
Lucrada Chronicles: Origins

In the year 2108, the world has changed its definition of being normal. The people of the world gained unique abilities and magical powers. However, with this development, the corruption of the world grew. The spread of crime and murder increased all over the world. To fight the corruption of the world, the world’s governments decided to rally together and fight against this threat. They formed an army of people who have special powers, called SP User, and magicians to combat against the corruption of the world. They called this organization The World’s Army Association. Thanks to the power of the World’s Army Association, corruption has decreased in the world. As a result, the world became a peaceful place and began to flourish, however peace doesn’t last for long. The world on the outside looks normal, but it’s horrible and full of corruption. The corruption of the world spread to the world’s government and the army’s leaders. However, in this corrupt world, there is a righteous boy who dreams of leading the world’s army. However little that he knows, He would be the leader of the World's Strongest Team, The Amagiri Clan, or that he would change the world.

R_Lucrada · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
22 Chs

Chapter 5


 Three months later, the first day of the Fall Fighters tourney have arrived. It was like a festival. There were plenty of rides, food stalls, games, and a huge crowds. At the center of it all was the main stadium where the main event was taking place. Reo and the others were walking in through the main gates.

"Wow, this is a huge turn out!" Lucie said.

"Yeah, but Kana could've told us that it doubles as Family Visit Day." Anko said.

"I know what you mean. We could've brought our families here." Reo said with an upset tone.

"So, why don't you go now?" Lucie said.

"I already looked at our houses with our dimensional eyes. They weren't there, and I couldn't find them anywhere." Reo said.

"That's surprising. How is that even possible?" Lucie said.

"Well, our moms have the same abilities as us, so that's probably why he can't see them." Anko said.

"Your probably right, Anko. However, our moms hid their abilities from us too. So, I'm sure they wouldn't show them to our fathers and sisters." Reo said.

"Yeah, I forgot. But, what about you, Lucie, why aren't you looking for your family?" Anko said.

"I wanted to see you two first before I go to find them." Lucie said.

"Okay, do you want us to help you look for them?" Reo asked.

"No, I'm okay. I can look for them myself. So enjoy yourselves, and I'll meet you two later." Lucie said.

"Okay, see you later." Reo said. Then she disappeared instantly.

"What should we do now?" Anko asked.

"I don't know. Maybe we should walk around a little." Reo said.

"Alright, let's go." Anko said smiling.

They walked around the festival and saw many kinds of things.

"Hey look! That's The Demon Swordsman and The Dimensional Queen."

"They're the strongest in the entire school."

"Yeah, that's them."

"I wonder if they're in the tourney today."

"They seem like they're on a date right now."

"Nah, The Demon Swordsman is engaged with one of the daughters of the Tachibana family." Crowds of people said while Reo and Anko walked by.

"Wow, I'm kind of happy that they didn't come today. They would've heard a lot of things from these stupid rumors." Reo said.

"Yeah, I think Ezra-sensei would be upset with us. We kind of promised to stay off others radar." Anko said.

"Oh, I don't think he would be upset." Reo said.

"You're right. I'm not upset. I'm furious!" Ezra said as he appeared behind them.

Reo and Anko turned around slowly full of fear. They saw Ezra, Rias, Iris and their families.

"Hey everybody, how you been?" Reo asked while smiling.

"Anko, be ready to fight. Ezra-sensei is going to test us." Reo said telepathically to Anko.

"I already know, but we have to take it in the sky." Anko said telepathically back.

"Hey earth to Reo and Anko. Are you listening? We said 'Fine, how you are you two doing?' Or should we call you Demon Swordsman and Dimensional Queen?" Evee asked.

"You can call us Reo and Anko or Chronos and Janus. Those our codename here at the WAAA." Reo said.

"Yeah, but why Demon Swordsman." Reo's mom asked.

"And Janus sounds like a guy's name." Anko's mom said.

"It's something they gave us while we were passed out after the Entrance Exam." Reo said.

Then Ezra disappeared and reappeared behind Reo and punched him, but his fist went through him.

"Ooh, dad's fist went through Papa." Rias said.

"Was that you Anko?" Ezra asked.

"No, that was all Reo. We had time to master our abilities." Anko said.

"Oh, so you found out about your second ability." Ezra said.

"Yeah, we found out a lot of stuff about us. But, we'll explain later." Anko said as she grabbed Ezra's shirt collar.

Then, she flew high into the sky.

"We'll be right back." Reo said as he flew into the sky.

"Wait for me, Papa Reo." Rias said as she attempted to fly, but she couldn't stay in the air.

"I wish I could fly like them." Rias said with disappointed tone.

"Don't worry. I bet you will just as strong as Reo." Evee said.

"Yeah, Rias. Just be patience." Lacia said.

"Okay." Rias said.

"Rei, you think they'll be okay." Anko's mom asked concernedly.

"Of Course, they're our kids after all." Reiko said confidently.

In the sky, Ezra struggles to break free from Anko's grip on his shirt.

"What's with this girl's grip and speed. She's gotten a lot stronger than before." Ezra thought to himself.

Then, Anko stopped and threw him in front of her.

"What the hell? Are you trying to kill your teacher?" Ezra asked sarcastically.

"I knew that you would've flew. Its second nature for you." Anko said confidently. Ezra laughed.

"Okay. At least, I know that you didn't change much." Ezra said.

"Oh, come on Sensei, do you really think that we will change after a six months." Reo said as he flew up behind Ezra.

