
Hila Dari Maxima

Before Hilda could recuperate completely from her sickness. Her 14th Birthday arrived and with it the right to go to the Assessment day of the academy. Unlike most Orphans Hilda's birthday was documented.

Hilda had been brought to the orphanage by a heavily wounded soldier, when she was a small child at the age of 5. The soldier handed a stack of documents to the caretaker. While they talked. before the soldier walked out of the orphanage to get treatment. He never came back so the caretaker assumed he died.

The document revealed astonishing information I couldn't trust my eyes when I saw them as an adult. Hila Dari Maxima is the descendant of a Count from the Hillside Empire. The Hillside Empire is one of the bigger ones on Paschol. By the time Hilda was born the Hillside Empire was at war with 2 other states and by the time she was brought to the orphanage it had been 4.

Even today The war is still raging and the Hillside Empire hasn't found peace. The current situation (by the time of transcription) is not looking so good for the survival of said empire. So all in all her noble blood isn't worth much. The kind of effort it would take to conquer the land that is her birthright wouldn't be worth it.

Hila Dari changed into Hilda and the noble child turned into just another orphan. Nine years later there wasn't anything of the foreign noble girl noticeable. I doubt that Hilda even remembered her old family.

The orphanage hosted a party for Hilda. Unfortunately she was not fit enough to enjoy it thoughtfully. Now you must think that there was a party every other day, for whoever had their birthday. This is true but at the same time it isn't. There is only a party for the 14th, the 15th, the 16th, the 17th and the 18th birthday if you attend the academy and have passable grades. If your grades are bad you only get one for your 14th and your 18th.

If your party is celebrated you will receive a freshly baked cake to share with your friends. It is important to know that there was no shortage of food in the orphanage. The children even got meat regularly, the food was nutritious and balanced. Luxurious goods were rare and only the older ones were allowed to own them.

Candy and cake were the rarest things for us. I can assure you that cake is the best. I was about 1 Year old, and I could have spoken in coherent and articulated sentences but I wasn't sure if that was a good Idea. So I kept my vocabulary to one liners.

I was already creepy and weird, no need to attract attention in a state where I can not defend myself. I was already so far ahead of other one year old children. The only comparison I had were the other orphans and the youngest of them was 5 years old so as long as I am not surpassing his skills too soon It should work out.

At the party I was successful in securing a piece of my first cake. Yes, you read that correctly in my first life I had been a slave. I never had something that tasted so good in my first life. I am excluding the breast milk I got from Hilda, it's divine taste never had competition.

Later that day the head caretaker brought Hilda to the Academy to get her assessment. The big question, Does Hilda have a Magic affinity or not?

They wanted to leave me behind. But they had made this calculation without the great me. I cried as loud as possible until they finally relented and took me with them to watch.

I call this move: How a toddler gets what he wants 101

After the tremendous power that it took me to use this move I needed to be carried around. Hilda carried me and showed me the way to the academy. The streets around the orphanage were paved roads that were lined in stonebuildings. The state of the buildings was ok. If I had to name their epoch, I would say somewhere between peak pre tech and initial tech era. In the world I come from the tech age started with the discovery of electricity.

Yet this estimation is not totally accurate, Magic and its infinite applications have elevated the standard of living for everyone. Even the less fortunate profit from it. But the true marvels of magic were only available to the nobles. The higher the rank the more fancy their things.

As we walked to the streets to the academy I found out that they had invented a form of magical light source but the only time I saw it was at the front of a shop that had 4 heavy armored guards with helbards at the front gate. It was a magic shop, to be precise it was 'Freddy's Magical Wonderland'. It was renowned for the high end magical stuff it produced.

The academy itself was a grand and imposing building. Actually the academy was a complex of multiple buildings that have all different purposes, but from outside that wasn't obvious. Only the highest towers reached above the giant wall that was over 30 meters (98ft) high. The academy occupies a land of roughly 2,5 km² (~1 square mile). It was ginormous. I could try to describe its beauty, but you have to see it with your own eyes to understand it.

We walked up to the Entrance Hall. The only entry point into the academy if you are earthbound. A contingent of 50 armored Guards stood in front of the gate. Additionally 10 Mages in long colored robes stood among them. Some had weapons strapped on their waist or back, but the majority had long runic staffs, battle wands. Everyone in the academy learned to use them. It is a mandatory class that you have to take, no matter if you are from the lowest knight class or from the highest Magus class.

The Entrance Hall was a great hall with a lot of space, where everything related to the outside business of the Academy was handled. A lot of people filled the room. At the back of the Hall was a Door that was flanked by two elders in gray robes that held battle wands in their hands. Their battle wands were similar yet different to the ones of the outside guards, they were more powerful, and a lot more powerful.

They were single elemental mages, yet despite their ordinariness no one who wasn't a student dared to approach them. The Door they guarded led to the mission hall of the Academy which is the true entry into the academy.

On the far left side of the Entry hall was a long line of boys and girls at the age of 14. There were a lot of parents guards and whatnot around them. Yet the number of kids easily reached double the adults.

This was our destination. The assessment queue. One might think that it would take long to move forward in the queue, which isn't the case. Yes it takes time for someone to do the test but normally only 10-20 seconds pass before the next one can be tested. It was also important that you were 14 years old. The only exceptions are made for those that become 14 before the school year starts.

Some of the boys and girls in line had a magic glow but most of them hadn't. This was also the first time that I realized that the elemental glow was different from person to person and even if they had the same color the light was still different.

It was also easy to spot the spoiled brats and the decent nobles among the sea of commoners.

Seven people caught my eye.

The first and second were 2 young men clearly twins with an intense purple glow around them. I had yet to learn the meaning of the different colors. So i had no Idea that it was the lightning affinity but those two are rather well known for their power nowadays. Mick and Rocky the Lightning brothers. Also known as the right and the left Guardians of the Nature Tower.

The third was a petite girl with a blue glow that was filled with white lines. Shakill Amagriss, This girl is a legend. She is the first female Admiral in the Hesmaton Kingdom. I don't know where she currently is but it shouldn't be hard to find out.

The fourth was a boy with a black glow that had a red glowing dot at the back. He also made it quite far, his achievements are known far and wide. But not in a good way. This is Gerak Palarius also known as the Bandit Lord.

The fifth was a girl with green hair that had the glow of blue and yellow. I never seen or heard of her ever again.

The sixth was a tall guy that was clearly from a powerful family. His glow was golden with green dots all over the place. Nowadays he is the Royal Healer and the only reason the King is still alive.

Last but not least was a young girl with silver hair that emitted a fourfold glow red, blue, green and yellow. She had 4 bulky guards around her. It was obvious that she was an important person. Her place was exactly in front of us in the line.