
Luscious Ambition

In the city of Destiny Central, everyone is known for their status, riches, and their many love stories... Everyone but one man, Shiro Moji. A loser born in North America who luckily found himself getting a full ride scholarship to Matsugaya University, the best college known in Destiny Islands. Shiro is only a semester in and already he figures he's at the bottom of the food chain. He can't seem to upgrade his status, he doesn't have a lot of money to his name, and most importantly he is maidenless! Nothing seems to go right for him until he gets a text from an anonymous number sending a voice note that sends Shiro to sleep, which gives this entity enough time to treat Shiro to a new life... ------------------------ From the creator of Destiny Harem, this will be the ULTIMATE final rendition of Destiny Harem! This version tops all others, I promise. For those who is coming back to read my stories, I hope you enjoy and I promise to make this the best novel for all of you! Note(s): •Erotic Novel Galore! •Every [18+] chapter you are free to skip, it doesn't necessarily pertain to the main plot other than the usual "Power Up" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. •Chapter Updates every Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday.

Aisuru_Reborn · Fantasie
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77 Chs

Destiny's Hero Pt. 3

[Day: Thursday]

[Time: Morning]

[Location: Matsugaya University]

The next morning arrived and the morning birds had been singing lively. It was a bit cloudy this morning since the gentle snow was starting again. Today, just like how Jessica and Baylee had me as a guest for Sanctuary City, I took Chloe to my university to show her around as a honorable guest.

The moment Chloe and I walked onto the campus, all eyes fell upon us, specifically Chloe. Chloe began to feel slightly embarrassed due to the amount of attention she was getting. She stuck closely to me as she followed me to a table that Aubrie and Ashley were sitting at.

"Okay, now I'm finally set..~ How did you manage to pull CHLOE?!" Ashley asked surprised, her genuine curiosity getting the best of her.

I chuckled softly, sitting down at the table with the girls. "Well, our initial meeting was a chance meeting honestly..~"

Chloe smiled at my words then turned to Ashley and Aubrie. "It's true, we met at the mall in the bookstore and we just kinda hit it off immediately..~ Shiro is very special to me truly.."

Aubrie smiled at Chloe, noticing how much happier she seemed now. She turned toward me, poking my cheek. "To have Chloe in your roster is honestly just insane and I have zero clue how you managed it."

I let a soft chuckle escape my lips, enjoying the praise I was getting from Ashley and Aubrie for actually having Chloe at my side. The four of us continued to talk with each other, Aubrie and Ashley asking about the Sanctuary City Girls and how they was doing.

As the girls talked, the first bell rang and everyone got up to go to their first classes. I walked Aubrie and Ashley to their first classes then went on with my plans to show Chloe around the campus. Chloe continued to stick closely to me, but she wasn't as embarrassed as before.

"What do you wanna see first? Our campus is rather massive," I asked Chloe, walking down the halls with her hand in mine.

"I do wanna see a few of your classes. I heard from Jessica that you're the smartest guy in this university, so I wanna see how smart you actually are~" Chloe said, her excitement to explore Matsugaya University evident with her radiant smile.

I chuckled softly and agreed to take Chloe to my first class that I was honestly planning to skip but since she wanted to see my classes, I took it upon myself to actually be a good student today and attend all of my classes for Chloe.

[Day: Thursday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Matsugaya University]

All of my classes were finally over and done with and I got Chloe to interact with most of the women I'm dating, those women being Gloria, Whitney, Amber, and even Akira who seemed to already know who Chloe was. My last stop of the day was to go to the library and have Chloe meet Habilee once more.

Once we entered the cozy library, Chloe's eyes lit up in admiration for the scenery. I noticed Habilee wasn't at her desk and noticed her blinds were down so she was busy with someone, so I took the liberty of showing Chloe around the library and everything it had to offer.

As we walked around together, Chloe had a content expression on her face, truly feeling a peace with her surroundings and feeling the welcoming embrace the library offered, a feeling that nearly replicated the vibes of the bookstore in Destiny Haven Mall.

Soon, I noticed a student leave Habilee's office and took my chance to go in with Chloe and have the two finally get to know each other. Making it to the door, I knocked on it to get Habilee's attention.

"Knock, knock..~" I called out to Habilee.

Habilee immediately recognized my voice then softly giggled. "Who's there?~"

"Your favorite visitor..~" I said as I walked into her office, not needing a pass like everyone else.

Habilee turned in her chair to face me then grunted softly, nearly falling out of her chair once she noticed Chloe. "I-I didn't know you were... bringing a guest..!"

