

The crystal of doom. That single name was enough to send the whole earth and heavens in panic. Sophia, Lucifer's mate who is the sole being who could redeem Lucifer of his curse and save the world from destruction embarks on a journey to unleash her powers sealed by her mother before she died. Born from the angel of war , Micheal and the most powerful demon, Julia, she wields immense power and is hellbent on saving her mate and ensure the safety of the world. But what happens after the crystal of doom is broken and the whole world saved but her souls gets scattered? Join me as we explore the journey of the FL who dies in her world, only to reincarnate as the devil's mate. " damn it! by body hurts like hell." she groaned trying to sit up " welcome to hell my queen." a girl who appeared to be in her twenties said offering Sofia a warm smile.

Janet_Muema · Fantasie
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35 Chs

chapter 13

Raphael obviously felt her movements but he continued pretending to sleep and hugged her even tighter. He wanted this moment to last forever. He didn't want to wake up from this sweet slumber. He felt his heart beat with contentment. With her by his side,he could forget about everything, even his kingdom which he had spend all his life building was not as important as this woman in his arms. He could not tell of it was because of the bond or was it because he truly loved her but then bond or not,he knew that she was all he wanted.

Sophia could tell that Raphael was not sleeping,just pretending to be. She turned and hugged him tighter. She saw a smile bloom on his chiseled face. Looking at him,she could swear that he was the most handsome man she has ever seen even back in her world. He had the most sexiest lips,his brows were thick and his eyelashes resembled butterfly wings. His eyes were dark and his nose was sharp pointed. She couldn't help but marvel at his beauty. To simply describe him,you could say he was sinfully beautiful.

She started tracing her fingers from his brows ,to his nose and settled at his sexy lips.

She traced his lower lip and could feel the fire building in her body. Gosh! what's wrong with her? She doesn't seem to control her urges whenever she was near this creature.

Raphael gently bit her finger that was tracing his lower lip to make her know that he was awake otherwise he would end up laughing because her caresses were ticklish.

" You are awake?" Sophia gently asked though she knew the answer.

" Yeah,I woke up to find the most beautiful woman by my side." He proceeded to pepper kisses allover her face after saying that.

Sophia giggled happily to his mischievousness. Spending time with him felt like the most wonderful activity she could do. It was simply unexplainable.

" You hungry? let's go take a walk down on earth and see what's interesting for today." It was already evening when the two left their love nest to go roaming around.

" let's go shopping!" Sophia exclaimed.

" shopping?" Raphael asked out loud. He doesn't remember hearing of that name in his kingdom but then realization hit him, although Sophia,she was from another world.

" Yes, shopping! You give me money and I go buy whatever I want." she explained.

" oh!" now he could relate.

" Raph,I want to go to a market I can get some jewel and new clothes. Will you take me there?" she asked coquettishly.

Raphael was amused seeing her acting this way. He loved the fact that she could only be this way with him.

" Okay,I'll take you somewhere." he said and pulled her towards himself before they teleported and appeared in a busy and bustling town.

Sophia could sense something different from this place. she has been to the castle in their kingdom and also to the human realm but this place oozed of a different kind of energy.

She wondered what could it be.

" This is the demons territory. it is exclusively habituated by the demons." He explained seeing her change of expression.

" is it safe here for me?" she asked and Raphael hugged her assuring her with certainty.

" As long as I am here nothing bad can ever happen to you."

Sophia relaxed hearing his words and after spotting some beautiful jewel,her attention was finally shifted.

She pulled Raphael with her jogging towards the store. She was like a child who suddenly spotted her favourite candy shop. Raphael could only shake his head recklessly.

She behaved more like a child than s queen but he didn't want to restrict her so he could only let her do as she pleases.

" Look at this bracelet. It's so beautiful." Sophia said holding the bracelet and feeling it's smoothness oh her palm.

The bracelet was exquisitevely carved from green emerald gem. It had a purplish lustre at the edges. If this simple bracelet was taken back to her world,it would cost billions of dollars. it was breathtakingly captivating.

