
Chapter 13: Final Exams!

Class 1-A

"Alright, that's it for class today. There's only one week left until your final exams begin." Aizawa told the class at the end of the lesson as he was leaving the classroom. "I'm sure you're all studying constantly, right? Don't forget to keep training, there's also the practical portion to worry about. Good Luck."



"I've barely taken any notes this semester!" said Ashido (18th) with laughter and Kaminari (19th) with despair. "With the sports festival and internship, I haven't had any time to read the textbook!"

"It's true that we haven't had much free time lately." Said Tokoyami (13th), sweating with anxiety. Koda (10th) nodded alongside him.

"As someone who ranked in the top 10, I'm not that concerned." Said Mineta (9th) with as much smugness as humanly possible, this made the other students very mad at him.

"Ashido, Kaminari! We've still got time to study!" Said Izuku (4th) in an attempt to support and comfort his fellow classmates. "That way we'll all go to the training camp together!"

"Yes! As class deputy, I have high hopes that we'll make UA proud!" Said Iida (2nd) alongside Izuku, both of their hands were still bandaged, courtesy of Stain.

"It's pretty hard to fail if you'd just pay attention in class." Said Todoroki (5th) in an attempt to help them but it just came off as humble bragging.

"Yeah, you guys are pretty dumb." Said Luffy (20th) with his arms crossed and a slight nod.

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY THAT TO US!" Yelled both Ashido and Kaminari, this just made Luffy laugh in their face.

"Hey don't worry about it you two, I can catch you up to speed on the important topics." Said Momo (1st) to the failing students. "Unfortunately, I won't be of much help to the practical portion."

"What're you talking about Momo? You'll do great!" Said Luffy when he noticed the depressing aura surrounding his friend. This made her feel, at least, a little better.

Soon after, Jirou (7th), Ojiro (8th), and Sero (17th) asked Momo for help on each of their own failing subjects, Momo accepted immediately with a smile on her face, happy that she was going to get some new guests.

"Oh, so we're having a party? Awesome!" Luffy said as he completely misread the situation.

"Not a party, just a little study session." Said Jirou in an attempt to stop any fantasy that Luffy may be having right now.

"But you are coming over, right? So it's a party!" Luffy said which just made the others sigh.

"Hey Momo, can you explain it to him? I can already feel a headache coming." Jirou said but Momo was too caught up in her own little fantasy of having a study session.


"I'm kinda scared about the practical, I have no idea what's gonna be." Said Izuku as he was trying to eat his noodles. Right now, he was at a table with Iida, Momo, Uraraka, Luffy, and Todoroki.

"It's hard to think they'll give us anything too crazy." Said Iida as he defended his own bowl of noodles from the monster that was Luffy.

"I'm sure it's gonna be super easy!" Said Luffy with a mouthful.

"I'm not so sure, it could be completely different from what we have faced until now." Said Momo, already done with her meal.

"From what Aizawa told us, it's gonna cover everything we've learned so far." Said Todoroki, meal already ravaged by Luffy.

"You're right, we have to make su–" Izuku was interrupted by an elbow to the back of his head.

"Oops, sorry. It's just that, your head is so big that it got in the way of my elbow." Said Monomoa from Class 1-B with a tray of food in his hands.

"You're right! He does have a big head doesn't he?!" Said Luffy as he got Izuku in a one-arm hug, almost knocking him down.

"I heard you guys ran into the hero killer, just like in the sports festival, Class 1-A isn't happy unless they are the center of attention, but you do realize you're not in the spotlight because you're good heroes right? It's just that you keep getting into so much trouble." Monomoa started going off on the present students. Most of the students were annoyed by his rant, and the rest just chose to ignore him. "Some day the rest of us will get caught up in your mess, what kind of horrible villains will you bring down up–"

"That's not funny Monomoa, you heard what happened to Iida, chill out." Said Kendo Itsuka as she karate-chopped Monomoa into unconsciousness.

"He's out." Luffy gave his expert opinion as he started to poke Monomoa in the face, before getting an idea. "Stay Here!"

"I apologize for him, I'm sure there's a hole where his heart should be." Kendo apologized while Izuku was freaking out at how easy she knocked him out. Meanwhile, Momo saw Luffy start to rummage through his bag. "So I was listening, I heard you guys were worried about what's gonna be on the big final practical. I heard it's gonna be combat against bots like the entrance exam."

"What really?! How do you know that?" Izuku asked incredulously.

"A friend a few grades up filled me in. I know, cheating, but oh well." Kendo said as Luffy got face-to-face with the still unconscious Monomoa.

"Done!" Luffy said as Izuku started muttering up a storm about information gathering, this woke up Monomoa.

"What are you doing Kendo? This was finally our chance to pull ahead of that class full of idiots!" Monomoa was reduced to silence by another karate chop to the neck.

"They're not idiots." Kendo said as she tried to hold in her laughter while dragging him back to their table. "Also, not my fault."

"Well, he definitely deserved it, but isn't it a bit childish?" Uraraka said after Kendo was out of hearing range. "Drawing on someone's face?"

"Eh? He totally deserved it!" Luffy said as he pointed to Monomoa. Momo was seen just shaking her head.

"That wasn't becoming a class representative!" Iida said as he started chopping the air. "Although, I suppose it could've been worse."


"Deku!" Bakugou suddenly said, scaring the poor greenette half to death. "I saw the way you're using your quirk, and I have to say, it's seriously pissing me off. We'll get new scores in the upcoming exam, new rankings! So we'll all know where we're standing, I'll show you how much better I am!"

Bakugou's sudden challenge put the whole class in a tense mood, not having seen Bakugou this worked up since the quirk test.

"Icy-hot! Rubber brain! I'll kill you too!" The mood quickly dissolved when they saw Luffy giving a thumbs up with his tongue sticking out in response to Bakugou's challenge. Bakugou was already out of the classroom to notice that.

Yaoyorozu Mansion,

The Gym

"Okay, Ready?" Luffy said as he prepared to throw a punch.

"You're not supposed to say when you're about to punch me Luffy." Momo said as she stood in the middle of the ring, blindfolded.

"Oh yeah, sorry." Luffy said with a small giggle before throwing a punch and knocking Momo to the floor. "Again?"

"Ugh, Dammit! Why can't I feel it?!" Momo said, growing more and more annoyed with each sparring match as she rubbed the growing bump on the back of her head. "And yes, again, until I feel the tingle again."

"You felt it that one time, and you're not feeling it anymore?" Luffy asked with a small tilt of his head.

"It's not that I don't feel it, it's just that it's very faint." Momo said as she took her blindfold off and started to drink out of a bottle of water. "At the sports festival, I could feel it clear as day, the pins and needles, I could tell exactly where it was going to hit me. But now, I can't tell anymore."

"When I was training with Old Man Rayleigh, I started with animals, maybe it's because of that?" Luffy said as he tried to somehow coach his student.

