
Ludso and Driddon

The feud between the two clans backdates hundreds of years, during the darkest parts of their history when slaves broke from their masters. The pain of losing their slaves was much deeper than anyone could have imagined, dividing the Island. Intermarriage between the two clans was forbidden, entertaining the idea of friendships was not tolerated. Despite the feud many people have disobeyed causing a loss of stability to the control of Ludso, although Driddon appears unaffected by the change, the conniving hearts of those in power attempt to corrupt the good heart of the Driddon Clan it is up to our heroin to save her people before the damage remains permanent. The people of Driddon must remain free, no matter the cost, all people deserve the freedom to choose their life without fear that their loved ones will be murdered. Civil unrest calls for immediate action, so many have died for the belief in the revolution, many more lives are at stake. Driddon’s peaceful ways are hanging on the line if the revolution should fail all hope will be lost, and their sacrifice would have been in vain.

Anagwin · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 10

Meghan restlessly slept, Daniel decided to leave her to her thoughts, and he knew there was nothing he could do for her now, except to continue his plans to revolt against the government. Meghan's thoughts went back through as she tried to understand how Pierre was able to win her back. When was that things began to change between them.

Mr Cooper once again called Miss Colesman into his study, this time she didn't feel threatened without a fuss went to him. Mr Cooper solemnly sighed, "Miss Colesman, thank you for taking time out of your busy day to see me, please take a seat. I have a request from Pierre, he was hoping you would accompany my wife and I to a company dinner being held in the City tonight, and he says he will eagerly anticipate your arrival. What do you say miss? Meghan was dumbfounded "I have no words" Mr Cooper nodded "neither do, although I myself say reject the offer, please miss" Meghan looked to him "on what grounds, I am not busy, I have no other arrangement, nor am I spoken for by anyone in the town." Mr Cooper thought for a moment before announcing "perhaps, although there are objections you say, like you have no proper attire, no means, unable to afford the night." Meghan smiled chuckling quietly she whispered "for a rich man are those really objections he would accept? Why do you not want me to go?" Mr Cooper sadly said "he is a man with many faults, he treats women like they're a game Meghan, he has no honour towards them, the women are property, don't throw yourself to man like him, he is not kind, the Pierre you remember, I'm not sure if that is who he really is." Meghan scowled "you know these women that he has hurt?" Mr Cooper shrugged, then he shook his head "I haven't seen for myself, I have only heard a great deal about Pierre, nothing good but he so much good" Meghan nodded "those are the reports I to have heard, can I really judge a man based on hearsay, harmful gossip? I know he is a powerful man for the company, the boss himself relies heavily on him, a man like that makes enemies, are those rumours spread by those enemies?" Mr Cooper shrugged "for your sake miss, I hope so; I hope harmful gossip is all there is." Meghan hopefully looked to Mr Cooper "Perhaps you could do some investigating, if those rumours are true, I'll break immediately, if not, I'll be weary but perhaps he might be a good man after all, harsh because of his position in life, but not someone who should be judged so harshly after all, I haven't believed a bad word about you. Those rumours about you have proved false; could it be the same for him?" Mr Cooper smiled "you my dear are too sweet, I will keep a watchful eye, I have grown fond of you, and I wish I could repay your kindness with my own. I will do what I can to watch over you. Miss Colesman, before you leave I want you to know, I am so grateful to have met someone as beautiful as you" Meghan felt her cheeks redden "Sir, I assure you, I am anything but beautiful, I have so many faults." With that she left the room, Mr Colesman said under his breath "if only you knew how wonderful you are, I hope he truly becomes worthy of you."