"No, I know that you two changed. Your teacher is my older sister. So, how about a test of your full power." Ezra said.

"Not to sound cocky sensei, but you won't be able handle our full power." Reo said.

"Really, I'll be the judge. Come at me. Both of you." Ezra said.

"Okay, no holding back." Anko said as she powered up to her max.

"You wanted this Ezra-Sensei." Reo backed away from Ezra and did the same. Then they both charged at Ezra.

Back on the ground, Lucie was searching everywhere for her family and friends, but couldn't find them. After a few minutes, she enlisted her familiars, Leah, Artemis, Neko, and Niko, to help her.

"Lulu, I found your family." Neko said telepathically.

"Neko, show me." Lucie said.

Then, Neko and Lucie used a special kind of magic that only Nekomata, and their special person can use. It's called Eye Link. It allows the two of them to show each other sight.

"Okay, I'm on my way." Lucie said as she Flash stepped away.

Then, Lucie felt Reo, Anko, and an unknown person raise their powers.

"Somebody has a lot of courage to face them. But, why do they get to have the fun." Lucie thought to herself.

Niko jumped onto Lucie's shoulder as she went by.

"Master Lucie, Artemis and Leah are on the way to Neko's location." Niko said.

"Okay, hold on Niko." Lucie said.

"Lucie, why are you running?" Lucie's mom asked.

Lucie stopped in her tracks as she saw her family.

"Oh, no reason mother. I was looking for you." Lucie said.

Then, she noticed the cat in her mother's arm.

"Um mother, where did you find that kitten?" Lucie asked.

"I saw it was following us for a while, so I asked your sister to catch it. I was thinking about keeping it." Lucie's mom said.

Neko, shocked from what she heard, jumped out of Lucie's mother arms into the air, and transformed into a little girl with black hair and a two cat tails.

"No, Lulu is the only master for me. I won't be anybody else's familiar." Neko said as she landed, and hugged on Lucie.

"Okay, calm down Neko." Lucie said.

"So, this is your familiar, big sister. She so cute." Miko, Lucie's little sister, said.

"Yeah, she's one of them." Lucie said.

"Is that kitten on you shoulder another one?" Miko asked.

"Yeah, this one name is Niko." Lucie said.

Lucie noticed her father, and how unhappy he looked.

"Hello, father, how are you?" Lucie asked.

"Fine, how have you been?" Lucie's dad said.

"Fine, thank you for asking, father." Lucie said with a smile, but behind that smile was hatred and boredom.

"I heard that you're hanging around a boy named Reo Amagiri. Is this true?" He asked.

"Yes, father. It is true." Lucie said as she slowly gets angry.

"Okay, I would love to meet this Reo. I want to see if he's as strong as your brother say. Plus, he needs to pay for making a mockery of my future son-in-law, Matsura." He said.

"He didn't do anything wrong. And who is that weakling, Matsura, going to marry?" Lucie yelled.

"You, of course. You are the oldest daughter even if it's by a few minutes." Lucie's father said.

"What the-

Then, something crashed behind Lucie created a small crater. Lucie turned around, and saw Reo with minor injures.

"Oh my god, Lucie, are you

"Reo, are you okay?" Lucie asked concernedly as she rushed to his aid.

"I guess she's okay." Lucie's mother thought to herself.

"Reo!" Lucie's father thought to himself.

"Honey, should we call for someone." Lucie's mother asked.

"Nah, I'm good, but who would've thought Anko's punch would send me down here. Sorry, I hope I didn't hurt you, Lucie." Reo said as he sat up.

"No need to apologize, you didn't hit me." Lucie said.

"Are you sure you're okay, young man? "Lucie's mother.

"Don't worry so much, mother, that the Demon Swordsman. He can take it." Akatsuki said.

"REO!" Reo's mother yelled concernedly.

Then, Reo turned around to see that she, Asia, and Rias running towards him, and behind them was Evee and Lacia.

"What's wrong, mom?" Reo asked.

"What's wrong you ask. You just fell twenty thousand miles out of the sky. Are you okay?" Reiko asked.

"Papa Reo, are you okay?" Rias asked sadly.

"Yeah, I'm fine Rias. Papa is super strong." Reo said.

"Uh Reo, who are these people?" Lucie asked.

"They're the family and friends I was talking about." Reo said.

"Reo, aren't you going to introduce us to your lady friend." Evee said playfully.

"Oh right. Everyone this is 'the Immortal Flame' Lucie Tachi-

Lucie's father suddenly attacks Reo, however Reiko caught his attack.

"Is there a reason why you're attacking my son?" Reiko asked with an flaming aura.

"Good to see you too, Freya." Lucie's father said.

"I wish I could say the same, Godspeed." Reiko said.

"I'm sorry, but would it be okay if you let my husband go?" Lucie's mother said while gripping Reiko arm.

"Come on Vyce. You know that your acid grip doesn't affect me." Reiko said.

"It's been awhile since we talked. I got a lot stronger since." Lucie's mother said.

"Really, I don't see a difference." Asia appearing behind Lucie's mother.

"Still following your queen, huh Orthis. Like a loyal doggy." Lucie's mother said.

"No, she my friend, and I stay with my friends (Unlike a certain traitor)." Asia said.

"Enough! Everyone, Calm down." Reo and Lucie yelled.

