

Virginia Boone, a business executive nicknamed the "Ice Bitch," is a legendary ball buster who is recognized for getting the job done and getting it done correctly. She is in an ideal position to become the current CEO of Renault Corporation given her reputation and accomplishments, but Steve Newton, the owner's grandson, and a Harvard graduate and child genius takes it away from her. Virginia deserves the position of CEO, and Steve Newton is not interested in taking it, but neither of them can do anything about boardroom politics. Actually, she is the only thing he has any intentions of pursuing. He is forced to make a dangerous and desperate effort to win her heart, nevertheless, when she unexpectedly leaves. Before she figures out his trick and he loses her permanently, he must persuade her that despite their differences, they are meant to be together.

DaoistoOewVz · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

Virginia pulled her ruby red convertible Ferrari into her reserved parking spot and flipped the ignition to off. She hadn't submitted an official letter of resignation so her spot was empty, since technically it was still hers. She'd planned to give her notice today, but all that had changed when Steve stormed from her home in a fit last night.

She dragged in a ragged breath as she gripped the steering wheel.

"What did I do?" She asked herself for what must have been the hundredth time. Long after Steve's departure, she'd tossed and turned, unable to sleep. At first, memories of their lovemaking had kept her up. The sex had been explosive—mind numbing.

She'd had her share of lovers in the past, enough to know that her experience with Steve had been special.

"Shit. That stupid word again," she spat out, hating that it kept creeping back into her thoughts whenever she thought of him, which was every waking moment. And when she wasn't thinking of him and the amazing sex, then there were his words which he'd spoken before he'd stormed out. Yes, he was young, but he was a full grown man. And he'd never done anything in the time she'd known him to suggest that he was irresponsible or immature.

"But he's just so young," she whined. What would her friends think? She bounced her forehead against the steering wheel three times. They would think she was a desperate cradle robber cougar who'd been so sprung off the sex that she'd been foolish enough to get herself knocked up by her boy lover.

"Hell, if it wasn't me, that's what I would think," she muttered dryly and checked her reflection in the mirror on her visor. "Ugh," she mumbled in disgust as she stared at her haggard expression. It was guilt, plain and simple. No matter that she had been less the seductress and more the seduced, she'd lain awake all night because she was too old to be sleeping with Steve, and should have had sense enough to stop things before they'd gotten out of hand. But she hadn't. Quite the opposite. She'd practically flung herself head first into a sordid affair.

"And now you could be pregnant, you dummy," she chastised herself because as soon as Steve left, she'd raced upstairs to check her calendar, and based upon her calculations, she sat somewhere between a miracle and a prayer.

She banged her head against the steering wheel three more times for good measure. "Just so stupid, stupid, stupid."

She sat there alone in her car for several more minutes until she felt strong enough to gather her things and make the short trek inside. She knew Steve had an early morning meeting and decided to head him off before he got any ideas about showing up at her door to finish the account.

As angry as he'd been, she'd doubted he would even return, but when she remembered that he had to finish the account, she concluded he really had no other choice. But she did. What had seemed like a good idea—to work on the account from the comfort of her home had backfired. So now she was back at the office for the next two weeks.

No way they could slip up again if they were at the very busy, very occupied office. At least that's what she hoped.

Steve scowled at his computer screen as he sat back in his chair to rub his hand across the scratchy stubble along his jaw.

She thought she was so clever coming into the office. She thought it would be easier to keep him at arm's length if they were in the safety of their office. She was wrong.

He glanced at the clock. Ten p.m. They'd been there all day, working on the account, shuttling back and forth between their offices with questions, both professional and polite. Both pretending as if nothing had changed. But everything had changed.

He shrugged out of his suit jacket and removed his tie. What was he doing? Here he was working on an account that was already done in an effort to woo a woman who was as stubborn as a mule. This was not working out at all how he planned.

"That's because you didn't plan, you idiot. You just acted," he grumbled in frustration. Like an immature, spoiled, fool, he wanted to add, but figured idiot was enough.

And now because of his impulsive actions, Virginia could well in fact be pregnant and as a result she was barely speaking to him. He'd spoken the truth last night. He wanted children, and he was fine with having them now. Granted, he would have liked to have waited a couple of years so he could scale back on his hours at work.