Raphael could tell that she had a good taste of jewel. Though it appeared like a simple and Normal bracelet,he knew that this was the special bracelet personally designed by the infamous demon Flavious. He was the renown jeweler in the whole of Crescentia which was the demon's territory. He was responsible for all jewels in the royal demon family.

" Do you want to buy that one?" Raphael gently asked her.

"Can I?" she asked blinking her deer like eyes.

How could Raphael say no to his mate? He had no power when it came to her acting like that.

" okay,we will take it." he said fishing out some gold bars and passing them to the old woman managing the store.

The old woman had been observing the duo. She was a demon but a low ranking one. She could sense the immense power radiating from the couple. while one was dark,the other power was like blinding light.

She had been existing for thousands years but it was the first time she came across such contrasting powers existing peacefully.

" Sir. Your wife is very beautiful." she complemented Sophia while wrapping up her bracelet.

Sophia blushed hearing the compliment while Raphael simply smiled at the old woman before collecting the package and leaving with Sophia.

The couple moved From one store to the other while Sophia bought everything that caught her eyes. Raphael indulged her in all her whims and the result of it all is that they had countless of bags on their hands.

They decided to rest in a inn to take some tea. Sophia had come to love the tea served in this world. It had a calming and refreshing effect. While resting, Sophia happened to see something suspicious.A man dressed exactly like the man who visited her dreams passed nearby. His movements was swift and Sophia knew that he must be calling her. He was discreet and seemed like he didn't want Raphael to see him.

" I'll use the ladies room." Sophia announced and stood to leave.

Raphael did not sense anything weird about that and sat down to wait for her. He was sipping his wine slowly. He was not a fan of tea and preferred to take wine instead. The feeling of intoxication gave him intense satsifaction.

Sophia walked towards the direction she saw the mysterious man disappear to. She walked until she reached a dark alley and immediately halted in her steps.

" Come out." She said to no one in particular.

" Greetings my Lady." the man greeted.

" Don't be so formal with me. I know you plan on exerting revenge on my mate. I would prefer if you get straight to the point." Sophia said sternly not wanting to waste more time with this Man.

" Since you know my intentions,will you support me?" he asked.

"And what's there for me to support you." Sophia asked again.

" I guess we have seen the future that awaits you. Are you ready to go through all that pain for Him?" He asked but more like he incited Sophia.

" Damien,do you know that for love one can do anything. He is my mate so I can do anything to ensure he is safe. You and I know that this path will only lead to destruction. Do you think your wife and daughter will be happy if you avenge them and destroy the peaceful life of not only the demons but humans as well. She was a human. Do you think she'll be happy when the whole human race is wiped out thanks to you?" Sophia rebuked him mercilessly. How could he think about sacrificing everything just to seek revenge. Worst of all he had the audacity to want to use her against her own mate? that was practically absurd.

" So you have made your choice not to help me?" Damien asked.

"Yes." replied Sofia. " For the sake of the world,I am ready to suffer any pain. For the sake of my people,I will protect the existing peace. For the sake of my family and my mate, there's nothing I can't fight against and that includes you. If you insist on going the wrong path and disrupt everything,then forgive me but I will deal with you to protect all the lives in this world." Sophia said sternly.

" What can you do with your half angel Powers? can you even deal with a witch not to mention a million years old demon like me?" Damien mocked her mercilessly.

" Dare me and see just what I can do. if there's nothing more, I'll take my leave. Goodbye." with that she strode away.

" You will regret this princess Sophia." he shouted.

" it's queen Sophia for you and no, I don't see myself regretting anything." she said and disappeared leaving the man clenching his fists hard.

Damien had thought that just like how he had tricked her before,she would fall for his cheap tricks. getting rid of her was the best way to hurt Lucifer but now it was impossible this Way. He had to devise a new plan now. He could tell something changed in her since she woke up. Her confidence, her Aura and even her way if talking was different from the fearful old Sophia he had tricked before.