Everybody looked over at them and was shocked. Reo and Lucie's transformed. Reo went into Omega mode. In this mode, his hair became long, spiky, and silver. His eyes were silver as nickel, and the God Ultimate Armor formed on his body, which was giving off a silver aura. Lucie eyes glowed bright as the sun, her hair completely transformed into fire, and her 'Purgatory' suit. Everybody was speechless at what they saw.

"What's wrong Reo?" Reiko asked.

"Yeah, why are you doing that, Lucie." Lucie's father and mother said.

"Rei." Asia said. Reiko looked at Asia. Asia nodded, and Reiko understood everything.

"Answer us, young lady. Why are you raising your magic towards us?" Lucie's father yelled. Reo and Lucie snapped their fingers, and all their familiars appeared.

"What would you like from us, Lord Reo." Ryuu asked.

"The Reverse Reo and Reverse Anko have returned, and they're coming here. We're going to intercept them." Reo said.

"What would like for us to do, my goddess." Artemis asked.

"We're going to help people get into the stadium." Lucie said.

"Reo, please be careful." Lucie said. She kissed him without any hesitation.

"Lucie, how dare you." Lucie's father said.

"Shut up." Reiko said.

"Jeez, you always doing PDA when I'm not around, Lucie. Can't you behave yourself?" Anko said as she floated down.

"You felt it too, right." Reo said.

"Yeah, but I thought you destroyed them both." She said as she landed.

"Yeah, I thought I did too, but the Reverse Mirror dimension must've created more after we left." Reo said. Then, Anko transformed into Omega mode.

"They both can transform." Asia said.

"Yeah, but they seem to be still holding a lot back." Reiko said.

"Anko." Reo said.

"I know." Anko said. Then, they both raised their power higher and higher until they transformed into a strange, new form that nobody knew about. Their hair returned to its black color, but remained long and spiky, their eyes were glowing. There was no kind of aura emitting off them.

"Are you two still there?" Reiko asked. Reo looked over to Reiko and said, "Get everybody to the main stadium." Reiko smiled. Anko snapped her fingers and the rest of the familiars of Hikojima appeared.

"How can we help you masters?" Iroh, the butler of Hikojima, asked.

"Help out Lucie, with the barrier. Make sure you protect her, Iroh. The rest of you come with me." Then, Lucie flew over to Reo and Anko and gave them both a hug and whispered, 'Be careful'.

"We will." They said as they took off at high speed.

"Come on, let's go get people in the stadium." Reiko said as she grabbed Lucie shoulder.

"Wait, don't touch me. My suit might burn you." Lucie said.

"Don't worry, we're like Reo and Anko. We're invulnerable like them." Asia said.

"Yeah, so let's go have a talk. I want to know more about your relationship with our kids." Reiko said.

"Rei, Lucie. I just noticed that the sky is different and everybody in the crowd has passed out." Asia said.

"Yeah, but why haven't we passed out." Lucie asked.

"I think it's because we're all have high Pwr Levels." Asia said.

"Okay, but that don't explain why the sky have changed." Reiko said.

"Wait, I've seen this sky before. This is the Reverse Mirror dimension, but that's impossible." Lucie said.

"You're right and wrong. Someone fused our world and the Reverse Mirror world together. I can feel a flux in the Dimensional barrier being broken." Rei said.

Then, everything suddenly went back to normal.

"What the hell? What happened? You think Reo and Anko fixed it?" Lucie asked.

"It wasn't us. We were almost to the reverse us. Then, they disappeared suddenly without a trace." Reo said as they came out of nowhere.

"Your mom felt someone breaking the dimensional barriers." Lucie said.

"I didn't know we can feel that kind of stuff." Anko said.

"Yeah, we can do anything dealing with the dimension. By the way, who told you about your powers." Asia asked.

"Your sister and her boyfriend." Anko said as she powered down.

"My sister? Who are you talking about?" Asia asked.

"Auntie Rose Dragonia, Reo's Uncle Ryuji." Anko said.

"I don't know a Ryuji." Rei said.

"What did this Rose say to you?" Asia asked concernedly.

"Nothing much. She just want to talk about you and my love life." Anko said.

"Love life, like you have one." Lacia, Anko's little sister said.

"I do have a love life." Anko said.

"You know that fighting over Reo with Lucie is not a love life." Lacia said.

"For your information, Lucie and I are both marrying Reo." Anko said without hesitation. Everybody was shocked to hear the words that came from Anko.

"So, does this mean I have a new mama?" Rias said happily.

"I won't allow it." Lucie's Father yelled.

"I forgot he was here." Everybody thought to themselves.

"Luckily, that's not up to you, father." Lucie said.

"Yes, it is. It's my responsible to find you the perfect spouse to expand the Tachibana bloodline."

"I'm not a part of your Tachibana bloodline. I'm adopted remember. Plus, Reo and Anko are more of a family to me than you would ever be, and if their family accept me, I would like to be a part of their family." Lucie said as she powered down.

"Of course, they accepted you. They already like you." Ezra said as he floated down.

"He's right, Lucie. I'm glad that Reo found someone like you." Reiko said.

"I feel the same way. Your seem to really like them. I would gladly accept you into the family. But, I think the only ones who can accept you is Reo and Anko." Asia said.

"Mom is right. As long as we accept you, you will always be a part of our family." Reo said as he powered down.

"Enough with this nonsense. O great god of fire, lend me your power to obliterate enemies." Lucie's father said as he gather fire in his hand, and threw it at Reo. Then, Lucie jumped in the way of the attack, and instantly burned into ashes.

"Lucie!!" Lucie's mother and Akatsuki yelled."