His father had been a workaholic who was rarely around when he was growing up so he'd sworn to himself that when he had kids he would be there for them. But as he'd told Virginia last night, they would figure things out together. He refused to let work interfere with the raising of his child. But between the two of them, Virginia was actually the true workaholic. Yet somewhere deep down he sensed having a child would change that.

Leaning back in his chair, he closed his eyes as he imagined Virginia as a mother, and smiled at the thought of seeing her belly swell with his child and how an active toddler would be just what she needed to upset her carefully ordered life. He knew she would make an excellent mother. Patient, attentive, loving.

The sound of his office door slamming shut jarred him from his fantasy and his eyes snapped open to see the very object of his thoughts, standing before him with her hands balled on her hips, wearing a frown across her face.

"I can't believe you've fallen asleep again. I was just about to tell you that I was going to go, thinking you were hard at work." She stalked across the room to stand behind him and stared at his computer. "How far have you even gotten?"

He swiveled his chair around, throwing her off balance so that he had to grasp her hips in order to steady her before she fell across him.

"I just closed my eyes for a second. Besides, I've been working on this for eleven hours straight. Even if I haven't gotten as far as you would have liked, I'm done for the night too."

She narrowed her eyes at his slight reprimand. "Fine, well good night then," she said tightly and planted her feet so that she could stand up straight. "You can let go of me now. I'm not going to fall." She frowned when his hands remained at her hips.

In one fluid motion he stood to his feet, leaned back against his desk, and pulled her up against him. When she struggled against him, he swung her around and pinned her between him and the desk.

"Steve," she said on a weary sigh, her face twisting into a scowl. "I thought we understood each other. Last night was a onetime thing, never to happen again."

He leaned forward, burying his face into her neck. "I understood no such thing."

She pushed against his chest. "Steve, I'm serious—"

"I am too," he said in a husky whisper, and lifted her up to sit her atop his desk. Stepping between her legs he slid his hands under her skirt, along her thighs. His cock, which had stood at attention the minute she walked in, grew rock hard when his hands stroked the bare skin of her lush ass. Lacy thigh highs and a thong.

"Sexy," he groaned against her neck, in between the tiny kisses he placed along her throat where her black blouse was open. She'd loosened two buttons, but he planned to undo them all.

"Stop it, Steve," she demanded on a throaty whisper, and he chuckled softly when instead of pushing against his chest, her hands fisted into the fabric of his dress shirt.

"You don't want me to stop and you know it." He reluctantly skimmed his hands back down her thighs and reached up to push her dress jacket down her arms. He quickly tossed it aside. Then he undid the buttons of her blouse, sending the shirt flying across the room as soon as he got it off of her. Not bothering to unclasp her bra, he simply tugged the straps down so that her heavy breasts tumbled from the black, lacy cups.

"Did you lie awake last night recalling how good it felt when I slid inside you?" He grinned when a breathless moan erupted from her lips. "I know I did. I thought of you all night and how good your tight cunt felt milking my dick when you came."

"Steve," she said sharply.

He glanced at her and smiled. She stared at him with lust filled eyes, her lips drawn into a sexy pout. He knew from her expression that she too had thought about how good it had been between them the night before.

"I could barely concentrate today; my thoughts of you were so all consuming." He captured her lips in a languorous kiss and gently massaged her breasts in his hands, teasing the nipples to hardened peaks.

He squashed her breasts together and lowered his head to suckle her nipples. Sharp tingles of pleasure slid over his body at the sound of her throaty moans, and he sucked harder.

After bathing her nipples until they glistened under the muted light, he lifted his gaze to watch her. She was just so goddamned sexy, with her head thrown back, her mouth open, and her cheeks flushed a dusky rose.

He released her breasts and slid up her body, sticking one hand under her skirt which was now practically bunched up at her hips, to dip a single finger inside of her.

They both sucked in a breath simultaneously. She was dripping wet.

He pushed her thong to the side, and with one hand held it firmly in place, while he undid his pants and slipped his aching cock out with the other.

Gripping his engorged flesh within his palm, he positioned the head of his dick at the tight, wet opening of her hot cunt and pressed forward until the head slipped inside.

"Steve. No," he heard the alarm in her voice and stopped. He dragged in a shaky breath to tamp down his lust long enough for him to speak.