Meghan climbed elegantly out of the car, this was the first time she had worn something so expensive, Mrs Cooper had her dressed by her ladies maid, Meghan had not received so much attention before tonight, she was the talk of the entire evening a beauty on Pierre's hip, because of who Pierre was Meghan was protected from unwanted men, because of Mr Cooper's vigilance on them, Meghan was safe from Pierre, throughout the evening Meghan laughed and outwitted the men at the table, her cleverness engulfed Pierre's attention her thoughts and remarks were just what the company needed, Pierre pulled himself away from her to search through the room, for the first time he was able to see his colleagues completely engaged with a work related event, for the first time Pierre wasn't having to fight but he listened and enjoyed the night. He had a scribe there writing all the suggestions she and others made, with Meghan by his side joy was in the air, she was his joy, and he was happy to share her. When the night was over Pierre walked Meghan to the car, he pecked her cheek with a tender kiss before opening the car door for, he whispered gentle words of appreciation and with a sigh he smiled good bye. Meghan felt her world rise into the clouds. Her words united a broken company, one night with her was a night to remember, the next morning when Pierre when to work the company was growing with new ideas, there was no stale air anymore, the boss was overwhelmed for the first time he was impressed with his team, the threat of cut backs were annulled, the following months were complete bliss with multiple projects being done and finished without harassing the people to hurry up, they had found the flickering fire that had almost burned out. Pierre's appreciation for Meghan swelled his heart, so he went to the store and bought an expensive sapphire necklace set for her, with great happiness he set a message to Meghan begging for her to meet him underneath the bridge where they used to meet. When her shift was over she responded positively to his message. When they met Meghan's heart welled with feelings that never had gone away, she had missed Pierre so much, she missed his embrace, his company. Pierre listened to her and said "I was wrong to ignore you when we were dating, please let us get back together" Meghan sighed "you live so different from me, I don't think I can, please I'm falling in love with you, Pierre I can't live as a by stander in your life, don't make me. Please." Meghan begged, grieved Pierre nodded "my intention wasn't to ask you to date me; it just came out, because I miss you too, I don't know how to juggle a woman and work, but I hope I will learn fast before another man comes on your doorstep." Meghan blushed "anyway I wanted to thank you for the other night with my colleagues, please accept by deepest appreciation." With that Pierre left, Meghan sat next to the river as the box revealed the most beautiful set she had ever laid eyes on she gasped whispering "thank you, Pierre."

To celebrate the success of his workers Pierre's boss wanted to reward them, it was up to Pierre to come up with something, Pierre struggled in this particular area and thought it was a waste of time, however it dawned on him and he asked Meghan for her opinion, Meghan thought about it for a while after researching what rich people enjoy she replied back to Pierre "how about a garden party?" Pierre thought that was strange and completely irrelevant with his line of work, Meghan sighed after rolling her eyes at the screen of her phone she set pictures to him of beautiful elegant garden parties. She also sent "Pierre, yeah it might seem odd to you but see it from a non-workaholics point of view, most people enjoy the outdoors." Pierre still was not convinced and was determined to find something else, Meghan though felt determined that this was what the company needed, so she thought about the idea from another angle "Pierre, please don't give up on this wonderful business opportunity, you're an interior designer, think about the possibilities of expanding your beauty from indoor to outdoor, look at this…" Meghan sent different arrangements that people have done, also sending the reviews, there were many "okay" reviews, Meghan sent a challenge to Pierre "with your garden party coming, how will you top these reviews, there just might be another big contract coming your way, the people will benefit and your company will benefit. Keep busy and happy Pierre, you just might out do yourself this time." Pierre's mind was filling with ideas, once again Meghan had filled his creativity, he took the idea to the board, there was an anonymous agreement without any further waste of time, and the project was well underway. The people got a party and Pierre would have more contracts to win.