"Bi- big sister." Miko said sadly as she began to cry.

"I didn't mean to. Why? Why did you get in the way?" Lucie's father said, as he fell to his knees, slowly falling into a depressed state

Then, Lucie's ashes began to float, and form a skeleton. The muscles and skin formed on the skeleton, forming a naked Lucie.

"W- what happened?" Lucie's father asked.

"She's immortal, blessed by a phoenix. She can't be killed that easily." Reo said calmly.

"Reo, stop looking, and get her some clothes." Anko said.

"Oh, this should work." Reo said. He snapped his fingers and clothes formed on her body. They looked like Reo's God Ultimate Armor.

"Lucieeee!" Miko said as she ran to Lucie's body.

"She's alive. I'm so relieved." Lucie's mother said."

Then Reo's, Lucie's, and Anko's PDAs went off. They looked at them and it was a voice message.

"Attention! All the participants of the Fall Fighters Tourney, Report to the main stadium. The tourney starts in five minutes." Samip said.

"Anko, what are we going to do we can't participate without Lucie. It won't be any fun." Reo said.

"Well, you won't have to. I'm good for a fight." Lucie said.

"You sure, don't overdo yourself big sister." Miko said.

"I'm good, Miko. Let's get going to the stadium." Lucie said.

"Mom, catch you later. Say hey to dad for me. He seemed angry earlier." Reo said.

"He's not angry. He was just wondering about his brother." Rei said.

"Is that why he's not here now?" Reo asked.

Rei nodded.

"Yes, he went to look for your uncle and aunt. He said he'll be watching you in the tournament." she said.

"Okay, be sure to watch us win." Reo said. Reo, Anko, and Lucie ran towards the main stadium.

"Crap, I forgot to give them their new suits." Mai said.

"Don't worry, I think they're going to use their old fighting suits, or God Ultimate Armor." Ezra said.

"They told me that their old suits were destroyed during the three months after the Entrance Exams. They asked me for some new ones, so I made them suits like ours." Mai said as she show Ezra the suit.

"I guess they'll work, but they will just rip even if they don't transform." Ezra said.

"Hey, aren't you forgetting they move faster than the eye can see probably even faster. Shouldn't you hurry, and take it to them." Rei said.

"Your right. I have to hurry, and catch up with them. You coming Ezra." Mai said.

"Yeah. Reiko, can you watch Rias for me?" Ezra asked.

"Of course, She is my god-granddaughter after all." Rei said.

"Thanks, Let's go Big Sis." Ezra said.

"Okay." Mai said smiling. Ezra and Mai took off into sky almost instantaneous, and flew in the direction of Reo and Anko.

"I guess that we should go to find good seats, right Rias." Rei said.

"Yeah, lets go." Rias said excitedly.

"Excuse me, but would you happen to be a part of the Amagiri and the Namikaze family?" a mysterious maid asked.

"Yes, we are." Rei and Asia said as they moved Evee, Lacia, and Rias behind them.

"No need to be cautious. Please follow me." She said as she walked away. They followed her with caution to a back wall at the stadium. Then, a doorway magically appeared, showing a staircase leading up, and the maid walked up the staircase.

"Please hurry. The tournament is starting." The maid said.

"First, tell us why you brought us here." Rei said.

"You been invited to the VIP section to watch the Tournament." She said.

"By who?" Rei asked.

"The world's princess." the maid said.

Rei and Asia shocked.

"Okay, but what about our husbands and the others?" Asia said.

"They're already here waiting for you. Now please follow me." The maid said.

Rei and Asia had no other choice, but to follow her up the stair. Once they reached the top of the stairs, they was in a big room with giant windows and a bunch of high class people standing around.

"Wow, there's a lot of high-class people here." Rei said.

"These high-class people are made of the most famous families of the world." The maid said.

"Yeah, but is it me or are they staring at us." Asia said.

"It's unusual for people of your status to be here." The maid said.

"Attention, his and her highness, Sora and Kana Hasegawa, has arrived." A royal guard yelled. Everyone in the room bowed. Kana sighed, and thought to herself "I'm tired of this boring atmosphere."

"Kana, your showing your true emotions. Try to hide them." Sora said bluntly.

"Okay, sorry about that." Kana said.

"It's okay. You're worried Reo and Anko after all." Sora said.

"That is not true." Kana said embarrassed.

Sora laughed.

"The princess is worried about The Demon Swordsman and the Dimensional Queen."

"Those freaks. Why would she be worried about them?"

A group of people said.

"I don't think it's wise to call the people she's worried about freaks in front of her." Another person said.

"You're right, head of the Tepes family. But Everybody here is thinking the same thing. Those freaks don't deserve to be so close to the-

A loud crash filled the room.

"I dare you. I just dare you to call my son a freak again. See what happens." Reiko said furiously.

"Rei, I'm sorry, but can you stand down." Asia said.

"What!" Reiko said as she turned to Asia.

Then, she saw that Asia was angry, and felt the killing intent radiating from her.

"I'm just going to tell you once. Apologize for calling my daughter and son-in-law freaks now. If you don't, you will regret it." Asia said.

"Wait, you mean to tell me that those freaks are your son and daughter. That's hilarious." One of the guys said. Asia launched at the guy, but she was stopped by her husband.

"Calm down. Asia. This isn't like you." He said. Then, Reiko rushed towards the same guy, but she was also stopped by her husband.

"Let us go, right now." Rei said.

