
Lunatic Dragon

(A/N: The original version of this book (Reborn as a Dragon) was contracted, but I realized it was a mistake when I made it privileged so early on since readers couldn't continue reading, and the pay was so small too. So I just copy pasted that book into this, and am hoping nothing will go wrong. Read this book instead, since I'm going to continue the story here instead and will be completely free. But if you want to read ahead by 5 chapters (10 and 50 in the future), check out my Patreon at That_One_Dead_Ali.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for this one particular boy, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali, another question would be more appropriate. What happens when a boy dies, meets an almighty and omnipotent Omniversal Being, and gets his wishes granted? When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B (Random Omniversal Being) casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him. One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, asked to be an Dragon. What kind of a dragon? Well, one that could grow infinitely stronger by consuming other beings. Gain their physical capabilities, gain their abilities, gain their levels, you name it, he can Devour it. What happens when an SS-Class Dragon and one hell of an overpowered redhead team up? Guess the world has to experience the effects of this monstrous team for itself.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Aktion
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59 Chs

CH 008: Registering as Adventurers

The receptionist girl immediately glared :"Hey! Stop that! Don't you have any manners?! You've been really acting out of hand lately!" But the men just laughed as the first one opened his bitch ass mouth again :"No need to be jealous, Shyann! If you want to, you can join in as well!"

But it seems like they weren't the only ones who were annoyed by the drunkards. "Hey, lay off, assholes!" Someone shouted from the cafeteria of the building. And more people's shouts followed.

"Yeah, stop trying to start trouble!"

"What the hell's your problem?"

"Be careful or you might get your asses kicked one of these days!"

But the drunkards simply weren't having it.

"Oh, fuck off!"

"Yeah, don't tell us what to do, bastards!"

"Who the hell can beat us?! Step up if you've got a problem, bitches!"

"Did you learn how to talk like that from the men your whore of a mother brought in?" Natasha's cold voice suddenly sounded :"Now that I think about it, an old woman looked really like you. Yeah, she was lying on the ground in an alley. Oops, sorry, that was just some dog feces if I remember correctly. Can't blame me, right? Your face looks like every useless thing you could find on the ground.

But who knows, maybe that really was your mother. Heh, guess she is a bitch even at that age, huh? You might want to keep her in control, wouldn't want another ass face like you around. But I don't think her old body can handle giving birth to her 50th child."




"Pfft HAHAHA!!"

"AAAHHHH oh my god hahaha!!"

"Holy shit, she fucking cooked you dumbasses hahahaha!"

Laughter filled the place as the shock passed. The new girl sure didn't look ordinary, but they still didn't think she'd have that much of a sharp tongue. Even Slathilia was surprised. However, it was a welcome one. Sure, a polite companion was good. But one that could clap back was definitely better.

"What did you say, bitch?!"

"Fuck, I'll kill you!"

"Nobody talks about my mama like that!"

"I'll slice your throat open, you whore!"

Seeing that they got up angrily and we're about to take out their weapons, nearly the entire place became excited.

"Oooh, fight! Fight!"

"Yeah! Fight!"

"But isn't this bad? That girl is a total newbie, but Jareth has been an Adventurer for years now."

"Yeah, they're the E-Class Shining Stars. This could be bad."

"Who cares?! I just wanna see a good show with my meal! Fight! Fight!"

"Fight! Fight!"

"Hahaha I actually really wanna see that girl beat their asses!"

"Oh fuck hahahaha that would be a sight to see!"

"Unlikely to happen. She is just registering as an Adventurer, after all."

But just as they got up, ready to take out their weapons and attack, a booming, deep yet somewhat feminine voice came :"What is all this ruckus?! Who the hell is making trouble?!" The voice echoed, actually silencing the entire place. Everybody got quiet, even the assholes and the people who were excited just now.

The owner of the voice stepped out of the door leading to the room behind the reception area. It was a woman. A giant one with a height of around 6'10 (210 cm) and all muscle. The "will fold a grizzly bear like laundry" type of muscly. Even her poor uniform looked to be barely surviving as it was stretched beyond anything legal. The drunkards looked like kids in front of her. Her brown braided hair hung behind her upper back.

'Holy mother of Yujiro Hanma...'

Shyann :"Ms Jaylin, Jareth and his party are making trouble again! This time, they suddenly started running their mouths when this girl said she wanted to register as an adventurer!"

Jaylin, death glare :"Jareth, do you want your goddamn ass folded? Make trouble for this girl again and I'll bash your head in, little bitch!"

Seems like all those muscles weren't just for show. The moment Jaylin raised her voice, all of those drunkards shut up and hung their heads :"Yes, ma'am..." Causing her to snort. Turning to Natasha and Slathilia, she calmed down :"Sorry for that, missy.

Some adventurers get really cocky sometimes. These guys are assholes to begin with, they must have had good luck today to be getting drunk like this now. But seriously, do you old men have diarrhea instead of brain in those heads? You seriously want to pick a fight with someone who has a dragon? Are you all retarded? Sigh, fucking disappointments. By the way, my name's Jaylin, a retired, former B Rank adventurer. Nice to meet you both."

Natasha :"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Natasha and this little guy is Slathilia."

Slathilia, waving :"Gauw. (Nice to meetcha.)"

Jaylin :"It's nice to meet the both of you. Well, Shyann, please take care of Natasha's registration. I have my own work to do, so I'll be off now."

And so, she walked back into the office room behind the reception area. Shyann cleared her throat, returning to her professional state and smile :"Excuse me for the ruckus those guys caused. Please let me introduce myself. I'm Shyann, the receptionist of the Adventurers' Guild in the town of Crussas. It's nice to meet you and I look forward to working with you. To register, you need to fill a registration form first. Give me a moment."