I gave Habilee an amused grin and chuckled softly. "Chloe, Habilee. You've both met before, but I wanted to introduce you two to each other properly. Chloe, this is Habilee Heart, our esteemed librarian. Habilee, meet Chloe Wise, one of my girlfriends who is visiting from Sanctuary City."

Habilee collected herself then extended her hand to Chloe with a warm smile. "Pleasure to officially meet you, Chloe. Shiro has told me great things about you."

Chloe returned the handshake with a grin. "Likewise, Ms. Heart. I've heard a lot about you too, especially after seeing you at the convention."

As they exchanged pleasantries, they began to get to know each other better. Amongst their shared laughters and stories, Chloe got distracted by a novel on Habilee's desk. She took a closer look and noticed the novel title was named "Destiny's Hero Volume 3".

Intrigued, she asked for permission to read the novel which Habilee agreed to let her do so. Chloe excitedly reached for the novel, her fingers tracing the pages with curiosity. She noticed each page was handwritten and this clicked something in Chloe's head, but it didn't fully register in her head.

'Everything is handwritten...This follows the exact plot of Volume 2 as well..' Chloe thought to herself, flipping through the pages before returning to the first page.

Chloe read the author's name and finally connected the dots, her eyes widening in realization. "Wait...Wait wait wait. Hold on... You're...Noelle Grant?"

Habilee's cheeks flushed slightly, but she nodded with a sheepish smile. "Guilty as charged. Since you're Shiro's girlfriend, I can tell you my secret. Noelle Grant is the name I was born with, but after a confrontation with family I had changed my name to Habilee Heart.."

Chloe's excitement bubbled over as she looked at Habilee with newfound admiration. "I can't believe it! I've been a fan of your books for years. Your books are such an inspiration to me, and I've always wanted to meet you and now I'm actually meeting you..."

Habilee's smile grew wider at Chloe's enthusiasm. "I'm honored to hear that, Chloe. I'm glad you still enjoy my books and stuck with my books for all these years."

As Chloe delved into conversation with Habilee about her writing process and inspirations, I watched with a fond smile. I was grateful for the serendipitous connection between the two and excited to see where their newfound bond would lead.


Chloe and I walked toward the parking lot together, heading toward my car and got in. I could tell Chloe was over the moon after getting to know who Habilee truly was and knowing she was an ally to Karma from a distance.

As I drove off, my phone began to ring. I looked at Lust-E noticing it was Charlotte calling me. I had Lust-E answer and I cleared my throat. "Yooo," I answered casually with a smile on my face.

"Hello~ I was calling to see if you and Chloe were free today? I'm free and I was wondering if you two wanted to join me for an outing," Charlotte offered, walking along a path at Twilight City's Park.

Chloe leaned over to get in the frame, wanting to see Charlotte as well. "Char!~ Hey!~"

Charlotte looked at Chloe through the camera then smiled at her. "Hey, Chloe! I was literally just asking if you two were free."

Chloe nodded, giving Charlotte an excited look. "We're free! We just left his university. Where are you? We can meet you there."

"I'm at Twilight City Park right now enjoying a little stroll. I had gotten done with my event not too long ago and boy today's venue was huge! I had a lot of fun, but no one compares to Shiro as no one could even handle my normal Comet Suplex," Charlotte said, thinking about her match against me and how amazing it was.

Chloe giggled softly then noticed me hand her my phone so she could keep talking to Charlotte as I made my way to Twilight City. She happily accepted my phone, starting her gossip with Charlotte.

'You two are strangely quiet today. Where's the yap? We need to meet word count.' I teased Lustie and Passion.

"Well, you and Chloe have so much chemistry that I didn't want to ruin the moment with you and her," Lustie said, chilling in the backseat with Passion.

"I agree, but for me, I literally just have nothing important to add. If anything you should be saying Lust-E is insanely quiet today as well," Passion said.

[Cap. Every chapter I'm always saying the Day, Time, and the damn Location. Besides, I agree with Lustie. Watching these two interaction is nearly in the same category as him and Whitney.]

'It's always with Chloe that you all decide to go silent. Do you all like Chloe that much?' I asked.

[She's gotta be Top 10 within your harem. Dare I say Top 5.]

"Ooh... Top 5. That's a hot take and a hill I'm ready to die on for that take. For real though, I really like Chloe. Ever since the first day I helped you get her~" Lustie said with a smile on her face.

"I gotta agree that Chloe is in my Top 10, but Top 5? Personally I think Chelsey is higher than Chloe on the list," Passion said.

[I just looked up the list. Chloe is number 4 overall. The author clearly has favorites.]

'Who's Number 1?' I asked, now curious about this Top 5 best girl list that Lust-E had searched up.