"It wouldn't matter if it was because of that, we don't have any animals for me to train with anyway." Momo said which made Luffy sigh. "...When you sense attacks, how does it feel?"

"When I sense?" Luffy said before putting a hand on his chin and trying to look sagely. "It's like, Whoosh! And then Brrrrrr." Luffy explained as he waved his arms and pretended like he was cold. (Translation: seeing the attack then getting the pins and needles.)

"...Thanks." Momo said as she sighed. What was she expecting? An actual response?

"Miss Yaoyorozu, The guests have arrived." Momo and Luffy heard the speaker mounted to the wall say.

"Oh no! I've almost forgotten, I'm not ready yet!" Momo said as she started panicking. *I'm sweaty and full of bruises! I got so caught up in my training I forgot the study session is today, I can't let them see me like this!*

"Don't worry Momo, you go get ready!" Luffy said as he gave her a toothy grin. "I'll deal with them."

"Thanks Luffy, I owe you one." Momo said as she started running towards the closest shower.

The Great Hall

"I could not feel more out of place right now." Ojiro said as he looked at the luxurious room. They were all seated at a table right now, ready to learn.

"Me too." Sero said before seeing Luffy swing the door open, full of energy.

"What's up guys!" Luffy said as he quickly got on the table. "Who's ready to party!"

"No way, we're studying, not partying." Jirou said, which made Luffy extremely depressed. Unbeknownst to her, some other students also shared a similar emotion to Luffy.

"Ugh, then what's the point of being here?" Luffy said as he melted on the table.

"Studying! Studying's the point!" Jirou said annoyed, only for the words to enter one of Luffy's ears and out the other.

"Hey rep, where's Yaomomo?" Ojiro asked Luffy who was sitting now. "I thought she'd be the first one to meet us."

"Yeah no kidding, By the way she was acting, I'm surprised she wasn't waiting at the gate." Mina chipped in.

"Momo? She's taking a shower. I offered to meet you guys." Luffy said as he got a bag of chips from somewhere and started to nonchalantly eat it.

"Really? I thought she couldn't wait to meet us." Kaminari said. "Kinda weird that she forgot."

"Yeah well, she was really sweaty, guess she doesn't want you guys to see her like that." Luffy said, which made the other question why she was sweaty. "Man, we've been going at it for a few hours I think."

"...Huh?" Said everybody at once after processing what they just heard for a couple of seconds.

"Yeah, I'm getting kinda tired of doing it, but I at least owe Momo that much." Luffy said as he continued eating without a care in the world. "She wants to do it more and more lately, I think she's really frustrated."

"Do what exactly?" Kamniari asked slowly.

"You know, 'it'" Luffy responded, which helped in no way.

"Be more specific." Sero said quickly. Meanwhile, Mina dragged Jirou into a more private conversation as the boys started pestering Luffy more and more.

"...You don't think?" Mina asked after thinking about how to phrase it.

"No, no. Of course not. No way in hell, I mean, this is Luffy we're talking about." Jirou quickly refuted any thought.

"Yeah I know, I know. But… It's not impossible, right?" Mina asked back.

"I guess so, but they're siblings right?" Jirou said.

"No, remember? The first day of school?" Mina said, which made Jirou remember when Momo said that she and Luffy are not siblings. "See?" Mina said when she saw realization dawn on Jirou.

"Yeah, but still–"

"And they both live in the same house, and Luffy said Momo was sweaty and they're both good looking AND they both call each other by their first names." Mina brought up some good points.

"Sure, but come on, you really think HE knows how to do it?" Jirou said as she pointed at Luffy, who right now was getting assaulted by an extremely frustrated Kaminari.

"...You know, I heard dumb guys are great at doing it." Mina said after a couple of seconds of silence.

"See, that is something that I did not need to know about." Jirou said as she put emphasis on 'Did not'.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" Momo said as she entered the room, fully dried and ready for studying, only to see Luffy and Kaminari wrestling on the ground, Ojiro, and Sero not far behind. "Sigh. What did Luffy do now?"

"Yaomomo! What did you do with Luffy until right now?!" Kaminari said as he kept Luffy in a headlock, having grown tired of Luffy evading the question.

"Until right now? We were just sparring." Momo said as she tilted her head. This made everybody go 'Aah!'

"Told you." Jirou said to a now slightly annoyed Mina. She was really hoping for some juicy drama.

"Why didn't you say that?!" Kaminari said as he got off of Luffy.

"I did!" Luffy said, completely confused as to why he was getting attacked.

"Anyway, I think it's time we finally start studying." Ojiro said as he got back to his seat.

"I agree, I was waiting for this moment." Momo said as she got to her seat. Luffy followed after her.

"Oh, that reminds me. Since you guys are here and all." Luffy said as he got everybody's attention. "How about I train you guys?"

"Huh?" Jirou asked.

"Yeah, just a quick little spar. Nothing too crazy." Luffy said as he pretended to fight.

*I think he just wants to fight.* Thought pretty much everyone at the table.

"Look Rep, It's not that we don't want to be trained by you. It's just that…" Sero said, but not coming up with any good reason, he elbowed Ojiro in the side.

"Um. Yeah, it would be really cool but… we already got our own training!" Ojiro said, thankful that he came up with an excuse.

"Yeah, yeah! Exactly!" Kaminari said, while also apologizing for lying in his head.

"Ow man!" Luffy whined. "Well, maybe next time!"

"Yep, yep, for sure." Ojiro said while making a mental note to never accept an invitation to Yaoyorozu's mansion ever again.

*Sorry rep, I know you mean well. But the truth is, I don't want any broken bones.* Everybody besides Luffy and Momo thought at the same time.

*Can't say that I blame them.* Momo thought as she got her notebook ready. "Shall we begin?"

"Yes!" Everybody said at the same time while Luffy was already asleep.

Day of the exams

Written exam

"Alright put your pencils down, the last person in each row, bring the answer sheets to me." Aizawa said as he stopped everybody from writing.

"Thanks so much for all your help!" Mina said to a startled Momo.

"I didn't leave anything blank at least!" Kaminari was right beside her.

Soon, Aizawa caught Luffy's test sheet out of the corner of his eye, and the first thing he thought of when he saw it was. *Did he really just scribble down random stuff on a test sheet?*

Practical exam

"Now, it's time for the final test. Remember it's possible to fail this final." Aizawa said as he, and the other faculty teachers, stood in front of Class 1-A, who were all wearing their hero suits. "So don't make any stupid mistakes."

"Uh, why are all the teachers here?" Jirou asked. Right now, they were in front of a large building in a big, empty parking lot.

"I expect many of you have gathered information and have some idea of what you'll be facing today." Aizawa said which made Mina and Kaminari pumped.

"Actually this year's test will be completely different for various reasons." Nezu said as he popped out of Aizawa's special scarf.

"Principal Nezu!" Jirou, Ojiro, and Sero said at the same time.

"Wo! Little bear!" Luffy said alongside them.

