
Lucifer's Tranquility

In a world not too far from our own, the allure of virtual reality has swept society into a mesmerizing escape. Among the most celebrated gamers is Amane Ryuunosuke, a strategic genius who goes by the alias "Franz Kafka" within the virtual realm. He is renowned for his unmatched prowess, admired by fans and competitors alike. However, a seemingly accidental encounter leads him and a group of newfound allies into a harrowing reality. Accidentally involved into a government's sinister death game, they must form an unlikely team to unravel the mysteries behind the deadly competition and fight for survival against an oppressive regime.

nana_shi1 · realistisch
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Welcome to the Real World

Year 2070

"Japan's declining population had left some places desolate, and Utashinai City was one such forgotten corner. Located amidst the mountains, the once vibrant city was now a ghost town, inhabited only by the elderly residents who clung to their memories of the past." written in an article being read by Amane in his phone as they were on the way to the city.

Amane Ryuunosuke, accompanied by his parents and younger sister, decided to visit Utashinai City to check on his grandparents. The city held a special place in Amane's heart, as it was where he spent his summers during his childhood, listening to his grandparents' mesmerizing stories.

"Isn't it eerie how quiet it is here?" Amane whispered to his sister, Yuki, as they walked through the abandoned streets.

"Yeah, it's like a town frozen in time," Yuki replied, shivering slightly as a gust of wind swept through the empty alleyways.

The family finally reached their grandparents' house, an aging traditional home that seemed to have weathered the passage of time. They knocked on the door, but there was no answer. Worried, they entered, calling out for their grandparents.

As Amane's family delved deeper into the journal, they were engrossed in the heartfelt words of their grandparents. But as they reached the final pages, their reading was interrupted by a sudden loud explosion from outside the temple.

Startled, they rushed out to see what had happened, only to find chaos unfolding in the once-silent streets of Utashinai City. People were panicking and running in all directions, their faces contorted with fear. The eerie quietude that once enveloped the city had been replaced by the sounds of panic and chaos.

Amane's family noticed a group of armed three individuals causing the disturbance, Killing anyone in sight. They wore dark, military-like uniforms, and their presence was unsettling, especially in a place like Utashinai where violence had never been witnessed for a very long time.

"What's happening? This can't be real!" Yuki exclaimed, trembling with fear.

Amane's father grabbed his family, pulling them behind the safety of a nearby building. From their hidden vantage point, they tried to understand the situation. It became evident that these armed individuals were not from the city, and their presence was inexplicable.

"They must be outsiders," Amane's mother whispered, her eyes wide with disbelief. "But why would they choose Utashinai of all places?"

As they observed, it became apparent that the intruders were not just causing chaos; they seemed to be searching for something specific. Their actions were targeted, and they appeared to be following a particular trail through the city, as if they were following someone.

Amane's mind raced, trying to comprehend the situation.

"Who could be so significant about this forgotten city that outsiders were willing to resort to violence to find?" Amane said

Feeling a sense of responsibility and determination, Amane knew he had to act.

"It's dangerous out here," his mother cautioned.

"We should hurry and quietly go back to the car and lets get out of here." his father added.

As they headed back to the car, they were spotted by another group of two armed individuals dressed in casual clothes. Amane's father and mother were swiftly knocked out with the butt of their guns, and the armed individuals held Yuki's mouth shut to prevent her from screaming. Amane, too, was knocked unconscious. As they headed back to the car, they were spotted by another group of two armed individuals dressed in casual clothes. Amane's father and mother were swiftly knocked out with the butt of their guns, and the armed individuals held Yuki's mouth shut to prevent her from screaming. Amane, too, was knocked unconscious.