Meghan smiled as she thought about her idea and she wondered if Pierre had even given it a second thought, after her hard days' work, Mr Cooper requested to see Meghan she obliged. As she sat awaiting Mr Cooper to finish typing on his laptop she thought about why she had been summoned it had been a long time since she had spoken with Mr Cooper, she felt anxious wondering if it had to do with her work or Pierre. "Miss Colesman I wanted to thank you, and I might be wrong about Pierre, please remain alert to him though." Meghan sat stunned as she blinked she asked "why are you thanking me?" Mr Cooper smiled "for your garden project, the board members are thrilled, Pierre has been working tirelessly to have this arranged in two weeks, the company is again buzzing around with the greatest eagerness, a party and a contract winner, the garden is being transformed into an outdoor luxury. We have you to thank, not many have been successful in convincing Pierre or the boss to move outdoors as well, but you managed." Meghan smiled "Well, I wasn't sure if I would, he didn't seem convinced, I sent him what others were able to accomplish along with the reviews, which weren't great, I impressed upon him to do better and get the contracts." Mr Colesman proudly smiled "You're a very clever young woman, which reminds me, I am have a get together at my place in six days on the weekend, you are among the invited guests, my wife would gladly dress you again, even take you shopping, you can keep your clothes in the spare room, although it will mean you won't be working on the shopping days, will that suitable?" Meghan shook her head not quite sure what she heard was correct, "sir, I cannot, your housemaid who cleans your home to be a guest in your house, I don't see how that's fair on the other young women, I'm sorry I must speak frankly, unless you can tame your children, there will be no way we can get your house ready in time as well as having a maid down." Mr Cooper sighed, "You are right, I do not know what to do with them, and do you have a suggestion?" Meghan sat quietly thinking about it, abruptly she thought "perhaps the night before send your children to a grandparent or to a nanny until the house is done and guests arrive, or keep them away for a few days." Mr Cooper nodded "I will find an arrangement that will work, but they will have to be here before guests arrive, my pride and honour is seen through the children's presence, my wife will be even more highly esteemed, being her house, I need my wife to shine with praise just as much as you, I don't wish for my wife to be outshone." Meghan sweetly smiled before standing up to leave "oh sir, before I leave. Are you sure your boys will behave for what is worse than being outshone is being disgraced. Whomever you choose to look after your boys must prepare them for the big event." Mr Cooper went to retort however as she left the room he held back, knowing Meghan knew her boys better than he did. Mr Cooper knew this was the time to impress his boss, he had the right cards to play, he had Pierre's shining star and he had the perfect family, he was a hard worker. Mr Cooper aspired to be on the board, having Meghan in his ear he would have the best ideas; he could bring joy to the company just like Meghan does. This weekend was about him winning his boss over, if he succeeded he would be the bosses muse, leaving Meghan free, for he still did not trust Pierre and he was concerned she would be left wounded.

On the day of the dinner, Meghan elegantly walked down the stairs of the house her entry sparked the interest of so many who had arrived, Pierre swooned across the room just so he could take her hand as she took her final steps off the staircase, she was the most important person to him in this room, her sweet scent filled his nostrils, he careful glided her through the swarm of people who were arriving, as she greeted those who had arrived Pierre saw how wonderful the dress she wore curved round her body, Meghan's laugh pulled Pierre away from his wicked thoughts for all he wanted was to hold her body against his. Meghan looked to Pierre as she tilted her head Pierre noticed she was wearing the Sapphire set which he had given her, tonight she really sparkled like a shining star and Pierre wanted to keep her at his side all night and days to come. As dinner commenced speeches were made and stories were told, Meghan kept the crowd entertained with ideas and adventures she longed to have, one question after another filed through the people at the table wanted to learn about Meghan and she was so happy to share, there was so much which made Meghan, Meghan. Pierre was astounded at the range of interests she seemed to have, all and all Meghan's greatest desire was to travel far and abroad, she had a big heart which was confined to the life she was in, Pierre understood her desire, he once dreamed of travelling, but now his heart was consumed with rage and regrets. It wasn't long after dinner that the boys began to act out, the boys were bored and their mother continued to ignore them so the boys went ahead to amuse themselves, unaware there was a project investor joining the evening Mr Cooper did not intervene to stop the boys from making the biggest mistake of their lives. The boys were making a prank for the first person who walked under the door to go inside, not only will they be covered in goo but the boys put an awful smell through the mixture once it sticks to your skin it can take days for the smell to naturally fade away. The unlucky victim of this monstrosity was indeed the secret project investor, who was not one with any sense of humour during the fiasco Pierre had lead Meghan away from the party, where he begged for her to return to him, once again Meghan rejected his offer, "Pierre I enjoy your company, a lot, but I'm terrified that there will be no room for me in your life. I'm sorry" Pierre was determined to have her, he took hold of her waist despite struggling to get away from him his strength was so much than hers, however the screams and yells from the house reached Pierre saving Meghan from unwanted attention. Pierre ran back to the house to see what the commotion was, Meghan followed quickly behind, although she was in a great hurry to disappear back to her house before things escalate further in a direction she didn't want.