"You're changing things?" Momo asked, a little panicked.

"The tests now have a new focus, they will be hero work of course." Nezu said as he gently jumped to the ground. "But also teamwork and combat between actual people, So what does that mean for you? You students will be working in pairs and your opponents will be one of our esteemed UA teachers, Isn't that fabulous?"

"We're f-fighting the teachers?" Uraraka asked as she and everyone else looked in terror at the teachers. Well, everyone else besides Luffy, he was excited.

Izuku and Bakugou panicked when they found out the opponents they'll be facing is All-Might. Momo not being too far behind them when she herself found out her opponent is Aizawa, Todoroki didn't look too agitated.


After a quick debate about why they changed the final exam from robots to teachers, they started talking about teams. Everything was going smoothly until they reached the wildcard.

"Monkey D. Luffy." Aizawa said as he looked at his sheet which contained as much information as possible about him. "I'm guessing you'll be fighting him principal?"

"I have thought about it, and I disagree, I believe my talents are better used on another set of students." Nezu said as he completely disagreed.

"Why? From what I seen, Luffy ain't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed." Snipe asked. "I reckon he'd be the perfect target for ya."

"I'm thinking the same thing." Thirteen agreed with Snipe.

"I see why some of you may think that, but the truth is that Luffy is such an unexpected being that I wouldn't be able to expect his level of unexpectedness. His whole presence here is unexpected in the first place." Nezu said, which left some teachers dumbfounded.

"...Huh?" Present Mic was the first one to ask.

"What I mean is, Luffy is a very creative person and, with his quirk, I think he would be able to find his way out of any challenge I may throw his way." Nezu said in his usual cheerful tone. "I got that much from All-Might's report."

"...It's true, when I hosted a little race between all the students, he flew straight at me instead of running like most people would think to do." All-Might said when he noticed every pair of eyes land on him.

"Then what do you propose we should do?" Aizawa said as he turned back to Nezu.

"I believe the best course of action is to have Luffy, alongside Kirishima, fight against Cementoss here." Nezu said as he pointed at Cementoss. "He has the best chance to overwhelm him and possibly secure a victory."

"Alright, I'll do my best." Cementoss said.

"Although, there is a thought that has been pestering me lately." Nezu said. "One concerning Luffy and his abilities."

End Flashback.

"To complete the exam you'll have 30 minutes." Nezu said as he held 3 fingers. "In order to win, your objective is to put these handcuffs on your teacher, or you can win if any of you manage to leave the combat stage."

"This time your exam will be very close to a real battle, as strange as it is, please think of us as real villains." Thirteen said.

"Assumin' you come across your enemy if you reckon you can win then fight, however…" Snipe chipped in.

"...In instances where you're outmatched, it would be smarter to run away and find help." Aizawa finished Snipe's sentence. "Todoroki, Midoryia, Iida. I'm sure the three of you understand."

After All-Might revealed that they handicapped themselves by adding to their body weight with super compressed weights, courtesy of Hatsumei, they began their exam, Luffy and Kirishima going first.

"Ojiro, I think we should come up with a plan of attack that makes use of both of our quirks." Iida said as he and Ojiro went into the building.

"Great." Ojiro agreed.

"Tokoyami, let's go come up with a plan." Asui said as she pointed towards the building.

"Agreed." Tokoyami said as they started going in.

"Let's go Sero, We've gotta figure out how to strip Ms. Midnight!" Mineta said as he walked inside the building with his fist held high.

"You are such a little scumbag." Sero said with his hands on his hips as he followed him

"Ok Rep! With my awesome quirk and your experience there's nobody we can't win against!" Kirishima said as he pumped his fist.

"Yeah!" Luffy copied his move. Soon after, they both arrived at their respective area.

Luffy's test

The area was the one they used for the entrance exam, the only difference is that there were no robots, no other students, and only one teacher.

"Practical Exam, Ready? Go!" Kirishima and Luffy heard a robotic voice say over the intercom.

"So what do you think? We'll definitely get a higher score if we capture him, right?" Kirishima asked Luffy as they were both running toward their opponent.

"Who cares? I just wanna have some fun!" Luffy said, which made Kirishima sweat drop, soon they were stopped by a sudden cement wall.

"Mr. Cementoss can't move very fast. Let's break through the front and shoot for a high score!" Kirishima said as he hardened his arms.

"Sure!" Luffy said, not really having any better ideas.

Soon, they were both breaking cement walls as they closed in on their teacher while he just stood there and made more and more walls. After about 5 minutes.

"This isn't good! No matter how many I break, he just keeps on making more and more walls!" Kirishima said as he started to struggle with keeping his quirk active. "I'm running out of steam."

"Hmm." Luffy said before quickly gaining an idea. "Hey, spiky hair! Can you make yourself hard for one last push?"

"Umm. Hell yeah!" Kirishima said, excited that Luffy finally put his brain to work.

Monitoring Room

"They're done for. The faculty choose teachers that can exploit our weaknesses. For this test, we'll have to overcome them." Izuku said as he looked at Luffy and Kirishima being encased in walls of cement.

"That's true, so before your own final you should thi–"

"What?!" Uraraka said, unintentionally interrupting Recovery Girl. "What are they doing?!"

"Well, leave it to Luffy to find a way out of this mess." Izuku said as he watched in disbelief.

With Cementoss

"You're both weak when it comes to long term battles, listen well, when it comes to lon–" Cementoss stopped lecturing what he thought were the two students encased in concrete when he heard a yell above him. "What the?!"

"Ha! Bet you didn't expect that!" Kirishima said as he flew towards the teacher. "Wrecking Ball!" He said as he tucked his whole body in, hardening it in the process, to resemble a ball as close as possible.

"Ha, maybe next time, don't announce your surprise attack." Cementoss said as he caught the student mid-flight with a hand made out of concrete. *Still, if it weren't for Kirishima, I think they would've gotten the better of me.*

"Thanks for the advice, but I meant to announce it!" Kirishima said victoriously, as he started to dig himself out of the concrete hand.


"Gomu Gomu no Rifle!" Luffy yelled as he twisted his arm as much as possible before delivering a devastating blow to the teacher's face, knocking him out instantly.

"Yay! We won! Let's go!" Luffy said as he started celebrating, a very exhausted Kirishima appeared next to him with a pair of handcuffs in hand

"Let's make sure first." Kirishima said as he put the handcuffs on the knocked-out teacher. "Yeesh, he's not waking up any time soon."

Monitoring Room

"Well, I wasn't expecting that." Uraraka said as she watched Kirishima plop to the ground from exhaustion and Luffy continued to celebrate.

"First match and I'm already needed." Recovery Girl said grumpily as she started going towards the combat arena. "At least it's not a student."

"I take back what I said." Izuku said as he watched the heroine exit. "I guess Luffy can turn any bad situation into a good one if he wants to."

"Yeah, he was able to overcome his weakness and beat his teacher!" Uraraka said as she pumped her hands into the air. "On second thought, that sounded better in my head."

