
Chapter 3 System

When I was about to prepare and cook my rice. I heard a *Ding rang in my ear then a virtual panel appeared.

[System has finally bind to the host do you want to accept]

[Yes] or [No]

I saw two buttons to accept or not to accept of course I'll choose to accept what kind of idiot to not accept his cheats. Jeff clicked the yes button then the system load.

[Loading 3..4..8..14..78.99.100]

Finally the loading is done, then a virtual panel appeared, then a voice rang in my ear.

[Welcome host to the Lucky Spin System]

[You can spin everyday and can get a random reward]

[A newbie gift pack was given to the host please open it]

Then jeff saw a gift then he decided to clicked on it, it shaked for a while then finally it opened and I've hit a jackpot.


[Congratulations for the host for getting{Godly Hacking}]

[Godly Hacking]

Description: Description: godly hacking can give the host an infinite knowledge when it comes to programming and hacking the internet is considered as the territory of the person who wields the godly hacking skill.


Then an infinite knowledge of computer filled Jeff brain he feel a smooth sensation in his brain feeling relaxed finally the absorption time was done. Jeff was stunned for a few moments, then his face was filled with joy and satisfaction of getting his sought skill in all his life.

"Can't believe that, my favourite skill was given to me. Talk about lady luck" I spoke with contentment shown in my face feeling excited I tried using it on my tablet. Forgetting about cooking my rice.

I opened my programming app named phyton. And tried to program something I decided to make a basic calculator then suddenly my hand moved on it's own tapping the screen of my tablet using the Python programming language.

Jeff hands started writing the code. He defined the functions for basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Then, he wrote the code to take user input and display the result on the screen.

Next, John tested the code by running it on his tablet. He made some tweaks and fixed a few errors before the calculator finally worked perfectly.

"Wow this skill is op" I exclaimed in happiness it just only took me 4 min to programm a basic calculator even my hand speed was so fast, if only I had a laptop or computer. suddenly I had an idea I called my mom then it connect to the other side.

I saw my mom face on the tablet, he had blonde hair and her face looked a little chubby making it cuter.

"Yes what is it darling why you called" my mother asked me.

"Mom, I need your help," I said with a loving tone.

"I know it, every time you call, you only need something. So, what is it?" my mom looked at me, waiting for me to answer.

"Mom, it's a little expensive," I asked with a shaky voice.

"Just tell me what it is. I'll do anything if it's affordable," my mother replied, waiting for me to speak.

"Can you buy me a computer or a laptop if it's okay?" I finally said what I wanted.

"A computer? How much is it?" my mother raised her eyebrows.

"I'm sorry to ask for something so expensive, Mom. It costs around 20,000-30,000. I know it's a lot, but I really need it for my projects and research purpose." I explained nervously, aware that it was a significant amount of money for our family.

"What kind of projects and research?" my mother inquired, not immediately dismissing my request but wanting to know more about why I needed it.

"I have some report I need to work on, and I want to do some research for my projects" I lied, not wanting to reveal my godly hacking skill.

"But you're only in high school, not in college yet. But I'll try my best. When do you need it?" my mother asked, sighing.

"When you have the money, mom," I told her, knowing that it's not easy to come up with 20,000 pesos.

"Tomorrow is Saturday, right? I'll send you the money on Sunday. I know that's not your only reason for wanting a laptop right, but as long as it makes you happy, I'll buy it for you," my mother replied, her love evident in her voice.

"Really mom, thank you!" I exclaimed with excitement.

"Don't get too happy yet. I have to go now. I'm still at work. You should eat your food now. Bye. Love you," my mom said before hanging up.

I jumped on my bed and danced like a robot, my lack of maturity evident from my behavior. But my excitement was understandable; coding on a phone was incredibly hard, and I was overjoyed at the thought of finally having a computer.

[Mother's are really the best right?]

"Oops, I forgot to cook," John suddenly remembered, quickly moving to cook the rice. He then bought some fried chicken outside, which he planned to have for his dinner later that night. After finishing his meal, he went to sleep for the night.

When the sun rose up in the sky, John woke up and realized it was the weekend. He decided that today he would go to a computer shop to work on making a game by bringing his USB with him.

First, John cooked his usual meal of rice and boiled an egg in the rice cooker. After the rice and egg were cooked, he removed the shell from the egg and ate his lunch.

When John finished eating, he took a quick shower and changed into his shorts and a white t-shirt. He then grabbed the USB from his drawer and put on a mask and hat before heading out.

"Good morning, Aunt Rose," Jeff greeted with a smile.

"Good mor-. Why are you dressed like that?" Rose stopped his greeting and asked me, looking a bit surprised before realizing the reason.

"Oh, I see my little Jeff is all grown up now. Are you going on a date?" she teased.

"No, it's just really hot outside," Jeff explained.

"Okay, okay," Rose chuckled.

"You should go now before you're late for your date," she added playfully, ushering jeff out the door.

Jeff sighed and left without explaining further, knowing that Rose wouldn't believe him anyway. He then headed to a nearby computer shop where people go to print their projects or play games.

Upon arrival, jeff went inside and sat down, turning on the PC. The computer shop was spacious with 23 computers and air conditioning, making it John's favorite place. He approached the owner and requested an open time, to which the owner nodded in agreement. John returned to his computer and began working on his game.

Jeff decided first what kind of game he wants to make, then an idea come up with his mind. He remembered that there is no Minecraft in this world. Jeff searched it on Google for confirmation and saw that Minecraft was actually not created yet.

"Replicating Minecraft, is just going to be easy as eating a cake" I spoke in my mind.