me where you found your job. I promise not to ridicule you"

Pietro collected his phone from his pockets and showed his wife all the evidence she needs to know.

Going through it, Enola's jaw dropped open, indeed, her husband is right. He secured a job in the wealthy man's Mansion. She hugged him severally, crediting him about how well he deserved the job and how he's the right one for her. One thing is for sure and Pietro knows that too. Enola isn't just happy for him, she's also happy for herself. This might be her only chance to get rich too. She could use what she own to get what she literally wants