"Yeah, they have to pay for insulting Reo and Anko. They are two of the strongest people on the earth. They should show at least some respect." Asia said.

Then, the people in the VIP Room laughed.

"That's funny. They're strong, but to say they're the strongest in the world. I think you're overestimating them a bit. Everybody in the world know that the king is the world's strongest. Those freaks wouldn't stand a chance. " the guy said arrogantly.

"Let me go. I'm not going to kill him. He needs a lesson in humility." Reiko said as she tried to get free.

"Okay, but you're making a scene in front of everybody here." Reiko's Husband said.

"I don't care." Rei said phasing through her husband.

"What?" He said.

"Sorry about this dear, but you're can't stop us." Asia said as she phased also.

Kana laughed and walked in front of them. Then, suddenly Rei and Asia was stopped in their tracks.

"Would you happen to be Reo Amagiri and Anko Namikaze's mothers." Kana asked.

"Yes, who are you?" Rei said.

"I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kana Hasegawa, the world's princess. I'm kinda friends with your son and daughter." Kana said.

"What you mean kinda?" Rei said.

"It's complicated." Kana said.

"Yeah complicated. We know you had an argument with them." Rei and Asia thought to themselves.

"Anyways you sure you're related to them, because this spell would've never worked on them. You must be normal humans, and your husbands, over there, must be the Jan-gu." She whispered in their ears.

"No, we're the ones who they get their power from. We just don't have much training against gravity manipulation like our kids." Asia said.

"Don't lie. You're too weak to be Transcendent beings." Kana whispered.

Reiko sighed in disappointment.

"Being cocky like that and pretending to be a badass. It's no wonder, your relationship with ours kids is complicated. I would keep you at arm's length too." Reiko said as she slowly regained her ability to move.

"Now Rei, be nice. She just wants to see our true power. Even if she's doing a bit too much, she is royalty. We have to show our respect." Asia said as she moved too.

"I thought you couldn't move." Kana said.

"Looks like Reo and Anko didn't tell you much, but our most powerful ability is hyper-adaptivity. We can learn anything faster than anybody." Asia said.

"Yep, but you don't want to know about that. You want to see us with full strength. Sadly, we can't show you that, because we just recently started using our powers again, and we want to take it slowly." Reiko said.

"Wow, you're just like them. May I ask your names?" Kana said.

"My name is Reiko Amagiri, formerly known as Freya, the Warrior Queen." Reiko said.

"I'm Asia Namikaze, formerly known as Orthis, the Dragon God." Asia said.


"The Warrior Queen and the Dragon God."

"They're legendary heroes within the WAAA."

"They're have the record for facing the most corrupted beings in the world."

"The Demon Swordsman and The Dimensional Queen are their kids."

"Those guys almost died."

"They should be grateful that the princess saved them."

The crowd of nobles in the room mumbled.

"Mrs. Amagiri and Mrs. Namikaze. Would you please forgive me, and these idiotic nobles for our rudeness towards you and your families? Also if it fine with you, I would like to meet the rest of your families, and sit with your families and friends to watch the tournament?" Kana asked nicely as she curtsied.

"Sure, you can. You seem nice enough to make friends with Reo and Anko." Reiko said.

"Jeez, they make the most noise." Reo said.

"Yeah, but I wonder why did Kana do that?" Anko said.

"She probably wanted to see where we got our powers from." Reo said.

Reo and Anko laughed.

"Hey, hurry up and get ready you two." Lucie said.

"Don't worry, we're already set." Reo said.

"We're basically saying that waiting for you." Anko said.

"It's not my fault, you don't have to fight wearing this AGMS. It's a pain just getting my boobs into it." Lucie said. Then, Anko had a flashback show her doing the exact same thing as Lucie two-years ago.

"Let me help you. Reo step out for a minute." Anko said.

"Really, I been here all this time, and now you have a problem." Reo said.

"Shut up and get out." Anko said loudly.

"Alright, Alright. I'll be outside waiting. Yell if you need me." Reo said as he walked out the door.

"Alright, Lucie strip." Anko said bluntly.

"Wait? I think we should wait for Reo's lea-" Anko punched Lucie head.

"Get your head out the gutter. You can't wear a bra or underwear when putting this on. The AGMS is skin tight, so you can feel the full extent of it contracting against your muscles." Anko said.

"Okay, but did you have to hit me." Lucie said in pain.

"Yes." Anko said bluntly.

Then, Lucie took everything, and put the AGMS back on.

"See easier right." Anko said.

"Yeah, but my body kind of feels like it's being pulled on and pushed down." Lucie said.

"That's normal, but I can't believe you still stand up." Anko said.

"Really, it's basic breathing techniques." Lucie said.

"Yeah, basic." Anko said with her pride hurt.

"What's wrong, Anko?" Lucie said.

"Nothing, everything is alright. Hurry up and finish getting dressed." Anko said as she headed towards the door.

"Okay, I'll be done in a second. Lucie said while rushing to put her clothes on. Anko walked out the door.

"So, how is she?" Reo asked.

"She's completely normal. No kind of restraints on her movements." Anko said.

"Oh, okay." Reo said.

"Awe. Were you worried about your favorite?" Anko asked sarcastically.

"No, because I know you are okay." Reo said sarcastically.

"That's mean. You didn't have to say it like that." Anko said.

"I was joking. I love you both the equally." Reo said.

"God, you talk about me flirting with him. You do this every time I'm not around." Lucie said.

Anko laughed.