During her days as the housemaid leading up to the garden party were very intense, Meghan learned that the boys prank at lead to multiple investors pulling out of the party, not only had Meghan shone through the night, Mr Cooper's disgrace was unforgettable, so much so he was demoted, which meant a less pay for their stuff. Some of the women who worked at the house lost their jobs which meant more work on the staff that remained, Pierre was not in the best of moods so Meghan didn't even try to communicate with him, she also thought it best to keep out of Mr Cooper's way, Mrs Cooper's distress and shame kept her locked away during the time Meghan cleaned the house, so there was any awkwardness there. Sadly the boys then lost even more guidance and their bad behaviour escalated almost beyond control, they proved difficult even fore Meghan, but locking them away helped regain control over them, once again Meghan proved to be stronger than the eight year olds. During the nights Meghan spent with her parents, for her father's health was declining a lot faster than they first thought it would, dementia was the diagnosis, Meghan wanted to remain strong for her parents, her love and concern for them would cause her to cry during the time they slept. Meghan didn't want to concern her parents over what has been happening in her life, but she wondered if having Pierre in her life would make things easier, Meghan thought that she already was lonely, Pierre despite the constantly pushing him away he wasn't going away, as much as she tried to ignore his messages she couldn't help but answer him, his call she was inclined to answer, Pierre ensured that it would be impossible for Meghan to forget her feelings for him, in her heart she decided that if he asked again she would say yes and this time she would make it work. Meghan was determined to become his wife one day for she knew Pierre needed her, and she hoped they would be happy together.

The day before the garden party, after finishing her shift Meghan received a message from Pierre "I do not trust Mr Cooper, the indignant fool, my dear I will send for a car to pick you up and you will buy something beautiful for the garden party, 7:00pm sharp" Meghan replied "no need, I'm not going, for I have no reason to go, please enjoy your party" Pierre replied "out of the question, I need you to go, because all of this is because of you." Meghan thought about what Pierre said and all the wonderful things the Coopers had done for the during the other two company functions, so she replied "I do not know the dealings between you and Mr Cooper, but they have not dressed me to embarrass you, my terms of going to the garden party is if Mr and Mrs Cooper accompany me as they have in the past. Or I'm not going as I trust them, my father is incredibly unwell, I need Mr Cooper's fatherly tenderness as for my mother she is much engaged with my father at present I need Mrs Cooper's motherly advice, believe me in this area they will not embarrass you." It took Pierre awhile to respond with "If they fail, Mr Cooper is fired." Upon receiving the message Meghan was requested to see Mr Cooper, Meghan left the message she felt a huge tug of injustice and anger well up within her by what Pierre said, if she failed to uphold herself during the garden party would Mr Cooper lose his job? Meghan felt distressed long before she was invited to sit down at Mr Cooper's desk. For a while they sat in silence, Mr Cooper wasn't sure what to say for it had been over a week since they last spoke to each other, they spoke at the same time "I'm sorry" they said. Confused they asked each other why, unsure about whom should speak first, and Meghan pointed to him gesturing for Mr Cooper to speak first "I'm sorry, I have failed to protect you from Pierre, you now are expected to attend the garden party, and my wife is to dress you appropriately, I hope it won't be awkward for you." Meghan quickly spoke over top of him "this is my fault, I'm sorry, I didn't want to go with Pierre, I wanted to go with you, in hopes that would get me out of going, but he didn't take my reverse psychology and has kindly obliged and accommodated to my need to have you by my side, but if I fail to impress, you will lose your job, I'm so sorry, I never expected that the price was so high." Mr Cooper smiled "No, please don't apologise, I was fired from my job today, so again it is to you I owe my second chance to, instead of apologising, I should be thanking you, once again you have saved my career, I wonder at what cost? What situation have I left you in?" Meghan shrugged ��Please, Mr Cooper, don't be overly concerned with me, we just have to take one day at a time." Mr Cooper smiled "that is true my dear, go home and I'll let you know when the best time for us will be to go shopping, it looks like we all need proper attire, it may have to be tomorrow." Meghan smiled in agreeance for she was quite tired today. Upon hearing the news Mrs Cooper was ecstatic she has been able to keep her social standing, her honour now is tied to Meghan, that night she spent researching the proper attire and which stores to get them from. Mrs Cooper booked a hair/make up stylist not far from where the garden party is being held so as to avoid messing up the hair.