"Next match should be Yaoyorozu and Todoroki against Mr. Aizawa, I wonder how they'll do." Izuku thought out loud.

"I'm sure they'll do fine. With Todoroki's quirk and Yaomomo's smarts, they'll be an unstoppable duo!" Uraraka said as she pumped her fist high into the air.

"True, but we also have to take into account Mr. Aizawa's quirk and the on-job experience." Izuku said as he watched the screens change to a more suburban area. "I just hope they'll be able to beat him."

Momo's test

"Alright Yaoyorozu, are you ready?" Todoroki said when he heard a bell ring out in the distance, signaling the start of the exam. "What's that?"

"Just a little insurance." Momo said as she put the gun-looking object in a holster strapped to her thigh. "Alright, good to go."

"I hope you're not planning on killing him. Mr. Aizawa is a hero who specializes in stealth operations, so I'm thinking that we use our quirks continuously to see if he spotted us." Todoroki said as he started running with a small bit of ice around his hand, Momo close behind him with Russian dolls sprouting out of her.

"Good plan, we should also try to avoid close-quarters combat with him." Momo said with a annoyed expression on her face while thinking. *I can't sense him, if Luffy was here, I bet he would have already found him. Damn, why can't I sense him?! …Wait, this could be exactly the opportunity I need!*

"Wait Todoroki, let's think of a plan before we go any further." Momo said as she stopped in the middle of a dark alley.

"Sure, but let's make our plan as we run, we can't afford to be taken in by surprise." Todoroki argued as he also slowed himself.

"But we need to come with a plan as soon as possible to defeat him." Momo said, while actually thinking. *I'm sorry Todoroki, but this is a rare opportunity for me to develop my haki further, I can't afford to waste it.*

"I get that but we also need to stay on the run in case he finds us." Todoroki said as he got closer to Momo.

"But what if he finds us without a plan?" Momo was stalling. "We need to make one as soon as possible."

"Sure but let's do it as we run!" Todoroki was confused as to why Momo seemed so fixated on this point so badly.

"My, my, arguing in the middle of an exam?" Aizawa said from the top of a building before jumping down. "I expected better from the two of you."

"Run Yaoyorozu!" Todoroki yelled as he started running. "Damn, I didn't even notice my ice was gone."

*This is my chance!* Momo thought as she got a metal bat from her waist. Since she was used to it from Luffy's training, she decided to incorporate it as a part of her arsenal. "Go on without me!"

"Huh?!" Todoroki said as he looked back, only to see Aizawa run straight at her, scarf in hand.

"Foolish, you expect to beat me hand-to-hand?" Aizawa said as he started to attack her, only for her to barely dodge some of his kicks. *She can't possibly expect to beat me here, in my element. Why is she trying so hard? Is her confidence really that high?*

Monitoring Room

"I'm surprised Momo took this kind of approach." Uraraka said when she saw Momo start to dodge Aizawa's attacks.

"Yeah, guess Luffy really rubbed off on her." Izuku said before hearing the door open behind him.

"Oh, what's up guys?" Luffy said as he approached the TVs. "What's this?"

"Wow, it's like you summoned him." Urarka said as he pointed at Luffy.

"Please don't say stuff like that." Izuku said. "Also, are you already done with Recovery Girl Luffy? That fight seemed exhausting."

"Nah, I've been in longer fights than that one." Luffy said before finally noticing. "Wait, that's Momo!"

"Yep, she's been fighting Mr. Aizawa, I'm impressed she lasted this long against him." Uraraka said as she looked worriedly at the screen.

"Don't count Momo out yet." Luffy said in support of his friend. "GET HIM MOMO!"

Back with Momo

After a couple more lucky dodges, Momo streak ended with a painful elbow to the face, this gave Aizawa the chance to capture her with his scarf, with Todoroki spectating and analyzing this whole fight.

*Now's my chance!* Todoroki thought as he sent a blast of fire at Aizawa. Him having to fight Momo and his injuries from the Nomu attack, all amounted to damaging the amount of time he can hold his eyes open without blinking.

"Damn!" Aizawa said as he was forced to dodge the ball of fire, which also gave Momo the opportunity to free herself. Now after blinking he found himself staring at the end of a weirdly shaped handgun. "You're going to shoot your teacher?"

"For this test, you're not my teacher, and this isn't a gun!" Momo said as she pulled the trigger right in Aizawa's face. "It's a flashlight!"


White was all Aizawa could see, even after closing his eyes, he still saw white. This forced him to retreat to the rooftop which gave the students a chance to escape. *Dammit, can't see anything, she took advantage of my weakness. Can't say I'm not impressed.*

"Hell of an insurance you got there." Todoroki said as he and Momo started running out of there as fast as they could.

"I just hit him with 30 000 lumens, he's blinded, at least for a little bit." Momo said before looking at her now completely burned flashlight. "Unfortunately, it's a one time thing." (For reference, the average flashlight has about 100 lumens.)

"Now mind telling me what were you thinking back there?" Todoroki said, not in an angry manner but more confused.

"Nothing, just a little bit of training." Momo said dismissively, which made Todoroki wonder what kind of training is worth the exam. *I definitely felt Mr. Aizawa's hits. I think I get it now, It's not about the opponent or the battle, it's about the stakes and the adrenaline. I never really felt like I was losing something when I was sparring with Luffy, but here I can lose my chance to go to the training camp. That must be it!*

After about 10 minutes of running, they finally came to a stop behind the corner of a 2-story house.

"Well, I hope you're done with your training." Todoroki said while gasping for air. "We put quite some distance between us and Mr. Aizawa. We should come up with an actual plan before he has a chance of finding us."

"Agreed, so what are you thinking?" Momo said as dolls kept popping out of her. After a quick strategic talk, they came up with a plan.

Monitoring room

"Huh? What're they doing?" Luffy said as he squinted at the screen in an attempt to see why Momo and Todoroki were shuffling.

"They're probably setting up some form of trap, It's probably their best bet for when Mr. Aizawa comes after them." Izuku said as he put his hand on his chin in thought.

"Oh, it's already his turn?" Recovery girl said as she walked in the room and sat in her seat. "He must have his hands quite full, if he's taking this long."

"It's the granny!" Luffy said as he pointed at her, the other two students just sweat dropped.

"Watch yourself young man, I may be old but don't think I'm not old enough for you to receive a beating." Recovery Girl said as he waved her walking stick at him. "You did quite a number on Cementoss, I think he'll be out until sunset."

"Shishishi, sorry!" Luffy said as he giggled which irritated the elder heroine.

"You're not supposed to laugh!" She said before noticing something out of the corner of her eye. "Oh, looks like things are picking up."

Back with Momo

"This is a pretty good plan, I just hope that it's good enough for him." Todoroki said as he hid a catapult under an urban camo sheet.

"I hope so to–" Momo's words were stopped when she felt a shiver go down her spine and at the last possible second, she dodged a flying star which grazed Todoroki's arm a little bit. "A shuriken?!"