"Don't worry too much, Lucie. He loves us both equally. He's not going show me or you no more attention than the other." Anko said.

"Yeah, I know that. I just wanted to hear you say it." Lucie said.

"I know you too well already. You won't surprise me easily." Anko said.

"Let's go you two to the meeting area." Reo said as he walked away. Lucie and Anko followed him.

At the meeting area, the strongest students of the WAAA have gathered along with the Royal 13 members: Ten, Six, and One.

"Everybody gather around, and I'll tell you the rules of the tournament." Samip said appearing as a hologram. Everybody gathered around Samip.

"This is the WAAA's The Fall Fighters tourney. This is a little different from your average battle. This tournament will one-on-one battles only. The match-up will be decided by a drawing of numbers. The only way to win would either be victory by knocking out your opponent, or your opponent have conceded, and there will be no killing. Before I continue with the rules, do anybody want to quit? If so, please leave this area." Samip said. Someone left while saying "You guys are about fight The Demon Swordsman and the Dimensional Queen, not to mention Royal 13 members. This is a wasted, one-sided fight." Then, more people followed him, leaving ten people.

"All right let's continue the rules of the tournament. Fight with all of your power and have fun. Also, since there will be an odd number of matches, the winner of the fifth match today would automatically go a special match to attempt to steal the glory from the winner of the tourney. Now let's begin the drawing for the fight. When I say your name, please come up press this button to activate the Number Randomization screen." Samip said.

Everybody nodded.

"Alright, let's begin. First, please come up, One.

One stepped up and pressed the button. One is a girl the same age as Reo and Anko. However she looks like a grade school student. She's the strongest, most ruthless person in the world.

"Alright, One is number six. She will be in the third match. Next, Reo Amagiri. Please come up."

Reo walked up, and pressed the button.

"Reo Amagiri is number seven. He will be in the fourth match for today. Next, Anko Namikaze, please come up."

Anko walked up, and pressed the button. Then. a surprising number appeared.

"Anko Namikaze is number eight. She will be fighting Reo Amagiri in the fourth match of the first round.

"Wow, wasn't expecting the two of us two fight until the end." Reo said.

"Yeah, just don't destroy the world." Lucie said.

"We won't. Right Reo. No transforming in our fight." Anko said.

"Right." Reo said.

"Why are you so calm?" Lucie said.

"Lucie Tachibana, please come up."

Lucie ran up, and pressed the button.

"Lucie Tachibana is number five. She will be fighting One in the third match of the first round. Next, Adam Tachibana." Samip said.

"Bad luck, I'm fighting one of the Royal 13." Lucie said depressed.

"Hey don't worry. You'll be okay." Reo said.

"Yeah. If you worry too much, you'll lose your concentration, and your suit will react to that and- ", Lucie screams as she falls into a weird position.

"Get tighter. You okay." Anko asked .

"Yeah. Could lend me a hand?" Lucie asked.

"Sure." Anko said as she and Reo stretched out her limbs.

"Next, is Asta Amagiri, please come up."

Asta walked up, and pressed the button.

"Asta Amagiri is number ten. He will be fight Matsura Nagi in the final fight match in the first match. Lastly, Ten is number one. He will be fighting Sai Yasuda in the first match in the first round. After that, Adam Tachibana is fighting Six in the second match. In the Third match, Lucie Tachibana is fighting One. The fourth match will be Reo Amagiri and Anko Namikaze. The special match will be Asta Amagiri and Matsura Nagi. The first match will start shortly. Those who are participating. Please make your way to the stage. The rest of you are allowed to roam, or go to stands to watch the matches, but be back here for you assigned match." Samip said.

"Okay." Everybody said.

Then, Samip disappeared, and everyone went their separate ways.

"I think we should meet back up with our families in VIP." Reo said.

"Cool, let's go." Lucie said.

Then, Reo opened up a portal leading to the VIP section of the stadium. Suddenly, they heard screaming from the hole. The rushed in the portal, and saw nothing out of the ordinary.

"What's wrong with you three?" Reiko asked.

"We heard someone screaming." Reo said.

"What happened?" Anko said.

"That was just your father and you uncle, because they can't believe that you two are the strongest people in the world besides your mothers." Rei said.

"So, what we thought was screaming was actually laughter." Reo said.

"That's messed up." Anko said.

"Well at least, the tournament will be the best way to show them your strength." Lucie said.

"Yeah, you too. Show them what can Lucie "Immortal Flame" Tachibana can do. Right Anko." Reo said.

"Right, let's show them what the three of us can do." Anko said with a confidence tone.

"Yeah, you two should try not to blow up the stadium in your fight." Lucie said.

"What?" Ezra said with concern.

"Nothing Ezra-Sensei. Lucie didn't say anything." Reo said.

Thus, the Fall Fighters Tourney started. The first two matches went by quick. Both Sai and Adam lost their battles by knockout.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for the third match. Entering from the right is Royal 13 captain, One. Entering from the left is the Immortal Flame, Third strongest student, Lucie Tachibana." Samip said.

"What! She's the third strongest student! I expected nothing less from a Tachibana.

"I wonder who the first and second strongest students are?"

"Rumors say they're a demon and Queen" People in the crowd said.

"Really, A demon and a Queen are the strongest students here. That's funny, but they're nothing for One." Thirteen, One's first childhood friend, said.

"Yeah, but they might give her a run for her money. I mean they did beat Ramathus at entrance exam. He had the same power compared to me. I wonder how strong can they be?" Two, the vice-captain of the Royal 13, said.

