
Lucky Tom

Tifehpreshcious · Horror
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7 Chs


I have always wondered why Stanley had ever decided to join them. He was constantly on his toes being an easy prey who was always bullied and easily manipulated by his supposed friends.

" You dunce. Lock your rubbish inside your mouth." Jack hauls. He might have probably searched his perimeters and not have found any one and he was now venting his anger on poor ol Stanley.

Sometimes, whenever he was not with his group, lads who were holding grudges over what the bullies might have done to them would gang up and deal with Stanley and he was never be able to identify them when asked.

Not that his friends cared enough to about him, I assume he doesn't also care about them too. He might have become friends with them to possibly serve as his source of protection; not that they did much of this, but no one dares to do anything to one of them when they were all together. In all honesty they were made for each other.

Waiting is taking longer than expected. I realize they had heeded Stanley's warning about sensing someone and decided to search thoroughly. Fear made me tremble where I sat. What should I do? What can I do? Should I just get beaten and get it over with? Wait, I could actually make a run for it, I'm a pretty good runner if I say so myself.

NO! I need to keep my nerves in check, can't let these unimportant emotions loose right now. Staying quietly in the bush is all that matters. I just need to be still and wait for them to get their drunken lungs away.

I try holding my breath for an extended period - longer than is advised, but the fear of asthma would not even let me. I finally try, I hold my breath, my effort does not even last ten seconds before I sharply exhale, fits of coughing backing it up.

" Did you hear that?"

Good Lord please!

" I heard it clearly. Hurry! Find whoever it is.''

" Oh my hands are so itchy right now!"

I better start making for that run right about now. I cannot afford to land myself two attacks in a day. My inhaler would not be available to help me after I am left battered to drag my wounded self home. I could hear rustlings very close. It is either now or I would be six feet below soon.

One. Two. NOW!

" There he is!" One of them had yelled.

" Get him! He must not escape."

No, no, no! This was not part of the plan. They are not supposed to run after me, they were drunk for crying out loud! I increased my speed, running as though my life depended on it.

Technically, it does I hear the little voice at the back of my mind taunt me. Why the heck were they this fast? My efforts made little or no difference.

The dark clouds in the sky made things worse, it was going to rain and it's passed the time for her to take her medications. It is at this point I detest the fact that I'm not able to defend myself, this is because mom hates violence with an immense passion. Not like I'd be able to beat four guys all by myself - possibly on steroids and if I hold a black belt in a from of martial art.

These guys are not backing down, we have been running for what seemed like an hour. Were they that inclined to violence? Just then, I raise my eyes and spotted my little home. Soul-exalting happiness captivate my body as I calculate my steps to get home. Just few more steps and I will be standing in front of my verandah.

" It is motherfucking Tom!" Eddie informed scornfully.

" Close gap with him quickly Eddie. He is almost home!"

Thing got more intense in an instant. Eddie is the only one running after me now, as he was the fastest amomgst them. The other three were throwing whatever object they found at me. Thank goodness they were too drunk to aim correctly. They were too determined to win and I was not going to be the loser after I have gotten this- - -

" Back off you bastards!" Mother hauled, coming out with a big stick in her hand. Eddie had stopped right on his track and ran back with the exact speed he had used in running after me. I noticed Mama still struggling with her breathing. How much strength could she have gathered to help me. I had to be luckiest being alive, having her as a mother had to be a bonus from the high ups.

" We should go. I tell you, his mama is crazy." Jack ordered from a distance.

An obvious coward.

" Your mamas are the craziest for birthing your kind!" I scream at their retreating figures, wanting to feel the accomplishment of defending my mother.

When the bullies were no longer in sight, Mama collapsed. It is pure fortune to have gotten a hold of her, avoiding her fall. I help her stand, attempting to lift her off the ground.

" No, I will walk." She refused calmly.

I support her body on mine and we carefully walk inside.

" I am sorry I'm late." I apologize.

" I'm sorry you have to go through this, I really am." she sighed as I was already helping her sit on the armchair. I did not reply as I begin picking out her drugs. I place them on her hand and poured her some water. She takes her drugs, gulping down water immediately afterwards. I use my inhaler too.

I don't know why she was apologizing, she wasn't the cause. Their mom's were to blame for raising children who feel it's all right to bully people, but I didn't say this to her, I didn't need to. I couldn't.


This morning, I am not feeling too well to even get off the bed. The running must have taken a toil on me, all of my body is throbbing in pain. Then I remember my mom, how is she feeling this morning? The thought of her weak state yesterday had nudges me off bed to check on her.

I manage to walk to where I left her the previous night. And right in front of me, the bed has been properly laid with no one inside the room. Mother was quite weak for her to be out of bed. I mean, I carried her to bed the previous night. But then, she had saved me yesterday in that fragile state.

The chickens walking all around when I check her window kill my worries about her. Typical of mother to have started the day like any other day, as though nothing happened. All house chores were done. Thank goodness she is alright now.

I dragged myself back to my room to resume my rest. I made up my mind already to arrive at the rentals quite late today. The customers would definitely wait since it is the only rentals that the town has. I would only get into trouble with Mr Kendy, but I know how to survive. His troubles are not new. I immediately laid on my bed. Time to get some more needed sle - - -

Oh shoot!

Mr Kendy had asked me to go to the station for him. More movies arrived and he would not be able to make it there as usual, due to an emergency best known to him. It was not part of the job to run errands for him but since he asked, I had no choice.

He has never asked me to do such for him before, so that had gotten my consideration. Not that I am confident enough to tell him no, if I did not want to. And just like that I stood to leave the comfort of my bed and start preparing for my day.

How I am starting to dislike a day I have not even started. Said my prayers while I was having my bathe, got done with bathing and got dressed. I am not feeling that good to show my style to the mirror. I sleepily head out.

" Come have some food, Tom."

Mother offered as I appear in the living room. I sat down as she began to dish out properly made pancakes laced with maple syrup and freshly brewed dark coffee.

"Are you better now Mother?" I quiz, looking to meet her eyes.

" The clean house should give you an answer. Eat, boy." She said smiling. I was half way done with my meal when Mother slipped something into my left hand. I am surprised to see some pills laying on my palm.

" Your whimpering got me no sleep. You are still such a baby." She retorted, walking away. Wondrous how she had gone to the pharmacy this early morning. I wasted no time in taking her beautiful gift of this morning. The pharmacy must have opened early for Mother to have gotten a hold of them. But wa- - - The time was past one already!

" No-no-no-no-no."

Here I am, thinking it was still morning when I am an hour past my shift at the rentals and I have not even gone to the station yet. Damn! Those bullies! I had better start running again.