"Ow!" Todoroki yelped from the sudden sting as he felt blood trickle down his arm. "He must think he's some sort of ninja."

"That was an impressive dodge Yaoyorozu." Aizawa said from the top of a rooftop. "And don't worry, it wouldn't have done any permanent damage, just enough to get you out of the running."

He then proceeded to lay caltrops all around them in an attempt to keep them from escaping like last time. "Don't want you running away again now do we?"

"Don't worry, we intend on finishing it here!" Todoroki said before dodging another incoming shuriken.

After a couple of more flying stars, Aizawa proceeded to jump in with them. *We got him!* Momo and Todoroki thought, but were surprised when they realized that nothing was happening.

*Damn! His flying stars must have destroyed them!* Momo thought before looking at a couple of wall-mounted mines, which were supposed to shoot a capture net. "Now Todoroki!"

"Right!" Todoroki said as he revealed a catapult filled with a long scarf, similar to Aizawa's, but a bit more metallic.

*What's this?* Aizawa thought when he saw the catapult. *Hmm, best to avoid it.* He then proceeded to jump out of the way of the incoming projectile while also capturing Todoroki in his own scarf. Unfortunately, in all the commotion, he failed to notice Momo's quirk at work.

"He caught me!" Todoroki suddenly yelled in an attempt to further distract Aizawa.

"That scarf must've been some way of restraining me, right? Maybe next time try not to be so obvi–" Aizawa's speech slurred as he felt all his strength drain away from him. "Huh?"

"Oh, nothing much, just a fast-acting muscle relaxant." Momo said as she showed her teacher a blowdart gun. "More commonly known as a tranquilizer."

With the last remaining strength that Aizawa had, he plucked the dart from the back of his neck, that being the last thing that he saw before he went to sleep.

"Wow, that worked way better than I thought!" Momo said as she plopped to the ground, mentally and physically exhausted. "We make a great team Todoroki."

"Todoroki?" Momo said after a couple of seconds of silence, "Wait, don't tell me."

Oh yes, Momo didn't shoot just one tranq dart, she shot multiple in case she missed Aizawa Fortunately, she managed to knock out the opponent. Unfortunately, she also knocked out her teammate.

Monitoring Room

"Wow! That was incredible!" Izuku said with admiration as he watched Momo put the cuffs on her teacher. "It seems their plan worked out."

"Maybe a little better than she wanted to." Uraraka said worriedly as she watched Momo check on the knocked out Todoroki before plopping him and Aizawa in a seating position and signaling to the camera that she needs medical attention.

"Am I going to be needed every round?" Recovery Girl said as she started going to assist Momo.

"Hold on granny, I'm coming with you!" Luffy said as he followed the heroine out the door.

"Luffy really has a one track mind, doesn't he?" Izuku said before turning back to the screen. "But they had a plan and managed to execute it, and for better or for worse, it worked."

"Yeah, although I do wonder." Uraraka said with a finger on her chin. "Why did Momo engage Mr. Aizawa in a head-to-head fight?"

Back with Momo and now Luffy

"Oi Momo! Congrats!" Momo heard Luffy yell as he ran straight at her, Recovery girl was just shaking her head behind him. Momo managed to clean the area of any caltrops and mines as she waited for the nurse to arrive.

"Thank you Luffy." Momo said tiredly. "I assume I can say the same to you?" Momo asked, she missed Luffy's fight so she didn't know.

"Yep! It was easy!" Luffy said as he now came to a halt.

"Well, I'm not surprised." Momo said she expected Luffy to win, for the simple fact that it was Luffy.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Kids these days, they only care about winning." Recovery girl said as she pulled out a mini-flashlight and started to check on the knocked-out people. "No respect for the elderly I tell you, making me come here every round with my bad knees."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize." Momo said as she did a slight bow.

"Sorry for what?" Luffy said, not knowing why she had to apologize.

"It doesn't matter now sonny, I just hope the rest of the rounds won't be as bad." Recovery Girl said as she delivered a bowl of foreshadowing.

"So hey Luffy, I think I figured something out." Momo said as she pulled Luffy into a more private conversation.

"Yeah? What's that?" Luffy asked. "How to make food from your power?"

"No listen." Momo quickly dismissed his idea. "Haki evolves the fastest in an actual fight!"

"...yeah. I know, I thought I told you." Luffy said.

"No, what I mean is, fights with actual stakes, like where you could lose something very important, not just any fight." Momo elaborated.

"I thought that was obvious." Luffy said, slightly confused.

"Well, it clearly wasn't obvious to me. I thought you meant any fight." Momo said a bit annoyed. "That's why I was getting so frustrated."

"Sorry to interrupt your private chat, but I need to know what you hit them with." Recovery Girl said.

"No, it's alright we were done anyway." Momo said as she turned to face the heroine. "Nothing unusual, just a healthy dosage of muscle relaxant."

"Healthy huh?" Recovery girl said as she started writing down on a notepad. "Well, from what I can tell here, there isn't anything serious but without proper equipment, I can't tell how long they will be out for."

"The dose I put in those darts should keep them knocked out for at least 30-40 minutes." Momo said with a hand on her hip. "I doubt they should be out for longer than that."

"I see… Well, off you go. This is an exam site, and you two shouldn't be here anymore." Recovery Girls said which prompted the two students to leave, she saw Momo look back with a face full of worry. "I'll take care of them, don't worry. You just enjoy the fact that you passed."

"Right." Momo said as she tried to banish all thoughts of concern from her mind.

Monitoring Room

"Team Aoyama and Uraraka have passed the finals!" Was the first thing Luffy heard as he entered the monitoring room.

"Oh! They passed?" Luffy asked as he, Momo, and Iida entered the room.

"It appears so, not surprisingly of course." Iida said as he held his suit's helmet in his hands. "I'm happy for her."

"Yeah! She did great!" Izuku reaffirmed. "Also, congrats on passing your finals Iida and Momo."

"Ribbit. I just got here so I haven't seen your exam, but congrats." Asui also congratulated them.

"Thank you for your enthusiasm." Iida said with a grin, Momo nodding along. Iida stumbled a bit when he felt Luffy pat him on the back.

"So, now what?" Luffy asked.

"Ashido and Kaminari are paired up for the next battle." Momo responded. "They're going to have to fight against principal Nezu."

"The little bear?" Luffy said as he looked at the screen. "I wonder how he fights."

"We'll have to watch this round carefully." Iida said.

"Yeah." Izuku said.

After an embarrassing defeat, for the students of course. Luffy dozed off, what's the point in a fight if you can't even see your opponent? Actually, Luffy slept through all of the fights, …well Almost all of the fights.

"Huh?" Luffy said as he suddenly stood up, startling some of the students. "What's happening?"

"Well, well, if it ain't the sleeping beauty." Kirishima said as Luffy approached the TV. "You almost missed out."

