
Lunar Ascension

HIATUS. (It will be finished though)

monawrita · Fantasie
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80 Chs

Dinner of Four

After returning from Price's residence, Lucian arrived home late.

"Brother, you seem more sociable than usual. Or were you out working?" Henry inquired.

"No, I went shopping during the day and later visited Elizabeth," Lucian gestured towards the newly acquired cane by the front door.

Henry's eyes followed Lucian's gesture. "Ah, you've finally gotten a cane. I've been suggesting it for years. Any progress with Elizabeth?"

Lucian shrugged. "Not much, just some studying."

"You should consider telling her how you feel. I believe she might feel the same way about you," Henry advised.

Lucian's response was serious. "I doubt it."

Sensing Lucian's subdued mood, Henry probed gently. "Seems like you had a long day."

"You could say that," Lucian replied, signaling that he wasn't inclined to discuss it further.

In an attempt to brighten the mood, Henry suggested, "How about this? Tomorrow, you, me, Elizabeth, and Victoria - we all dine together at a restaurant!"

"That sounds good," Lucian agreed.

While Lucian freshened up in the bathroom, Henry prepared food. Although he offered, Lucian declined, opting to retire to his room for the night.


7th of August, Saturday.

Lucian's night was restless, plagued by nightmares of the man he had killed. He woke frequently, struggling to find rest.

He awoke late, the pangs of hunger finally breaking through. Contemplating his next move, he muttered to himself, "I don't know whether to continue sleeping or to go eat."

Opting for the latter, he wore a comfortable black collared shirt and matching pants, then made his way to the living room, ashtray in hands.

"Looks like you've had a tough night. Did something happen between you two yesterday?" Henry finally broached the subject, noticing his brother's late awakening and the filled ashtray.

"No, nothing like that. Is there something to eat? I'm starving."

"I made breakfast earlier and tried to wake you, but you were out cold. I stashed the leftovers in the icebox," Henry explained.

"Alright," Lucian replied absentmindedly, his thoughts consumed by the matter of the Bart Family and how to ensure everyone's safety.

"I'll head out shortly to invite them to Lurce's. I plan to spend some time at Victoria's afterward." said Henry with a determined nod.

Later, Henry stepped out to extend an invitation to Elizabeth and Victoria for a dinner gathering at Lurce's, set for 17:30. Lurce's was a well-known middle-class restaurant, typically bustling and fully booked. Yet, due to Henry's legal connections with the owner, securing a table was never an issue.

Lucian retrieved the leftovers and began to eat, his mind deep in thought.

I'm alone now. To protect them, I must delve into these mysteries, but without entangling myself with Selena. I need to understand why they're after us. It's possible. With a well-crafted plan, improved mastery of my powers, and thorough research, I can do this without her. And if something goes wrong, I'll have to call for her.. I don't want to watch anyone die.

I should get that brown goo and the revolver from the basement. Maybe I'll read a bit more from the 'Diverse Devotions'. There are other books too, although none have stood out. Perhaps one of them holds something useful.


Henry decided to visit Elizabeth first to ensure she has enough time to get ready.

Knock Knock

The servant, not recognizing him, inquired, "Good afternoon. And you are?"

"I'm Henry Wright. I've come to invite Elizabeth to join us for dinner at Lurce's," Henry stated seriously.

"Would you like to speak with her directly? If so, please come in and wait in the living room," the servant offered, gesturing the way.


Stepping into the Price family's residence, Henry's demeanor remained composed. Fancy houses and places were no novelty to him, given his profession as a lawyer, often necessitating visits to noble estates.

He settled into a chair, awaiting Elizabeth's arrival.

"Hello, Henry. I've been informed by the servant that you'd like to invite me to dinner. May I ask why?" Elizabeth inquired.

"Well, I noticed Lucian seemed a bit down, so I thought it would be nice for all of us to have dinner together. You, me, Lucian, and my beloved Victoria," Henry explained.

"Oh, that's a wonderful idea! When and where?" Elizabeth responded with excitement.

Urghh.. Why didn't I think of that?

"At Lurce's, at 17:30," Henry confirmed.


At Victoria's Residence:

Henry and Victoria embraced tightly, having not seen each other in a week. After a moment, Henry gently pulled back and 'proposed'.

"Victoria, would you like to join us for dinner later tonight? It'll be my brother, us, and soon-to-be-brother's wife, Haha. We're meeting at Lurce's at 17:30."

"Of course! How's your brother doing? It feels like ages since I've seen him. Is he still alive, Haha?" Victoria teased.

Henry's expression turned somber, signaling for her to take the matter seriously. He replied, "He's been a bit withdrawn and acting strangely. He's taken up smoking, landed a mysterious high-paying job from Thomas Price, and disappears for extended periods."

"Hmm. That's quite a change. Maybe he's just finding his way and seeking some independence from you," Victoria mused, her gaze drifting upwards as she pondered the possibilities.


Sitting in the hidden chamber, Lucian examined the brown, gooey substance on his small table, its faint aura still glowing.

"Why is it glowing?" he wondered aloud.

His hand reached out, exploring the strange texture reminiscent of Earth's playtoy, slimes. It gave him an icky feeling.


Attempting to crush it with force, he clenched his hand tightly. Instead of breaking, it expanded, enveloping both the top and bottom of his hand.

"It's just like slime. Although it looks like this, considering it came from the shadow, maybe it's useful," he pondered, easing his grip.

I should probably invest in a revolver holster. Carrying it at my waist is impractical. Even if I might not use it, it's wise to have it close by.

Turning his attention to 'Diverse Devotions', Lucian decided to read it through this time. He knew Henry would likely be away for a while.

An hour later, he finished reading, gaining fresh insights and recalling forgotten knowledge.

So, there's no mention of a God of Wind. But there are numerous cults! I don't know why I'm surprised. I've seen a goddess, I'm apparently a 'Believer,' and I know Gods exist. Anything is possible in this world.

The cults vary widely. There's one devoted to a Goddess of Lust and Love, called 'Everlasting Bliss.' I wonder what powers she bestows. Another worships the Demon God, known as 'Free Will.' Then there's a cult dedicated to the God of Death, 'The Seekers of Life.' Lastly, a cult worshiping the Goddess of Shadow, 'Order of Shadows'.

Some of the cult names seem almost contradictory to the gods or goddesses they represent. It's quite funny. 'The Seekers of Life' believing in the God of Death? The connection is almost comical.

Lucian eyed the bookshelf and picked up a new title, 'Mysticism Apprentice', placing it deliberately on the table. He retrieved the revolver and the strange goo, then left the chamber and entered his room.

Opening his pocket watch, he saw the time: 16:27, knowing Henry would arrive soon. He discreetly stashed both the revolver and the gooey substance beneath his bed.

Upon Henry's arrival, the two brothers retreated to their respective chambers to prepare, donning their most exquisite and costly attire.

Lucian adorned his customary elegant suit, complete with a top hat, and now, he carried a cane for added flair. Meanwhile, Henry wore a crisp, white collared shirt paired with a light blue patterned waistcoat and matching pants. This two-piece ensemble exuded elegance and sophistication.