"Ramathus was an arrogant bastard who underestimated his opponents. That's nothing to be proud of. Besides, I don't care if this Demonblade and Delusion Queen, or whatever they are called, are the strongest at this army level. They're pebbles compared to the Royal 13." Seven, One's hyperactive friend, said.

"Oh, come on. Our codenames aren't that hard to say." Reo thought to himself.

"Calm down Reo. We're here to support Lucie." Anko said.

"Yeah, I know, but you're not being called a demon's weapon." Reo said. Anko ignored Reo, and looked at the stadium.

"What's wrong?" Reo asked.

"Lucie's opponent worries me. I'm feeling something other than human, but it's not Jan-gu." Anko said.

"Don't worry about. Lucie will be okay." Reo said confidently.

"Begin." Samip said.

Lucie and One stood there, staring at each other. Suddenly, One disappeared and reappeared in front of Lucie, striking her in the stomach with an intense blow. Lucie fell to her knees while gripping her stomach. Then, One turned around and walked away.

"Hey, do you really think I would be done after one hit? You underestimate me." Lucie said getting up easily.

"You're stronger than you look." One said.

"Are you scared of me?" Lucie said.

One got angry, and blindly charged at Lucie. Lucie dodged her by flying up into the air. Then, she throws a large ki blast at One, but she deflects it easily.

"I see what you did there. Smart move, Monster." One said smiling.

"That's mean. You really live up to your title." Lucie said sarcastically.

Suddenly, One appeared behind Lucie, and punched her into the ground. Lucie landed on her feet.

"You cheeky bitch. Look like I can have fun." Lucie said. She raised her Ki.

"What is she doing? What kind of magic is this?" One asked angrily.

"It's not magic." Lucie said appearing behind One. One executed a spinning elbow strike, but Lucie dodged instantly. Then, One threw a punch, and Lucie blocked and threw One downward.

"Looks like I have to stop holding back." One said. She took a deep breath and said "Release! God form Athena" One said.

Then, a magic circle appeared below her, and her appearance change. She had blue eyes and white hair. Her clothes also changed into blood red armor, but her power seemed to be left unchanged.

"What happened? Did it fail?" Lucie said.

"Nope." One said while appearing behind Lucie.

One punched Lucie launching her into the barrier protecting the crowd, leaving a huge crack in it.

"I'll give you this. You are strong, but you should learn your place." One said floating in the air.

Lucie laughed.

"You think I'm done. I wouldn't be able to stand beside my future husband if I couldn't take a punch as weak as that. Sorry, but your going to have to try hard than that. Purgatory." Lucie said.

Then, Lucie's appearance changed into her fire form.

"Okay, looks like I need to teach you thoroughly. I'll try to make it hurt as much as possible." One said.

"I like to see you try." Lucie said.

Then, a chain suddenly appeared around Lucie. Lucie tried to break the chain, but she couldn't access any of her strength.

"Give it up. You won't break this chain no matter how much you try. I call these my Chains of Sealing. This uses my magic to make it unbreakable and sealing your magic." One said.

"So, that's why they didn't melt when I tried to break it." Lucie thought to herself.

"So, what now?" Lucie asked.

"This!" One said as she swung the chain around, throwing Lucie into the ground and walls continuously. Lucie couldn't break free or stop herself.

"This is bad. Since Lucie's Magic is sealed, she can't heal herself. If this continues, she'll die." Anko said.

"LUCIE! Give up the match." Reo yelled.

"Oh, Isn't that sweet. Your little boyfriend telling you to give up, but-." One snapped her fingers, and something appeared around Lucie mouth. "I won't let that happen."

Then, she continued to throw Lucie around like a ragdoll.

"Can't anyone stop this brutality." Asia said.

Reo and Anko sat there feeling useless and angry.

"You two need to calm down." Ezra said.

"Lucie! Mom, Dad. Please save Big sister Lucie." Miko said.

"Stop it you bastard." Akatsuki said as she banged on the window of VIP. One ignored Akatsuki empty threat, and continued to brutally throw Lucie. Then, she pulled Lucie up with one yank, and knocked her back down repeatedly like a yo-yo.

"This is no longer a fight between competitors. It's a punishment." Ezra said.

"Forget this bull. I'm going down there to help our daughter-in-law." Reiko said.

"Right behind you." Asia said.

Suddenly, they heard a loud boom coming from the stage.

"Reo caught Lucie while Anko cut the chain.

"Ryuu, Come" Reo said. "

Yes, my lord." Ryuu said as he appeared out of a magic circle.

"Take Lucie back to Hikojima, and let her heal up there." Reo said.

"Yes, my lord." Ryuu said.

"I don't think so." One said. Then, a barrier formed around them, and Ryuu took Lucie away.

"You already won. She was unconscious, so there was no need to continue." Reo said.

"Of course, there was a need. That cocky bitch didn't learn her lesson." One said.

"You bastard!" Reo and Anko yelled while throwing a punch at One, but Six and Ten stepped in and block their attacks.

"Heh, Is that best you got?" Ten said.

"Who are you?" Reo said.

"Royal 13 member, Ten. She is Royal 13 member, Six" Ten said.

"Well, Ten. I'm sorry for this in advance." Anko said.

"What?" Ten said.

Then, Reo and Anko launched Ten and six back into the barrier with their punch.

"How is that even possible? He broke through Ten's impenetrable defense, and sent him flying. How can mere humans do that?" One thought herself looking towards them.