"Missed out?" Luffy said as he looked at the screen. "Boom boy? Greenie?"

"Exactly, and their opponent is All-Might." Iida said as All-Might suddenly appeared on the screen, similar to Luffy's shave technique, and grabbed Bakugou by his face as the teenager tried to blast him.

"How'd you even wake up?" Asui asked. "I mean, you slept through Present mic's test, I can't imagine this being louder than that."

*So you sensed it too Luffy? I don't know if it's because of my last fight or because of All-Might, but I can feel his strength even from here.* Momo said as she glanced at Luffy. *If I can feel it, I can't imagine what you're going through.*

"Man, he's really something isn't he?" Luffy said with a smile on his face as he watched All-Might nearly break Izuku's back. "I really wanna fight him!"

Everybody around him was too stunned by what was happening on the screen or already used to the weird things Luffy was saying to actually pay any attention, but one thing was for sure, nobody thought Luffy stood a chance against him, not even Momo.

End of the Practical Exam

"Well, this is it. Congratulations to everybody who passed, good luck next time for those who didn't." Aizawa said, which made 2 students sulk even more than they already did. Right now Aizawa and his class were all in the parking lot as the sun began to set. "You'll all get your results in a couple of days."

"Man, this day felt really long." Kirishima said. "With the practical and the written test. I'm beat."

"How'd you think I feel?" Kaminari asked.

"Oops, sorry man." Kirishima apologized.

"Better luck next time." Sero said.

"I don't know why you're talking, you didn't do anything the whole exam." Asui said, which made Sero remember and wonder if he also failed.

"Yep, I had to do all the work." Mineta gloated with his hands behind his head. "Nothing much for a regular hero like me."

"Enough chatter, it's time to go home." Aizawa said, which immediately relieved the students and prompted them to head home.

"Yay! Finally!" Luffy said as he threw his hands into the air, everybody around him just sweatdropped while also wondering 'How can he still have that much energy?!'. "I'm hungry!"

"Not you Luffy, you're still needed here." Aizawa stopped Luffy in his tracks.

"Eh?! C'mon! I wanna go home!" Luffy said, as he began to walk away but was stopped by Aizawa's scarf.

"Luffy?" Momo was the first to worry.

"Huh? The rep?" Mina asked as she looked over her shoulder only to see Luffy begin to struggle out of the scarf.

"What's happening?" Toru also asked.

"What seems to be the problem?" Iida asked out of concern for his class representative.

"None of your business." Aizawa quickly refuted. "It's just an issue with his written exam."

*Ah, Of course!* Everybody thought at the same time.

"Ah, I see. I apologize for interrupting!" Iida said as he did a quick bow.

"No need, just go home." Aizawa said as he began dragging Luffy inside the building. *I don't like lying to my class like that, but I've got no choice.*

"I told him he should've studied." Momo said with an exasperated sigh as she began going home. "Not that it would've done him any good."

"I just hope the rep'll still come to the summer camp with us." Kirishima worriedly said to no one in particular.

Luffy's Actual Test

"C'mon, it's night already, can't I just go home?" Luffy said as some headlights turned on around him, filling the area with light.

"Not to worry Young Luffy, this will be over quickly!" All-Might said as he stood a good distance apart from Luffy, not far enough that Luffy couldn't reach him with his fruit, but far enough for a fight.

"What will?" Luffy asked as he tilted his head. "Also why are we, where Greenie and Boom boy fought you?"

"Luffy, this is Principal Nezu on the speaker." Luffy heard a voice in the distance. "I took the liberty to look over your written exam and I think it's safe to say that you won't be passing. So, seeing as how academics isn't your strong suit, I thought that a little match will suffice."

"There's nothing little about this fight! Get that boy out of there before he gets seriously injured!" Luffy heard Recovery Girl's voice over the speaker.

"There's no point in arguin', he already made up his mind." Snipe said.

"As you can hear, I am not the only one observing this fight." Nezu said.

"...So, we're fighting?" Luffy said after a couple of moments of silence as the wind reverberated through the broken buildings.

"Don't be scared Young Luffy, although I won't be holding back, I will stop before any serious injury." All-Might said as he caressed the wrist where his weights are.

"But you're holding back right now." Luffy said which surprised All-Might a little bit. "With those bracelets right?"


"If we're gonna fight, at least let's make it fair." Luffy said completely seriously. "Besides, what's the point of fighting if we can't fight at full power?"

"Sigh… I suppose you're right." All-Might said as he released his weights, making small craters where they dropped. "Now! Let's give them a show shall we?"

"Yosh!" Luffy said with an ear-to-ear smile, hands at the ready.


"Although, there is a thought that has been pestering me lately." Nezu said. "One concerning Luffy and his abilities."

"And what's that?" Midnight asked.

"With most of our students, they have worked their lives to train their quirks, only now developing ultimate moves and trump cards, but with Luffy." Nezu explained further.

"You feel like he has a couple more aces up his sleeve, more than he lets on?" Aizawa finished Nezu thought. "Can't say I haven't thought about that."

"Exactly, I think that Luffy has great potential, greater than some." Nezu said. "But we won't be able to take full advantage of his power if we don't know its limit."

"You don't think the Nomu was enough of an enemy to bring out his limit?" Thirteen asked, slightly surprised.

"I don't, that's why I think we should find them out as soon as possible, and I think I know just how to do it." Nezu said as he looked at All-Might, soon after every eye in the room fell on All-Might.

"...Wait, You don't mean me?!" All-Might said after putting the pieces together.

"Oh, If you insist." Nezu basically made All-Might accept.

"Surely there's a better way." All-Might said as he began looking around the room full of teachers. "Right?"

"I have to agree with All-Might." Cementoss said in his support. He might look the roughest in that room, but the truth is that Cementoss's just a big softie. "Why can't we just ask him?"

"Exactly!" All-Might said, he already had to fight 2 of his students, he didn't want to fight another.

"Let's say we do ask him and let's say he doesn't lie." Aizawa disagreed with Cementoss. "We'll never be able to get the full picture of what he can do without seeing it first-hand."

"Sure, but… do we really need to resort to violence?" All-Might said which made Aizawa sweat drop.

"Isn't violence the way you fight crime?" Aizawa said. "What's the difference here?"

"First of all, I intimidate criminals most of the time." All-Might said, Aizawa rolled his eyes in return. "Second, he is a student! Not a common thug!"

"True but this is the fastest way to find out what he's capable of." Ectoplasm argued.

"Besides, he's made of rubber. Blunt attacks shouldn't have that much of an effect on him." Midnight said which helped relieve some of All-Might's stress.

"B-but ...I understand." All-Might agreed after a couple of silent seconds.

"That's what I like to hear!" Nezu said victoriously, while All-Might was already regretting his choice.

End of Flashback

"Now, get ready gentlemen!" Luffy and All-Might heard Midnight from the speaker. "...Begin!"