He met her anxious gaze. "What is it, babe?"

"We need protection."

He grinned sheepishly. "That didn't work so well for us last time."

Her eyes rounded. "You think this is funny, but I'm serious. I could really be pregnant."

"Then we don't need a condom."

Her eyes grew wider. "Steve!"

He let out a sigh and leaned his forehead against hers. "I don't have one honey, and if you could be pregnant then we don't need one."

"But what if I'm not?"

He quirked his lips into a lopsided grin. "Then we should try until you are."

She shot him a scathing look. "That's not funny, Steve."

He traced a trail of kisses across her forehead, down her cheek and along her ear, where he whispered. "I'm not joking." He dipped his head lower and kissed the hollow space between her collar bone and neck. "I hope our first child is a girl—" he murmured as he shifted his hips so his cock sank deeper inside her moist heat. "—who looks just like you," he groaned against her neck and fed her another slow inch of his stiff erection.

"Steve," she gasped and he couldn't tell if it was a warning or not.

"If you want me to stop then I will," he whispered softly. "I would never want to do anything that you're not comfortable with." He pushed forward to ease deeper inside her tight sheath. "And I would never do anything to hurt you." He paused to flick his tongue out and trace lazy circles against her soft skin but stopped abruptly when her pussy tightened around him. He closed his eyes and let out a groan as a shudder of pleasure rocked his body. "God, Virginia you can't tell me that if you feel half as strongly as I do that deep down the thought of having my child doesn't excite you just a little. That having me bare inside you doesn't turn you on just a little. That the feel of me coming inside you doesn't make you hot, because it sure as hell is making me hot for you. Damn, Virginia, I think I'm going to burn up just thinking about having your bare pussy wrapped around my dick."

When several moments ticked by in silence, he finally lifted his head to meet her gaze. Confusion and uncertainty shimmered in her eyes and he was sure that she would deny his words and push him away. But instead she reached up to snake one arm behind his neck and pulled him closer to press her lips against his. Her kiss was demanding, and he abandoned himself to the lush taste of her mouth, dragging her deeper into his embrace. He groaned against her lips, and at the same time he surged forward, seating himself fully inside her pussy.

Her eyes slid shut at the first thrust of his hard length inside her and she trembled in his arms, her pussy caving in around his cock. What the hell are you doing? She asked herself for the thousandth time. This was crazy! She barely knew Steve, and yet she was letting him do things to her body that she'd never allowed any other man to do to her before. She was always so responsible, but this was undoubtedly the craziest thing she'd ever done in her life. And the worst part was that she was loving every minute.

"God, Virginia, you feel so good gripping my cock," he moaned against her lips as he began to rock in and out of her on shallow strokes.

She tightened her thighs around him, as she let her hands roam across the muscled planes of his torso, still encased in his dress shirt. She ached to rip it from him so that her bare hands could stroke his chiseled flesh, but that would only break his rhythm, which was quickly propelling her toward orgasm.

Her eyes flew open when he slammed into her, driving into her harder. She stared into his intense eyes, as sweat beaded along his hairline, and his face twisted from the effort of holding back his climax.

She rocked her hips off the desk, thrusting them forward to send him tunneling deeper inside her.

"Virginia," he hissed.

"That's it Steve. Lose control for me. Come inside me," she rasped as her body began to tingle as the first wave of her climax welled inside her. Throwing her head back, she gripped his arms and screamed out his name at the same time he buried his length deep inside her and exploded, spurting his warm semen deep within her sheath, drenching the spasming walls of her cunt.

Their cries of ecstasy mingled together, along with the essence of their orgasms, until they were both unable to form a word. It was a long while before either of them moved, and when Steve did, she whimpered softly at the cold chill that settled over her with the loss of his warmth.

"It's alright, baby," he said, with a quick peck to her lips as he tucked himself back into his pants and straightened his clothing. "I'm just going to head to the bathroom to get us some paper towels."

"Ok," she mumbled, surprised she could even form a word. When the door closed behind him, she managed to find the strength to hop down from his desk but her wobbly legs didn't seem to want to cooperate and she grasped the edge of his desk, sending papers and objects flying as she struggled to gain her footing.

"You're too old to be fucking on a desk," she said, with a low chuckle as she righted herself. When she felt steady on her feet, she stooped down to the floor to retrieve the objects she'd sent careening down there.