She handed Natasha a piece of paper and a pen. To let her write easier, Slathilia jumped down onto the desk that stretched out from one wall to the other, separating the building into two sections. He looked at the content of the paper in curiosity. There were six places to fill. Name, species, age, gender, Job (Rank optional), Level. There were just a few things, but they were essential to Adventurers after reading them, Natasha got to filling the registration paper.

(A/N: Okay, remember how much the privacy of the Status Screen was exaggerated? Yeah, let's just ignore that from now on. I overexaggerated it a bit. I'm going to change up that chapter a lot too and basically rewrite it, so don't worry. Let's just say they don't think of it as much of a secret, but some still like to keep it private.)

Name: Natasha

Species: Human

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Job: Assassin

Lv: 57

She handed the paper back. When Shyann took a look, her eyebrows rose in surprise :"Oh, you're actually a Lv 57 Spirit Senior? I thought that you would be a newbie or someone with just a bit of experience since you were just registering. But you're pretty strong already."

Natasha :"Yeah, things happened, and I chose to take Adventuring as an occupation."

Shyann :"Hm, I see. You didn't write your Job Rank?"

Natasha :"Said it was optional, so I thought keeping it a secret would be better."

Shyann :"Alright, whatever suits your taste. Although nobody really hides it, and most even like to boast about it, there are still those who keep it to themselves. And that's fine."

Standing up, the brunette gave the paper to another reception behind the window connecting to the room Jaylin had come from :"Please take care of this." Before walking back and taking out another piece of paper. When she put it in front of them, they saw a pyramid of the Classes along with some other things to introduce.

Shyann :"Until your Guild Card is prepared, I will provide some information that every adventurer must definitely know. These are very important, so please pay close attention.

1: The Adventurers' Guild is divided by a Classing structure. Each adventurer can take quests that are either the same Class or a lower Class than their own. There are 10 Classes in total. From top to bottom, SS-Class, S-Class, A-Class, B-Class, C-Class, D-Class, E-Class, F-Class, and G-Class.

Note that these are not the same Classes as monsters. Adventurers advance by gaining points, which I will explain shortly. So someone's Class doesn't always indicate that they have strength comparable to that of a monster of the same Class as them. It just means they've been an Adventurer for a long time and have been gaining Adventurer Points for a very long time. But that doesn't really happen in the higher Classes, since the Adventurers' Guild has to evaluate your strength as well between certain Class Ups.

It's something like this, G-Class are normal people of the town who just want to earn some pocket money by doing things like moving stuff, finding medicine flowers and herbs, or other quests that don't have any dangers.

E-Class and F-Class Adventurers are considered newcomers who can also take on subjugation quests. C-Class and D-Class Adventurers are skilled veterans. B-Class and A-Class are top tier Adventurers who even nobles respect. S-Class and above are people who even kings have to respect.

As I've said, this isn't the same as Classes for monsters. Your baby dragon companion is born being anywhere between B-Class and SS-Class, but no Adventurer just starts off as an A-Class Adventurer. Of course, I'll also explain monster Classes, but I'll explain what you should know about being an Adventurer.

2: Advancing in Classes and Adventurer Points. You see, to advance from one Class to a higher Class, you need to gain Adventurer Points. Or AP for short. To do that, you need to complete quests issued by the Adventurers' Guild. You need a specific amount of AP to reach each Class. For example, the amount needed for G-Class is 0. To reach F-Class, you need to gather 20 AP. And to reach E-Class from there, you'll need 200 AP. This is the list.

G-Class: 0 AP (2 AP at most each Quest)

‌F-Class: 20 AP (5 AP at most each Quest)

‌E-Class: 200 AP (10 AP at most each Quest)

‌D-Class: 500 AP (30 AP at most each Quest)

‌C-Class: 1,500 AP (50 AP at most each Quest)

‌B-Class: 3,000 AP (100 AP at most each Quest)

‌A-Class: 5,000 AP (150 AP at most each Quest)

‌S-Class: 10,000 AP (200 AP at most each Quest)

‌SS-Class: 20,000 AP (Final rank)

From G-Class 5o F-Class is pretty easy, but from then on, you'll need to complete around 30 jobs of the same Class as your own to get enough AP. Yes, it is challenging and can be very hard. But the life of an Adventurer isn't an easy one. By having a specific goal in mind, the adventurers will have a better idea of what they should do and how they should do it. Also, we record all of the completed quests and their dates of completion. So even if you don't keep a track, we will still inform you when you are able to advance.

Our information about the Adventurers are also always up-to-date thanks to our Communication Crystals which store our information in a worldwide manner, so you don't need to worry about going to a specific Adventurers' Guild or staying in a single place for a ranking up.

3: Quest Boards. To take on quests, you will need to take the quest that you want to take from one of those Quest Boards on the walls. As you can see, they are separated by Classes. So you just need to look into the Class that your current Class is, or the lower Classes. The information, reward and the AP awarded by the quest will be written in the Quest Paper, so you won't need to worry about anything.

To accept a quest, you just need to take a Quest Paper from the Quest Board that you can and bring it to the receptionist desk. Once the process of your acceptance of the quest has been completed, you can go ahead and complete the quest that you've accepted. But you should be careful. If you complete a quest without accepting the quest beforehand, you won't get any rewards.

That's why, please be careful. Also, there are time limits for quests. You will need to complete those quests before your time runs out after you accepted said quests. Otherwise, the quest will be considered as failed, and your AP will decrease. So please be careful to only choose quests that you are sure will be able to finish."