
Lunatic by J.A Barrientos ing

Between violence and seduction, madness and friendship, a journey filled with horror and beauty, where the hallucinatory and the dark merge into a mystery that interweaves all the characters and forge them at every step they take on this fantastic journey, while the world is filled with absolute terror at the hands of the subject carrying a red moon on their back.

DaoistviT5Rj · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 8 Between Children and Teachers

The statuette of Dante exploded before everyone's eyes, who ran as fast as their legs allowed them to where the young vampire was, but deep down they already knew it was too late.

A light came out from inside the relic and quickly entered Jack's body, who was the closest person to the emanated energy.

Neltair fell to his knees, he had lost the statuette of Dante, it was undoubtedly a new failure, something he could not afford, seized with fury, he displayed a dozen daggers in the air, then shouted

-Tenma Ryuosekay

Also known as "Palm of True Heaven" not only did it allow absolute control of the daggers through its wielder's ki strings, but its destructive power was amplified to such an extent that its impact force could be considered equal to the of a large caliber bullet.

The attack was mercilessly fired at Jack. It was undoubtedly an excessive use of force, but Neltair no longer mattered to him, if the statuette was not his it would not belong to anyone.

However, his attack was stopped by a wall of air that deflected the daggers upwards causing them to collide with the roof of the place, then Albert jumped from behind the wall of air.

Moving his hands at an impossible speed, he generated a tiger made of air created by the speed of movement of his fists, the translucent animal attacked with a mighty roar the assassin who was caught in a tornado as ferocious as the jaws and claws of a real tiger. .

Neltair was so stunned by the joint use of two of the more difficult seed techniques that he had no time to react or protect himself. Him ending up slammed completely against the wall. The blow had been devastating, even his clothes had been destroyed just like his body, the seed had completely lost consciousness.

- Ryu Fu Fu Toya

Albert looked somewhat agitated, his air technique consumed a lot of his strength and energy, it had consisted of launching a kick so powerful into the air that it created a current of wind as strong as a wall, known as "Ryu fu" or "Palm of air", followed by another technique that consisted of launching a series of blows so fast and with such precision that they distorted the air itself, giving it the shape of a powerful tiger "Fu toya" or "tiger of air". Both techniques were extremely complicated, but only a master among masters could use a combination of both creating a new technique "Air Tiger Palm".

Albert rearranged his hat and stood protecting Jack, keeping an eye on the priest who was now applauding euphorically.

- Bravo, bravísimo!, you used one, no wait, those were two! seed technique against themselves. That only proves that you are the god of war, the master of all techniques and forms of combat, you are the one they call the great Ares!

- You're wrong, I'm not - Albert replied calmly - but the important thing now is, will you also face me?

"Oh no, of course not," said the priest with a big smile as he sheathed his weapons and adjusted his clothes, "this time I will retire." After all, it is not possible to separate a being from the figurine by normal methods. If I kill him we will lose the power of the figurine for 100 years, the other option might be to take him with me, but keeping a demon like that alive would be a problem. The best thing will be to watch it from afar, and wait until it is necessary to go for it. For now I guess I have to assume I lost.

The priest limped up the stairs where he saw the unconscious Neltair buried in the wall.

- See you Neltair, you're lucky. I've had so much fun that I'll spare your life, although I don't think you're listening to me- the priest laughed out loud and left the site.

Albert ran to help Diane, although he didn't have the dagger in her body she looked really bad. Albert took a knife from his pants and cut her hand, clenched her fist and a trickle of blood fell directly on the lips of the vampire who quickly drank the blood.

She opened her eyes wide after a few seconds of drinking it and without thinking she tried to bite Albert's hand, who withdrew it before she reached it, she did not give up and tried to bite him several times, her movements were too faster and more agile than normal, but they were no match for Albert who easily evaded her. The scene didn't look like a vampire chasing his prey, it was more like a kitten trying to catch an elusive light that wouldn't stay still.

The archaeologist already tired of the annoying princess. He grabbed her clothing and pulled it away from her bleeding hand, she struggling to break free of her grasp like a desperate feline, until the blood taking combustion ended and she came to her senses.

"That will be enough for you to move on your own," Albert said, leaving her on the ground. "After all, you are a very strong vampire."

"I'm not strong, I'm pathetic" said the young woman as her eyes filled with tears and she collapsed on the ground completely devastated.

- pathetic or not, you guys won this time. He has the power of dante.

Diane stared at Jack who was unconscious. She couldn't contain her crying anymore and she ran to hug him with joy.

- as a step? she asked as she pressed him against her chest.

- I think it was a team effort with him - I point to Christopher's corpse, Diane seeing him, felt that she was brought to reality suddenly, she gently left Jack on the ground and slowly walked towards where her best friend lay and most faithful soldier She caressed her inert face that was now human again. When she died she had lost her transformation, she hugged him tightly and then gave a heartrending cry and collapsed into tears.

Albert understood the pain that the girl was going through, for that very reason he didn't want to stay another second in that place. He walked over to where the seed was and grabbed the unconscious Neltair.

If he woke up and the boys were still there, maybe he could be a danger to them, the best thing to do was to take him and get him away as much as he could. Then at the exit he said.

-Okay kids, we'll see you later. They better get stronger. If you decide to marry Bacon's 13 relics, you'll find people even better than these guys, and even better than myself.

Diane watched Albert walk away and remembered her father's words. About a subject who was called the master of all the arts and techniques of war, the one who was invincible and unstoppable. Who in a single night destroyed the Vatican without help, defeated the 13 royal guards of his father. She even embarrassed the seed king, the legendary god Ares. that drunk was him, there was no doubt.


Well, the daily chapters officially end today, I hope you are enjoying the story as much as I am writing it, don't forget to leave your comments and recommend it, see you in Thursday's chapter!

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