[A tie between Whitney and Lustie. Passion you're number ten on the list.]

"Heh~ Is that really a surprise?~" Lustie asked, boasting how she was number one.

"Pure favoritism at its finest," Passion said, rolling her eyes.

I softly chuckled, not surprised on how Whitney and Lustie were tied for number one as it made complete sense to me. After that enjoyable side conversation with my Love Demons, I continued to drive to Twilight City to meet up with Charlotte.

[Day: Thursday]

[Time: Afternoon]

[Location: Twilight City Park]

I parked my car the park then got out with Chloe to meet up with Charlotte who was still at the park. Once we rendezvoused with Charlotte, we went to sit at a picnic table so we could plan the rest of our day together.

[Link Date Start!]

[Chloe x Charlotte Compatibility: 100%]

[Luscious Ambition: 100%]

"Finally another Link Date~ And our first 100% compatible date as well..~" Lustie chuckled, resting on the top of my head.

"Gotta remember, they are literally childhood friends. They have an unbreakable bond so of course they would be 100%," Passion said.

Chloe, Charlotte, and I began to plan our date together and each of us threw out a few ideas. It wasn't until all three of us settled on three locations, Twilight City's Amusement Park, Twilight City's Museum, and finally a Karaoke Spot. With our plans set, we decided to put it into motion, the three of us getting up to head to my car.

As we made our way to my car, I noticed a man sitting on the hood of my car and rose an eyebrow. Upon getting closer, I noticed the man was Kismet and I grunted softly, stopping Chloe and Charlotte.

Kismet smirked as he sensed my presence then looked up to meet me in the eyes. "Shiro Moji isn't it? Destiny's Hero huh?"

Chloe and Charlotte seemed surprised as they noticed he quoted Habilee's book. Chloe quickly looked at me, worried that Kismet might know who Noelle Grant truly was.

I stared at Kismet, staying cautious of him knowing that a confrontation was unavoidable. I didn't know whether or not to take him as a threat since he doesn't have a Love Demon but has that Jinx Ability.

"Yeah, I'm Shiro Moji. Why are you concerned, or did your Daddy put another hit on me? Or are you upset that I nearly killed that prick Caden? He should've died after my Spear. One...less...problem," I said coldly, my tone filled with intimidation and seriousness.

Kismet noticed he had slightly acquired goosebumps on his arms as I spoke about how Caden should've died. He began to feel a bit uneasy inside. 'This is the Charming Man Phoenix spoke of? There was nothing charming about that..'

Kismet got off my car then walked forward. "Listen here, Moji. This is the end of your reign. Now that I'm on the scene, your chances of winning have lowered significantly..."

I chuckled softly, crossing my arms and not taking Kismet seriously. "My chances? I'm supposed to fear a street rat with a clover tattoo on his neck? Saying you got a Lucky Throat is crazy.."

Lustie and Passion bursted out laughing at my joke, Chloe and Charlotte sharing a laugh as well. This, in turn, angered Kismet greatly. He knew the time for talking was over, rushing toward me and his clover tattoo shined.

I noticed him, moving my body to dodge his attack, but somehow he managed to land his attack on me. I was a bit surprised then immediate activated my Level 17 Unleash, kicking Kismet back and creating some distance between us. I hopped up and down, energizing my body and getting pumped up for the fight.

"Maluhia.." I said to myself then let out my Tribal Howl, my howl echoing across the sky.

Kismet shuddered after hearing my howl then began to grow a bit uneasy once more. 'Everything Vance has said so far is true...This guy is extremely—'

"Kaua!" I bellowed then activated my Luscious Awakening tossing my jacket aside and getting into my stance with a wicked smirk on my face.

Kismet frozen upon seeing my more primal demeanor, sensing my desire to harm every limb on his body. He sensed my wrathful energy, an energy that let him know that I was not holding anything back.

[Warning: Bloodlust has increased to 30%]

I smirked at Kismet then ran toward him, feinting my first attack, forcing him to block high. I landed a powerful blow to his gut, a pulse of energy circling around my hand and blowing him backwards. Kismet recovered quickly then noticed me running toward him at high speeds.

"You want a fight?! Then fight back!" I roared, landing a high kick to slightly get Kismet airborne. I bellowed as I landed a Destiny Flash, blowing him into a nearby tree.

Kismet slowly slid down the tree and fell to his knees. His heart was beating quickly, his ears popped and rang, and his vision was disoriented. 'What the hell..? What...how is my Jinxing not working on him?!'

I walked toward Kismet, my golden eyes shining through the strands of hair that shadowed my face. I watched as he stood up, stopping myself with some distance between us. "Had enough..?"