"Your name was One right." Anko said.

"Yeah." She said.

"Okay, then I'll give you a warning. Get ready, because you next opponent is going to one of us. And we aren't holding back at all." Reo said angrily.

"Okay, looks like I'll have to teach you two also." One said.

"Teach us?" Reo asked confusedly.

"To respect your superiors." One said.

Reo laughed and said, "I would like to see you try."

"Please exit the stage so we can begin the next match." Samip said.

"No Samip, By order of the Royal 13 captain, I hereby command a final battle royale between the remaining competitors." One said.

"Confirmed your request is accepted. Teleporting remaining competitors to the stage. Space-time barrier activate. Pain regulator barrier activate. The battle royale will begin in thirty seconds." Samip said.

"I give up. I'm not fighting Royal 13 members. I won't be able to win. See you later, Reo. Oh, give them hell, Anko." Asta said while walking off.

"Yeah, right behind you. I only came here to fight Reo, not Royal guard members." Matsura said.

"Huh, looks like it's the two of us versus the three of them." Anko said.

"Yeah. No holding back." Reo said.

"Yeah, let's show them true power." Anko said.

Then, they both took their fight stance as the environment changed around them.

"Begin!" Samip said. As soon as she said that, a series loud booms echo through the air. Reo, Anko, One, and Ten was all in a deadlock of attacks. Six was trying to aim at Reo or Anko, but couldn't find a clear shot. As she fired a shot, One separated Reo from Anko, and used her SP power, Apport, to summon a katana to cut Reo down. However, the katana went through him. She tried again and again, but it kept failing to cut him. Then, he punched her backward to stop her slashing. Reo sighed, and disappointedly said "I can't believe that I got serious." One got agitated.

"I show you to make a fool out of your superior." One said as she gathered a massive fireballs to create one massive, sun-sized fireball.

"Deja-Vu." Reo thought to himself.

Suddenly, the fireball disappeared.

"What happened?" Reo asked.

"Oh, It right here." One said while showing Reo a Red orb.

"Wow, you condensed it." Reo said.

"If I was you, I might want to dodge. Because if this touches you, you will die." One said before she threw it at Reo. She threw the orb so hard that it looked like a shooting star zooming through the sky. As soon as the Red orb close to hitting Reo, he slammed it with black orb.

"Impossible!" One said.

"Cool, but not strong enough." Reo said as his black orb swallows One's Red Orb.

"You're not human. Are you?" One asked.

"Not completely. Can I ask you a question? Why is your orb red?" Reo said.

"What are you talking about?" One asked confusedly.

Anko flies into Reo.

"Are you having trouble fighting that guy?" Reo said.

"No, I'm trouble with the sniper and that guy. How come you get to have fun while I get two?" Anko said.

"Sorry, but why don't you just transform." Reo said.

"Because, I want to save it for our fight after this." Anko said.

Reo laughed.

"That's not funny." Anko said.

"I know, but it's rare to see you like this." Reo said. Then, Reo and Anko suddenly felt like something went through them. They looked downward, and saw a big hole in their chest.

"Wow, That was careless of us, but it's going to take a whole lot more to take us down." Reo said as they hearts regrew and the holes closed up.

"I proposed we stop being reckless, and take this seriously." Anko said.

"Okay. Let's work together, then we'll have our fight." Reo said.

They both transformed into Alpha mode.

"What is this? They both should be dead." One said shocked.

"One, think we should attack them now. This might be our only chance." Ten yelled.

"Okay, Ten, release your power. Six,25678[p]=-\ you two. We can't let these people beat us." One said.

"Release! God form Set." Ten said as he transformed.

"Release! God form Artemis." Six said as she transformed. The five of the powers together was enough to affect the artificial environment around them.

"What's going on in there?"

"There's a lot of light radiating from the dome."

"And the screens not showing anything."

"Do you think the Royal 13 members are losing?"

"No, that's impossible, especially if One is there. She is the captain of the Royal 13. She's the second most powerful person in the world. There's no way she could lose to those students."

"Isn't she a student too? Yeah, but she was a part of the elite facility." the crowd mumbled.

"I hope One is okay." Seven, One's childhood friend, said.

"I know One won't lose to them." Two said.

Then space-time barrier shattered like glass, and Alpha Reo, exhausted, in the middle of it all with Anko, covered in bruises, leaning on his shoulder, and a scythe in his hand with One, Ten and Six unconscious at his feet.

"Winner of the Battle Royale, Chronos Aka the Demon Swordsman, Reo Amagiri." Samip said.

The whole stadium was left speechless. Then, Reo and Anko fell backwards. Ezra and Mai caught them before they could hit the ground.

"So tired." Reo said.

"Good job, you two. You both made me proud." Ezra said.

Reo smiled.

"Reo, Anko, are you two okay?" Reiko said as she lowed everybody down using gravity manipulation.

"Yeah, they're perfectly fine. They're just a bit tired." Ezra said.

"Oh, thank god." Iris said as she ran towards Reo and Anko, and knelt by them.

"One, Are you okay?" Seven asked worriedly.

"Don't worry. She's fine. It looks like they weren't going for killing blows." Two said.

"Of course, this was still a tournament. They probably wanted to stay by the rules." Seven said.

"Did you look at her opponent? They're bodies are thrashed, and their clothes are all torn too. They fought really hard against them." Two said.

"You were in your god forms, but those two still won. Who are they?" Two thought to himself.