On the day of the garden party Meghan gracefully excited the limo, she followed Mr and Mrs Cooper to the entrance of the party, each member was ticked off the list under the archway, once into the party Meghan lit up the entire garden, she was the most beautiful rose among the thorns, Pierre's breathe was taken away, but Meghan knew that Mr Cooper was not out of the woodwork yet.

Pierre darted Meghan around on his hip like a child would carry their doll, just as she had done before she stole the hearts of those who had come for the event, the contractors were impressed by the beauty of the arrangement but the beauty of Meghan made the event that much more appealing, Pierre wanted to carry her away forever in his arms so again he asked in front of everywhere if she would accept him as her partner, with silent breaths she agreed to his hand, overjoyed by the news the party raged on with more success than that last work functions. Meghan enjoyed the attention Pierre was giving her, she dreamed her would continue on with his devotion. Sadly over time she became old news, her fears of being in the backseat of her own life was being realised, from seeing Pierre a few times a week slowly decreased to once a week, her joy for Pierre was never minimised but his joy in her was slowly forgotten, Meghan wasn't a doll but she felt like she was sitting on the shelf waiting to be useful again, so she continued to beg and harass Pierre to spend more time with each other, she needed him, but he was too busy.

Upon remembering Pierre's change of heart towards her did Meghan begin to cry again as she lay next to the roaring flame, the man she fell in love with was nowhere to be seen, Meghan wanted to believe that she was worth more to him than an object, she needed to be wanted by him on a daily basis, not even thoughts of marriage aroused interest with him, only thoughts of holding her naked bought attention and light back into his eyes, he lusted after her, Meghan knew her body was owned by him, sometimes she enjoyed his touch sometimes she didn't, other times she felt guilty to allow his touch because the disgrace was on her, an unmarried woman, she knew better but somehow he was able to get inside of her head, to change her feelings. What angered Pierre was her stubbornness to revert back to her belief, Pierre wanted to control her and it angered him that he continued to fail, here he was in search through Ludso for her and she had chosen to ignore his call. Meghan lay on the ground knowing he was the hunt for her; she still didn't understand why he chose to treat her like a doll, why he didn't want the happy life of having an equal at his side. She wanted to be a Mrs Cooper to Pierre, a devoted and doting wife, but Pierre didn't want to be like that with her, he didn't want to be devoted; he wanted the satisfaction of marriage without the obligation. Meghan wanted a family and to bear children, Pierre's children she wanted to be good wife and a great mother, these were the things Pierre derived Meghan from ever having with him, he was not interested in that life, the longer Meghan thought about her situation the more she could see how deceived she was by him.

A woman hurt by a man she loves leaves wounds so deep it is difficult to rise from, often there are two main outcomes she will give up the will to live each day for her spirit and heart are shattered with no one to console her or with the little spirit she has left she will seek revenge. Often these are the outcomes, the range of revenge is vast often women will seek to be more beautiful or successful than the man in question ought to have thought in hopes to make them raging with lust and jealousy knowing they could never have them back again or to prove that their life would have been better with them in it, there are few women who seek to have their man in question killed, for revenge is sweeter if they live in the woman's success. There is though one type of woman that is overlooked, the sweet kind, hidden behind the thought of weakness a woman who can forgive a treacherous man, she never gives up the fight her light shines elsewhere in a place where a devious man never looks in the silent places that radiate the most joy. With the help of those in her life she regains the missing pieces of her life and tries to continue on without growing bitter or losing herself in an ordeal that was never her fault to begin with. Meghan has a choice to give up, seek revenge or to keep fighting to find her life accepting the lessons she has learned from such a man but to remember the friends and family that have always been there to support her. Meghan although has been broken with every tear dropped with every breathe lost in her grief she has a buried hope that one day Ludso and Driddon will be united this is the fire that buries deep within her.