'Even his voice changed...No, I'm not gonna get the Caden treatment!' Kismet thought to himself then pulled out his pistol and began to fire bullets at me. I closed my eyes then an angelic energy surrounded my body, forming a barrier around me and blocking the bullets. Charismari landed on top of the barrier then unveiled her eyes.

"Shiro...Vance is approaching and he's not alone. He's coming with Lane. This is our chance to clean up the streets of Destiny Central and Twilight City, and send these misguided heathens back to Sanctuary City!" Charismari said the groaned as Luckie accidentally landed on top of her.

Luckie softly groaned, holding her head then squeaked when Charismari used her wings to push her out the way. "S-Sorry, Mari!"

"It's fine..." Charismari softly grunted then stood up.

I looked back at Chloe and Charlotte, who were watching from a distance before hearing two motorcycles pull up to get their revenge for Caden. I smirked and crossed my arms then looked up at the sky, noticing the Golden Star shining even while the sun was out.

I began to softly laugh and remembered the last chant my tribe used to say in battle then looked at Vance, Lane, and Kismet. "Lokahi, Lokahi!" I chanted, feeling a shift in my own energy. While I was still Bloodlusted, my mind slowly became clear and allowed me to freely think.

Lokahi is the last chant of my tribe which means "No Turning Back". Once you hear Lokahi twice, your only choice is to fight because if you start to retreat, my tribe will chase you down until your final breath.

Talenta looked at me, noticing I was already Awakened. She looked at Chloe and Charlotte who watched at a safe distance.

"Your chances of survival is insanely low now that me, Lane, and Kismet are out. You think some awakening is supposed to help you now?" Vance asked, walking toward me then froze as he sensed my Tranquil Bloodlust.

"My chances of survival? Low? Have you forgotten who the fuck I am..?" I asked, taking off my jacket and tossed it aside, my Love Demon Markings shining brightly on my arm.

'What is this feeling..? I can't even get a clear sense of his energy... It's all over the damn place...' Vance thought to himself.

Charlotte hurried forward and stood at my side. "No way I'm gonna let you punks jump Shiro! Karma owns Twilight City now and you damn Syndicates are not welcome here anymore!"

Lane looked at Charlotte then scoffed at her, not even taking her seriously. "You're no threat to us, Charlotte White. You think we could give two damns about your little Mafia?"

After Lane said that, a third motorcycle approached which caught our attention. We watched as the person took off their helmet, revealing themselves to be Naomi. Naomi caused Lane and Kismet to grow a bit unsure of themselves, but Vance didn't falter as his focus was on me.

"Well well, if it isn't Naomi..~ Come to save your boyfriend from me?" He taunted, sinfully chuckling at her then looked at me.

I stared at Vance then locked in, giving him a look of pure concentration. "I don't need her help."

Lustie laughed nervously and floated toward Naomi. "He doesn't mean that! He's...not himself at the moment. He's in Tribal Chief Mode..."

Naomi smirked and shrugged her shoulders, letting out a soft chuckle. "I'm not offended, besides I knew it the moment I saw his demeanor. Alright Charlotte, you take Lane, I'll take Kismet while Shiro deals with Vance."

"Gotcha." Charlotte nodded, getting ready for a fight.

Chloe watched us and wanted to help out, but she knew she would just get in the way at the moment. She noticed I had sent Passion to protect her, which calmed her nerves a lot.

"Don't worry, Chloe...Shiro isn't going to lose. Not while he's using the power of his heritage. After this is over, you three will have so much fun..~" Passion said, reassuring Chloe and keeping her in a steady mindset.

"I-I hope so..." Chloe said softly, hoping me, Charlotte, and Naomi beat the three in this fight.

It was now time to clean the streets of The Syndicates from this side of Destiny Islands. Once we get rid of them, it will be smooth sailing from this point on which was what I was hoping for. With Charlotte and Naomi at my sides, my confidence in our victory was unmatched.

"I hope you're ready, Vance. You aren't fighting the College Student Shiro anymore. Your fighting Head of the Mojisola Tribe Shiro! You're now in front of Tribal Leader Shiro!" I bellowed, letting out a Tribal Howl.

Vance grunted and felt my energy growing stronger with just my Tribal Howl. He noticed my switch of demeanor then prepared himself with Talenta at his side. 'Tribal Leader huh...Tch, this is getting very interesting now...'

{To Be Continued..}

"Ohhhhh snap! Tribal Leader Shiro?! He's finally showing his Mojisola Heritage! It's over for Vance, Kismet, Lane!" - Lustie

"Hell yeah! I can't wait to see what Shiro shows off to them?" - Passion

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