Most of the objects she'd scattered were papers, but she'd also toppled a few CDs. Clutching them in her hand, she shuffled through them to make sure she hadn't broken one. She was almost done when her gaze landed on one CD in particular that made everything inside her turn cold.

"Virginia's Auckland Account," she read the words scribbled across the disc in Steve's bold handwriting.

She sat down in his chair and popped the CD into the computer, but before the spreadsheets could even come up, she already knew what she would find there. As she clicked through the files she saw every single folder from the account she'd spent three months working on.

Anger the likes of which she'd never experienced bubbled up inside her. She could almost hear her heart shattering into tiny pieces at the thought that he'd lied to her just so that he could get into her pants while they worked long hours on an account that was already done, and like a fool, she'd fallen for his charming words.

"You're an idiot," she muttered, shaking her head.

The sound of the door opening drew her gaze, and as soon as he stepped inside, she pinned Steve with a hard glare as she stood to her feet. He glanced between her and the computer screen, before returning his gaze to her, his eyes filled with remorse. He better have felt some remorse, because he certainly had a lot to be remorseful for.

"I was going to tell you—"

"When? After you got your fill of me and cast me aside."

His eyes widened as he crossed the room to stand before her, setting the paper towels he'd brought from the bathroom aside. He reached for her, but she shrinked away, the thought of him touching her was so upsetting that it nearly made her ill.

"That's not what this was about at all. I wasn't using you Virginia—"

She stared at him in disbelief. "You lied to me Steve, so that you could use the time we spent together to seduce me—"

"I did," he said taking a half step closer to her, forcing her back against his desk. "I won't lie about that. It was wrong, I know this, and I'm sorry for lying to you. You were leaving and I didn't know how to keep you in my life, so I did something desperate—,"

"Desperate? This was beyond desperate. If you wanted me in your life, why didn't you simply ask me out like a normal person?"

Something about her words seemed to set him off, because storm clouds gathered in his blue eyes and he grabbed her by her arms to drag her closer to him.

"I did ask you out. Several times, and several different ways, but you always just brushed me off. For two years, I did this. I even bought you gifts on Christmas and your birthday. Last year I even bought you a Valentine's Day gift. Most people would see those gestures as interest, but not you. You thanked me politely, but then you did what you always do. You ignored me."

He let go of one arm to shove his hand through the tousled locks of his dark hair, as he released a long, ragged sigh. "I apologized for my actions, they were wrong and deceitful, but you can't blame a guy for being desperate with you. It's been virtually impossible to get past the wall you put up."

She stared up at him, openmouthed, as small incidents from the past two years flashed through her head. She'd always thought he was just being polite, sucking up even. She'd never considered a man like him would even be remotely interested in her, so she'd ignored his subtle flirting and veiled compliments.

"Steve. I—I,"

"You're sorry? I know that's what you were about to say and you should be," he said, as he dragged her into his arms. "For two years I bided my time, nursing this insane crush. But it's not a crush," he whispered, tunneling his hand into her hair, sending her hairpins crashing to the floor. "After last night, I realized that there was something more here, and I think you realized it too."

She held his gaze, as a myriad of emotions crossed his face, and she knew she probably wore the same expression. Was it possible to fall for someone you barely knew? If it was, then she and Steve were certainly doing it.

"Steve, we're moving so fast. I want us to get to know each other better." Had she said that? Was she seriously considering dating him?

He tightened his arms around her, holding her closer, his face lighting up as he beamed down at her. "That's all I ever wanted—a chance to get to know you. I won't lie and say that I'll take it much slower, because to be honest I know I'm already half in love with you—," He grinned when she gasped in shock, her eyes wide. She was still reeling from his revelation, but he didn't miss a beat. "—but I want to give you time to fall for me too. I already know what I want, but when you commit to me, I want you to feel as certain of your decision, as I am of mine."

She arched a single brow. "Commitment? You're so sure of yourself now aren't you?" She said, her lips curling into a teasing smile.

"I knew from the moment I met you that we would end up here. I didn't know how, but I was determined. Now it's time for you to realize what I've known all along."

"Really? And what's that?"

"That despite our differences and all the obstacles we have before us, there couldn't be two people in the world more perfect for each other."