
LUNA'S RETURN:Keeping his son

"Mate!" He called and she turned swiftly knowing he felt what she was feeling "Alpha..." Kayden called in a whisper as his hand went for her face caressing her cheek warmly *** Alpha Xerxes bethroned to Kamila daughter of Alpha Loren of the Wild glow pack, mates and marks Kayden a night before his mating ceremony. Realising he marked a weak omega he rejects her. As punishment for seducing the alpha she is to serve his wife as a maid. When Kamila was found with a child, Kayden is chased away... What happens when Alpha Xerxes finds his wife's biggest secret and her reason behind making him chase Kayden away. He sets out to find Kayden who had moved on with her new mate, Alpha Dark his stepfather. Will he find his child and reclaim his mate? Will he hate her for keeping his child from him?

faith_david · Fantasie
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6 Chs



The Alpha led me to a door in the far end of his chamber where a maid was waiting with a key, he collected the key from her and dismissed her. He opened the door and a dusty room came to view. He stepped inside the room and I followed

"Make this room sparkle" he instructed and I turned immediately hoping I misheard him

"Excuse me?" I asked looking directly at him

"I believe you heard me" he replied his eyes turning red

"I can't" I blurted and I saw surprise in his eyes which immediately changed to disgust. Somehow I felt peace despite my disobedience knowing I stood up for myself. "I don't know why you are doing this to me but it's unfair, this punishment is unjust"

"Unjust? You deserve to be ripped limb by limb till there's nothing left of you, until then, I don't think you have been punished" he spat with so much hatred and bitterness

"For what? Huh? Tell me my offence" I demanded taking a step closer to him

"Seduction, whoredom and flirting" also taking a step closer

"I never seduced you or forced you to do anything you didn't want to, Alpha"

"And Blake?"

"I wasn't flirting with Blake, he was helping me take out something from my hair"I explained visibly getting pissed

"Taking out something from your hair with his hands all over you and your bodies meeting huh?" He asked jerking my shoulder as he roughly turned me to wall, holding my hands tightly to my back with his right hand and roughly pinning my head to the wall rubbing his face angrily on my hair sniffing it. Making our bodies press hard against each other till I could feel a bulge on my back. "That didn't look like help to me, he was fucking going to kiss you"

"I don't know what you think you saw but I don't give a damn" I fired struggling to free myself from his grip and he released his grip and I freed myself turning immediately but he didn't move instead his figure loomed over me making me look up to him.

"I don't want to see you anywhere around Blake" he commanded his eyes blood shot and I let out a soft laugh which added to his fury

"That's never going to happen" I said firmly and his hand went for my neck choking me

"You will do as I say" he added whispering in my ear with so much anger still squeezing my neck, even while he choked me I was determined to be strong

"It's too late, he's laid me already" I lied and his grip on my neck lessen as surprise destabilized him till he let go and I rubbed my neck coughing slightly

"Of course," he stated after getting over the shock "You are nothing but a disgusting slut" he spat

"Yea... and so are you" I reminded him and his hand flew across my face taking me to my knees. He grabbed my shoulders raising me up immediately and I felt a sword on my throat. My heart beat increased and I felt my confidence leaving me. Skye immediately took over.

"I'll kill you before you turn my pack into a brothel" he threatened

"Go ahead Xerxes" Skye dared him and I screamed inwardly afraid for us, the sword was already cutting my neck and I could smell blood.

"Kayden?" He asked and I knew immediately that it was Mac

"It's Skye Mac" she corrected as he brought down the sword throwing it away.

"Why are infuriating him?" He asked holding her hand gently

"He was going to kill us Mac, the earlier the better for us"

"How can you say that mate, how will we live without you, you ever think about the guilt that'll kill us afterwards?"

"Look Mac, I don't want to leave you, it's hard for me too but I am tired of the way he treats me. And for me, it's better we are killed than to be rejected." She informed him cupping his face, she watched his eyes become teary and she was moved with compassion "Why do you care so much Mac" she asked and he crashed his lips on hers for an answer. Skye was not one to be moved easily but she fell for her mate hard and gave herself. He took her lips passionately and with so much desire. But I reminded her that Kamila could walk in and if that happens Xerxes would kill us. She pulled away gently. He bent down picked the sword and looked at us again.

"I'll take this away before he tries to kill you again. Don't worry about the room I'll send some maids to clean up the place" he informed before walking away sadly.

I walked out of the palace quickly trying to avoid the Alpha after leaving Nanan in the kitchen. I walked a little distance before seeing Blake who seemed like he had been waiting for a long time.

"I'm so sorry for keeping you for long, you know how Nanan loves to keep me" I apologised when I got to him.

"No no Kayden, I just got out too" he explained

"Oh..." "I saw the doctor leaving the chamber just now, who's sick?" I asked as we walked together

"Oh, he came to check on the Luna"

"The Luna?" I asked alarmed "She was alright when I left her, what happened?" I asked worried

"Kayden, the Luna... the Luna is with a child" he announced and I stopped. For a moment I lost track of myself as my mind went blank and all I could hear was my heavy heartbeat.

"Are you okay?" He asked supporting me with his hand as I almost fell

"Yes, thanks" I thanked him regaining my balance "Isn't it too early, I mean, can she really get pregnant within such a short period of time?"

"Kayden, it's been three months since they got married, I think it's possible" he explained and waited giving me some time to assimilate the information. "I think we should go back inside you don't look well" he advised and I didn't object. As we walked into the palace gate, Cyrus informed Blake that the Alpha wanted to see him and he had to leave me immediately. I needed to see Nanan, my wolf was confused and so was I. I was almost at the kitchen when I saw the Luna smiling beautifully as she approached. From where she was, she kept mouthing "I am pregnant" and I was forced to smile at her pretending to be happy. In her excitement, she didn't care much about the stairs by her side and missed a step, I opened my mouth to warn her but it was too late. I ran to her only to watch her hit the floor screaming my name. I looked up immediately when I saw two pairs of legs and my heart raced when I saw Blake and Xerxes at the other end. I was in a terrible situation and I looked from myself up on the stairs to the lifeless Luna who laid down then to Blake whose eyes held surprise and to Xerxes' cold gaze. I ran down the stairs as Blake rushed to the Luna carrying her

"Call the doctor" he said to the other guard but my eyes remained fixed on the Alpha who eyes were boring into mine with disappointment taking calculated steps towards me. All I could do was shake my head negatively as the gap between us closed.

"How could you?" He asked so calmly that I feared for my life. "All she did was to love you and defend you, why?" Nanan had appeared too and I cried the more

"I didn't do anything Alpha, I didn't even touch her"

"She's pregnant Kayden, she's with my child" he added his eyes holding so much emotions and even though it was the first time he was addressing me with my name, the circumstance didn't allow me rejoice

"You have to believe me" I pleaded holding his hand, he looked from my face to my hand that was on his to my eyes.

"You have five minutes to leave this pack, else I rip you apart myself" he sentenced me his voice still calm.

"Alpha, please believe me. I didn't do-"

"Five minutes Kayden... five" he finalised removing my hand from his as he walked towards the direction Blake went with the Luna.