
Luna in Disguise

Anora Windrunner was once the beloved Luna of the Forester Pack. Being unrivaled in beauty, compassion, and intelligence, she served her pack well. Even giving her mate, Luther Windrunner, a few pups to carry on their lineage. Life seemed perfect as she enjoyed her days of motherhood and being the doting wife of Luther. Until her son's 10th birthday when a rival pack planned a raid in their pack house. The raid resulted in the death of her beloved mate, her pups, and pretty much their entire pack. If it hadn't been for her pregnancy, she contemplated ending her own life. Being separated from the other surviors, Anora ended up in the woods of the Rouges, seeking refuge. Unfortunately, she comes to learn that the other rouges don't take so kindly to her pack. Having to hide her identity as Ann Wind to protect her unborn pup, she blends into the rouges. However, she experiences a lot of abuse and cruel words. Then one day they run her into the pack territory of Pinetop Pack, who captures her. After being brought to the pack house by the guards, she is spared by the Alpha who gives her the chance to join his pack. A new adventure awaits her and her unborn pup as she hides in her enemies territory under the illusion of being Ann Wind.

Dead_Gamer_Manx · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Chapter 4: Morning Sickness

~ 1 Week Later

I rolled out of bed, pain rippled through my abdomen and I gasped hugging my belly. The pain was starting to get to where it hit me once a day. This morning, it was accompanied by morning sickness.

I felt the bile coming up my throat as I immediately jumped out of bed and rushed down the hallway to one of the bathrooms. Slamming the door behind me, I hunch over the toilet. Vomitting up all my stomach contents. After losing whatever remained of my dinner I ate last night, I sat back on my feet panting. I had never got sickness or pains so early in my previous pregnancies. This worried me a little, but it was still too early to ask Travis for help. I didn't know if I could trust him, but soon I'd have no choice. I needed to see a healer and make sure the baby was still safe.

I sighed and stood up, washing my face off in the sink. I stared at my reflection, for a second I didn't recognize myself. I was once the proud and beloved Luna to Luther and now. I could see the skin barely hanging on my collar bone after a month of malnourished living.

Our pup means the world to me, my love. I will carry on for this pup. Nothing will take this one away from me. I hope you are taking care of ours in the plains. I thought to myself, feeling a sense of loneliness.

After freshening up, I opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. I didn't even notice the Alpha standing outside at first.

"Are you okay?" He asked, peering at me with concern.

"I'm fine..." I lied, "must've ate something bad last night. I've got a really sensitive stomach."

Travis didn't seem entirely convinced by my excuse, but he didn't press it. Instead he just said, "I'll have one of the other omegas watch Andrew today. Please get some rest. I don't like to see my pack members suffering."

"Thank you." I said earnestly. I was actually a little surprised at the kindness he displayed. He had no reason to worry over a lesser Rank pack member as the Alpha, but he did. His attention to his pack members reminded me a lot of Luther.

Travis nodded to me and walked off to his office. I walked down stairs and spotted Nat, preparing breakfast. Once she spotted me, she eagerly waved to me.

"Ann! Come here!" She called out to me.

I walked over to her and touched my forehead to hers, a little sign of greeting we shared. It helped make our false mother daughter relationship seem more real.

"Hello Nat, how did you sleep?" I asked her.

Nat smiled at me, "It beats sleeping in a shack in the woods with holes in the roof. At least it's dry and warm. Plus I have an actual bed now."

"That's good news." I smiled back at her.

Nat's eyes darkened and she looked around before whispering, "How have you been doing with the pregnancy? It's been about a week since we arrived here. Are you still... ya know?"

"Yes. I'm still getting pains. I've also been having a lot of morning sickness. It's getting harder to hide. I am starting to worry." I admitted, raising my eyebrows in sadness.

"Maybe you should ask Travis about seeing the healer?" She proposed.

"I wanna give it some more time first, I'm still pretty early. I'm only 8 weeks pregnant. Hopefully, I will be able to wait till I can trust Travis before I ask him." I whispered.

Nat seemed to understand what I was telling her. She returned to her cheerful self and declared, "Well since you're not feeling well, I'll bring you some breakfast up stairs when it's finished. Please go rest!"

I sighed dramtically, "Alpha Travis told me the same thing. I guess I have to now."

I smiled cheekily at Nat who giggled. I know deep down, she is just excited about my pup. It gave her something to look forward to since she hadn't really gotten to experience the gift of motherhood and her attempt at acting as a mother led to James's abusive ways.

This time, she'd be able to love something innocent and pure. Something that can love her back. I wanted to give Nat that feeling of fulfillment with her family. Even if it wasn't blood. She deserved some good memories with her adopted family.

Nat practically pushed me upstairs and I finally went to my room. I opened the door and walked into the room. I was grateful to Travis for his generosity. I had a room with a queen sized bed against the back wall. The bed has a soft mattress and even softer blankets to top it off. The dresser had plenty of space and he had his guards go get me some fresh clothes. He told me no member of his pack should suffer and since I was his sons nanny, I needed an environment that didn't add to my stress, so I could keep giving Andrew the best of my abilities.

I rolled up in the soft blankets and just as I dozed off. The door opened.

There in the doorway, stood a sleepy pup rubbing his eyes.

Andrew murmured, "I had a nightmare and daddy said you were sick. Can I sleep with you? I wanna help..."

I blinked in surprise to see the little pup this early, but nodded. "Yes. Come on."

Andrew climbed up in the bed with me. He yawned and stretched his little limbs. He nestled himself into my neck and slide under the blankets. My pups also did this when they were little. So I instinctively reach out and held Andrew to me. His little eyes fluttered before closing. Once I heard his soft little snores, I also dozed off. I missed being a mother and having this little guy around helped me a little. I couldn't wait to have my own pup again though.