"Remember what I said Young Luffy! No holding back!" All-Might said as he cocked his fist back. "California Smash!"

All-Might hit the air so hard that multiple buildings started to crack, the broken glass disintegrated, cracked concrete evaporated, and lampposts bent. Luffy was unfortunately also caught in this attack, him managing to catch himself by grabbing two sides of a building.

*Hopefully that was enough, I didn't hold back with that attack and now without these weights, I feel light as a feather.* All-Might thought as he squinted his eyes as he tried his best to look for Luffy. (Btw, I'll be switching between Luffy's perspective, All-Might's and the rest of the teachers, so try to keep up.)

"Damn! He's strong! Way stronger than the bird guy!" Luffy said as he started pulling on his arms. "Gomu Gomu no Rocket!"

"Huh?" All-might said when he saw a certain straw hat come at him at crazy speeds. *So he's not out yet.*

"Gear Third!" Luffy said as he blew air into his fist, making it the size of a giant and also sending a bit of haki into it.

"Ready for more Young Luffy?" All-Might said as he put his hands up to brace himself for the incoming attack.

"Gomu Gomu no–" Luffy said as he also sent some Ryou into his fist.

"What kind of quirk is that?" Ectoplasm said as he watched Luffy's giant fist become engulfed in flames. "He can enlarge his fist, steel it, and set it on fire?"

"We'll be able to learn something out of this after all." Nezu said as he sipped some tea.

"Red Roc!" And in a fiery explosion, Luffy sent All-Might flying, stopping right at the exit gate.

*What the hell was that?!* All-Might said as coughed up blood on the ground, not because of his quirk this time. *I felt like he punched me in the guts then took my guts out and punched them. I have to be more careful.*

"I told you I won't be holding back!" Luffy said as he suddenly appeared above All-Might, steam coming out of him. "Gomu Gomu no Jet Spear!"

After All-Might narrowly avoided Luffy's 2-legged attack, he appeared right in front of him. "You're pretty fast, I'll give you that."

"Huh?!" Luffy said, completely taken aback by his speed.

"Texas Smash!" All-Might delivered a quick and heavy blow straight to Luffy's face, sending him through multiple buildings. *I can't take you lightly anymore Young Luffy, I see that now.*

"Ow, Ow, Ow!" Luffy said with each building he passed through. "Ouch." Luffy whined when a piece of rubble fell on his head. "That probably would've hurt a lot more with haki."

"Ugh, that meathead! He's putting more and more children in the hospital." Recovery Girl said as she prepared her first-aid kit. "I don't like it at all I tell you."

"He didn't hold back with that punch, did he?" Present Mic said as the camera panned to the destroyed buildings. "Ouch, It hurts just to look. Ya dig?!"

"Do you have to be so loud?" Aizawa groaned as the camera switched to Luffy's position. "Looks like he's getting back up."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Kids these days, they're looking for their graves and they don't know how to find them." Recovery girl said as she got back in her seat.

"His durability is also nothing to laugh at." Thirteen said as they watched Luffy run back to where All-Might was. "It could rival All-Might's."

"Gomu Gomu no Gatling!" Luffy said as he came face to face with All-Might and then proceeded to rain down punches on him.

"This is quite the massage Young Luffy." All-Might said as he interrupted Luffy's attack by grabbing his arms.

"Dammit!" Luffy said as he tried to get back his arms, but they were stuck in All-Might's iron grip. "Can't get free!"

"But we're not here to play games!" All-Might then proceeded to deliver a massive headbutt to Luffy. "Quite the squishy head you have! Why don't you try this!"

Luffy started feeling very dizzy as All-Might started spinning him around faster and faster, occasionally he would hit either a building or a broken lamppost, he couldn't really tell at the speed he was going.

"I'll see you soon!" All-Might said as he threw Luffy in the air with the built-up momentum from him spinning Luffy around. Soon after throwing him, he jumped right after him.

"Ah! It's still spinning." Luffy said as he tried to regain balance mid-flight, it wasn't very easy, especially with the dizziness he experienced earlier. "Crap!"

"I told you I would meet you soon!" All-Might said as he appeared right above him mid-flight. With a fist behind his back, he said. "Detroit Smash!"

"This is getting hard to watch." Cementoss said after Luffy plummeted at incredible speeds toward the ground, making a massive crater and destroying several buildings in the process. "Maybe this wasn't the best idea."

"No coward has ever discovered anything." Nezu said as he watched the screen.

"Did you just call me a coward?" Cementos asked, Nezu chose to ignore that question.

"Look! He's getting up!" Midnight said as she pointed at the screen, accidentally slapping Aizawa across the face.

"We can see that." Aizawa said more tired than annoyed.

"Had enough Young Luffy?" All-Might said as he approached the center of the crater. "Please don't tell me this is it. And I was starting to enjoy it."

"You kidding?" Luffy said as he got out of the small hole he was in, with a classic D. smile on his face. "We're just getting started!"

"...HAHAHAHAHA! After all of that and you still smile! You truly impress me Young Luffy!" All-Might said as his own smile began to grow. *I have no doubt, if I had met you before Young Midoryia, I can confidently say that you would've been my pick. We are so alike after all.*

"Gear Second!" Luffy said as his skin turned pinkish and his hands a shiny black. "Gomu Gomu no–"

"Oklahoma–" All-Might said as he started running towards Luffy with his fist at the ready.

"Eagle Bazooka!" "Smash!"

The power of the combined attacks further increased the size of the crater while also creating a small tornado and launching the two opponents a fair bit of distance away from each other.

"Nice reflexes." All-Might said after punching through the ground where Luffy's head was at.

Luffy proceeds to dodge every attack All-Might throws at him, even rolling through his feet to avoid a 'Carolina Smash'. "The way you dodge… It reminds me of an old friend."

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" Luffy said as he and All-might panted lightly for air.

"It is, I could go for hours against him and not land a single hit." All-Might said as he remembered his sparring session with his former sidekick.

"Yeah, I know what that feels like." Luffy said as he remembered his fight with Katakuri.

"Still, It wouldn't really matter if I could hit you now, would it?" All-Might said as he began looking for a piece of metal. "Ah! This will do nicely!" All-Might said as he picked up a metal pipe, no longer than his arm. "Since you're made of rubber, blunt attacks don't have that much of an effect on you, right?"

"Huh?" Luffy watched as All-might pinched the piece of pipe above where his hand grabbed it at the base, he then proceeded to turn that pipe into a makeshift sword by making an edge with his fingers. "What?! Awesome!" (I have no idea if this makes sense.)

"Can't say I really know how to swing a sword." All-Might said as he sliced a fire hydrant in half. "But, as they say in America. There's a first time for everything."

"All-Might… with a sword." Aizawa said as he watched Luffy dodge All-Might's slices. "Now I've seen everything."

"What does he think he's doing?!" Recovery Girl said as she shook her cane at the screen. "Does he want to dismember that child?!"

