
An encounter

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She transferred her gaze back to me and examined me for a moment before clearing her throat to speak up.

" You brought the flowers for Lady Giovanni?"

" Yes... " Pietro confirmed

" I'm sorry but who are you?. It isn't supposed to be your duty to deliver flowers to her!!"

" I'm newly employed here and I'm not so sure about the rules" he stated, cussing Jason inwardly. He must have been making a jo

ke outta him.... He must have seen all of these coming but then lured him to come here just to enjoy a stupid prank.

" No one gives a damn about that!!! Who let you in in the first place?!" She clamored, her chest heaving up and down as she breathed heavily.

Pietro pulled his brows together. Wasn't she over reacting.... Couldn't she just collect the flowers from him and send him back....

" So hot tempered" he muttered under his breath..

" Did you just call me hot tempered?!!.." she snarled again.

" Did I say that out loud?" Pietro asked no one in particular then shrugged his shoulders, about to leave the tempered maid alone when someone else finally intervened.

" What's going on here?!" A tiny enchanting voice queried from the far end of the room.

They all turned towards the direction of her voice and bowed their heads a little.

" That man came in here with the intention of delivering Flowers to you. I tried making him to understand it isn't his duty but he kept insisting" the maid explained out of line...

Pietro could not hold back his chuckle that instant. The woman had the guts to lie against him while he's standing in the same room!!

" You must be the new employee right?" The woman asked, directing her question at him this time...

" Yes madam. It is I" Pietro responded politely..

He tried to peer at the woman speaking but the maid had her covered. Luckily for him, she left their midst and proceeded towards him. He could see her now, very clearly. She was tall, slender, her round shaped face doing justice to her beauty. Her aura was just so peaceful, an exact opposite of her man.

Her hazel eyes stared at him as she walked towards his direction gracefully. He couldn't resist her, he found it so cumbersome to tear his gaze off her. This was her.. The beautiful wife of Marco Giovanni. She matched the rumors.

" Your name please?"

" Pietro Antonio" he responded immediately.

" You should know some of the rules here. Flowers are to be delivered by the maid. It's only on rare occasions the gardener is allowed to that"

" Okay madam. Thanks for the clarification. You should have this too"

She took the flowers from him, told him a thank you and left. Pietro left immediately too, not wanting any extra drama from the lying maid.

* * * * *..

Jason was seated there, whistling to himself as he counted is finger, obviously trying to calculate something. Pietro swallowed the anger rising in him at the sight of him. Fortunately, other workers weren't in the area. Just Jason....

" What the hell were you thinking?!!" He growled, throwing deadly glances at the one whom he had listened to.

Jason jumped, looked sharply at Pietro.

" What in devil's lettuce!!!. Why did you yell so harshly?!!! I was scared!!!!" Jason roared.

" You knew it all along.. didn't you?"

" Knew what?"

" I'm not the right person to deliver flowers to her!"

Jason exclaimed and stared at him pitifully.

" I'm so sorry." He apologized innocently

Pietro scoffed. " Tell me why you did that?!" He insisted.

" Isn't she beautiful?!" He interrogated, catching Pietro off guard.

He could feel the color rise on his cheeks as he remembered his encounter with her again. She's so perfect to be real.

" What?! Why would you ask me that?!"

" She is.... It's just a whole big pity"

" What's a big whole pity?" Pietro queried, peering at Jason suspiciously... Like he's about to do another stupid thing.

" The fact that her husband is impotent."

Pietro was slack jawed and he froze momentarily, his gaze fixed on Jason.

" Oh Come on mahnnn. Don't be too surprised. He married her while she was still young. Some say 16, some think eighteen but she was a teenager at the time. He had promised her firmly that he won't go intimate with her at the age. Something they were quite happy about.... Poor Crystal, she was too little to understand what was going on at the time. I wonder how had it is for her not to be able to make love with her husband..... I feel sorry for her"..

" So do I" Pietro admitted as soon as he found his voice.

He still remained astounded though....

" How did you know about it?. His impotent nature? Does everyone else know about it too?"

" No they don't. He did well in hiding it even from his family"

" Then how did you find out?"

Jason shrugged his shoulders. " Let's say I'm good at finding out secrets"

" How about kids? Don't they want one?"

" I'm not sure if they do... If they really want one, they wouldn't hesitate to adopt right?!"

" No. They wouldn't"

" The clouds seem to be gathering... There could be rain anytime from now"

" I'll just find shelter for myself..."

" You can come join me in my little apartment"

* * * * * * * * * *

" You promised to inform me about the nature of your job" Pietro reminded his wife when they were relaxed.

" Uhhm. Yes... One of my friends introduced me to this man who then employed me as a secretary."

Pietro's jaw tightened.

" Who is he?!"

" The CEO of GorelBags."

Pietro swallowed hard, hoping desperately that his wife didn't engage in any silly act to get the job for herself.

" He didn't ask you for anything crazy right?"

" How do you mean by "anything crazy?!"

" Like intimacy...."

She snickered. " No Pietro. He's dating my friend!!"

" That's a relief then"

" It sure is. Tell me about your work too. How's it at the mansion"

Pietro simply replied, only informing his wife about necessary things.

* * * * *

Marco slipped into the room quietly. He had stayed late out and he's pretty much certain his wife's asleep. He used his cell phone flash light to perform his late night routine before collapsing on the bed beside his wife. His heart continued thumping as he sought the most pleasant way to inform his wife that his family will be coming to visit in two days. She's had a lot of experience with them. Not good ones actually...

The bed creaked and felt lighter when she climbed off it. Marco could see her outstanding feature even in the darkness as she made way to the switch to put on the lights. Marco narrowed his eyes, the impact of her actions causing him distress. He would have preferred the lights off.

" You stayed out late tonight. Was there an emergency meeting?" She demanded, her face and tone unusually calm.

She's always calm... Yes... But this kinda gentility, there was more to it. Marco shivered. She's not happy to see him... Did she find out his family's coming around?

" No emergency meetings darling. I only had a few drinks with my friends" .

" Well, I believe you aren't drunk... Unlike me, you have a very high alcohol tolerance."

" Yes???"

" We need to talk..."

Marco was real bothered now, the way she was acting was giving him real chills. Since he brought her into his home, he has never found her like this... In this stance, giving this attitude.

" Is there something wrong? Did the guards bother you? Did the maids not serve you right?"

" No... The problem isn't the guards or the maids or whatever staff you have employed. Right now, it's you.... Explain to me why you keep drugging me to sleep?"

" What?!!!;" He roared, jerking the bed covers off himself immediately, walking hurriedly to where she stood.

" Do not come close to me!!!" Crystal barked

Marco froze in his tracks, blinking his eyes uncontrollably... " You've got it all wrong!!! I swear "

" Stop lying Marco. You molested me in slumber. You assaulted me, continually inflicted pain on me because you wanted to have sex with me?!!! You wanted to do it in any way possible and I was a piece of your experiment?!!! What the hell has come upon you!!!!"..

" I'm sorry" Marco apologized again, feeling absolutely remorseful for what he did....

" I can't take this anymore"

" I promise not to try anything silly with you anymore. This is all"

" No Marco.... I can't take your words for it anymore... I can't trust you any longer. You are inhumane"

" You need to honey... You need to give me a second chance. I was doing it for you.. I'm still sad that I'm not capable of making love with you"

" I told you times without number that I'm okay with it. I told you not to strain yourself. I don't want sex. I only want a child which is why I asked you to adopt a child for me"

" Forgive me" Marco pleaded once again.. on the verge of tears. He loved his wife very much and would do anything to make her just stay.