"I think he'll be stoppin' when he touches skin." Snipe said as Luffy dodged a slice that cut a lamppost in half by accident. "Probably."

"Still, Luffy's dodges are beyond impressive." Nezu said. "The only thing similar to this is Nighteye's quirk I'd have to say."

"Hm… Maybe he has a quirk that lets him see in the future?" Ectoplasm said as he watched his dodges very closely.

"We can't take any possibility out." Nezu said as they watched Luffy catch the sword with his blackened hands. "He may very well have that ability, however unlikely."

"Gomu Gomu no Hawk Stomp!" Luffy said as he delivered an uppercut with his haki-covered feet while his hands were preoccupied with holding the sword.

"Ouch!" All-Might said as he rubbed his chin. "Not bad at all, Young Luffy."

"Ugh, I'm hungry!" Luffy said as his stomach growled. "I'm sorry, but I think it's time to end this."

"I'm afraid the only way to stop our fight is when one of us surrenders or gets knocked out." All-Might said as he watched Luffy bite his blackened forearm.

"Don't worry, I know." Luffy said before grabbing a huge breath of air. "Gear Fourth!"

*Gear Fourth? This is new.* All-Might watched as Luffy's entire body began to inflate with air, mainly his torso and arms. He inflated to twice the size he was previously, now being roughly the same size as All-Might. His legs and his massive arms now supported a red tint to the usual black. The straw hat fell on his back, his head being too big to support it. One hand was in front of him fully open and to the side like he was using it to aim, while the other was cocked back as a fist.

"Bounce-Man!" Luffy said as he began to bounce up and down. All-Might had to wipe his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

"T-That's new." All-Might said as Luffy continued to bounce up and down. "Can yo– You can't stop bouncing, can you?"

"Yeah, It's a bit of a downside." Luffy said which made All-Might sweat drop.

"I-I'm not seeing things right?" Present Mic said as he looked in complete disbelief at Luffy. "L-Like that is Luffy, right? Like Luffy Luffy. …Right?"

"You're not making any sense." Aizawa said, himself having quite a hard time believing. "That's quite the transformation. A bit goofy if you ask me."

"It doesn't need to be serious, as long as it's powerful." Ectoplasm said.

"'A bit of a downside' he says, how is he supposed to move?" Recovery Girl asked rhetorically. "By jumping around?!"

"How did he even do that?" Thirteen asked, not expecting an answer.

"I think he blew air into his muscles, then using his steeling quirk, he compressed all the air he blew." Nezu was pretty much spot on.

"He used multiple quirks at the same time for a transformation." Cementoss added. "Pretty ingenious."

"Well Young Luffy, let's put this new Gear to the test, shall we?" All-Might said as he ran at Luffy, hoping to deliver a haymaker to his face.

Luffy, using his future sight, dodged the attack by sidestepping, which made him jump further than he meant to. "Woah!"

*I see a serious mobility issue here.* All-Might said as he watched Luffy bounce around all over the place. After a couple of seconds, Luffy finally settled down.

"I am seriously underwhelmed here, Young Luffy. I expected better." All-Might said, only for his word to be caught up in his throat when he saw Luffy fly straight to him. "What the?!"

"Time to end this!" Luffy said as he began flying towards All-Might.

"Gomu Gomu no–" Luffy said as his arm began to pull back, compressing it until it reached a third of the length it was once.

"Uh-Oh." All-Might said as he prepared to block Luffy's incoming attack.

"Kong Gun!" Luffy said at the exact moment he released his compressed fist and made contact with All-Might.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 12 buildings. All-Might was smashed through twelve buildings. Luffy had to fly to reach All-Might. He was ready to continue fighting, but he saw…

"Huh?! All-Night's Brother?" Luffy asked as he began to deflate. "What's he doing here? Why is he sleeping in all this rubble?"






"Well… That was certainly… educational." Nezu said as the camera panned to a knocked-out All-Might.

"...Yeah, very educational." Aizawa said as he watched Luffy start to poke All-Might. "A real eye opener."

"Okay, Okay. Let's put the fact that he can… fly, …aside for now." Present Mic said as everybody was still processing what they just watched. "He just knocked out, All-Might, Japan's Nr. 1 Hero…"

"In one punch." Midnight said, she herself having a hard time believing what she was seeing. "...Yeah."

"Ahem. Recovery Girl?" Snipe snapped the elderly heroine out of her trance.

"Ah! Ah, yes. Of course." Recovery Girl said as she got her First Aid kit and started to go check on All-Might.

"Well, …it's powerful alright." Ectoplasm said as they watched Luffy starting to carry All-Might on his back, back to the exit.

"Oh, before I forget." Nezu said as he pushed the button on the microphone stand.

"Congratulations Luffy." Luffy stopped in his tracks as he started looking around for the speaker. "You defeated …All-Might, you won the fight."

"Eh? Then where's he? I can't sense him anywhere." Luffy said as he continued his walk.

"...That's All-Might on your back." Nezu said after being stumped by sheer disbelief.

"...What?! No way!" Luffy said before getting a good look with his haki, at the person on his back. "Ooooh! So that's why they feel so similar! I was wondering where he went."

"Why did you tell him?" Aizawa asked Nezu after muting the microphone.

"I think anyone that can beat All-Might deserves to know who he is." Nezu said as he began going to the door.

"You only say that because you can count on one paw the number of people who can beat him." Aizawa said tiredly. "Well, whatever. I still need to process what just happened."

"Yes, I agree." Thirteen said as she also left the room. "I don't think it has sunk in yet. That a …student …defeated All-Might."

"I'll have to rewatch that fight." Snipe said, following thirteen out of the room.

"Wo! Email it to me!" Midnight said behind him.

"Don't you have access to the school's database?" Snipe asked.

"Oh, well you see. I kinda forgot my password." Midnight said which made Snipe let out a sigh.

Back with Luffy and All-Might.

"Oi! Granny!" Luffy yelled when he saw Recovery Girl in the distance. "I'm here!"

"You don't have to shout." Recovery Girl said. *I still can't believe this kid defeated you Toshinori. In your prime, would you have…"

"Oh, sorry granny. So where do you want this guy?" Luffy said as he got closer to her.

"Just… follow me." Recovery Girl said as she began going back to the school. "I'll take him to my office. Hopefully, you didn't brake anything."

"Nah, don't worry. He's tough." Luffy said as he walked side-by-side with her. "For a second there, I thought I would have to go gear fifth."

"You… You still have more?!" Recovery girl said in disbelief.

"Well, duh. I got gear fifth. Plus, I have my other forms of gear fourth." Luffy asked as he walked without a care in the world.

"O-Other forms?" Recovery Girl asked with a slight stutter. When was the last time she stuttered she wondered?

"Yeah, I have Snake-man for speed and Tank-man for defense." Luffy said. "Besides, I didn't even use Ryou on that punch."

"Uh-huh." Recovery Girl said as they neared the school while looking at the straw hatter. *Nezu, where the hell did you find this kid?*