

I pull into the school's parking lot and turn the key to stop the ignition. Orlando and I hop off the scooter.

"What time does the thing start?" He asks.

"At six p-m. So now we have thirty minutes to get snacks and find our seats." 

Orlando and I make our way to the football field. Once arriving, we stand in line for the snack shack.

"Excuse me, coming through!"

I look over my shoulder to see Audrey and her minions cutting the line. She's about to cut me when I push her back, making her trip.

"The fuck?!" She exclaims.

"Don't cut the line." I spit.

The rest of the people standing in line applaud my actions. I look over at Orlando to see him bewildered.

"I'll explain later."

Orlando and I are now first in line, so we walk up to the counter.

"Two Coca-Colas and a large popcorn please," I state.

The concession-stand-worker places two cola cans and a large container filled with popcorn on the counter.

"That'll be ten dollars."

I give him two five-dollar bills and carry the colas while Orlando carries the popcorn. We spot the seats have the paper's reading taped on it. We sit down and munch on our snacks.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened with you and that blonde girl?"

I take a sip of my cola.

"Long story short, Audrey is Brian's annoying ex that still wants him and hates me," I explain. "She's just an overall bitch, pardon my language."

"You're good. I see, so she's basically like Dromos."

I laugh.

"Exactly," I point.

A voice is heard around the field, announcing that the game is starting. The marching band plays for about ten minutes before the football team comes running out of the dressing rooms in full uniform. When they introduce Brian, I cheer, as well as Sam, Ethan, and Noel. Then, the visiting team comes out the other side of the field cheers. After a few minutes of the cheerleaders performing, the game officially starts and continues.

"It looks like we're winning," Orlando states.


Brian scores a touchdown, and I cheer loudly. He looks in my direction and uses his hands to make a heart. I blush as he does so.

The game ends in a couple of seconds, and Sunset is now tied with the opposing team. Brian runs towards the end of the field, with the other players trying to tackle him, but to no avail. Brian makes the touchdown, and most of the field cheers. Our team runs up to Brian, and the group hugs him. I stand up, applauding my boyfriend.

"Hold on one second." I hear, aired throughout the space.

I look around the field, spotting Brian with a microphone in his hand.

"Yvi Morningstar, may you please come down from the bleachers?"

I nod vigorously, walking down onto the field.


Yvi walks down onto the field as I watch her every step.

"Yvi. You are the most beautiful, kind, smart, and overall amazing girl I've ever met. There's something about you that makes everyone around you want to get to know you. I'm so glad to have you in my life." Brian explains, look at her. "You would make the happiest guy at Sunset High if you would be my homecoming date."

A cheerleader hands Brian a bouquet of roses, and Brian proceeds to hand them the Yvi.

"So, will you give me the honor of taking you to homecoming?"

I look at Yvi's petite body and can sense that she's nervous.


Yvi runs into Brian's arms, and he lifts her off the ground. The entire field cheers as the couple share a passionate kiss. At that moment, I feel my heart shatter in a million pieces. I walk down the steps of the bleachers and away from the premises. I'm tired of being heartbroken. I can't just give Yvi a pass because I love her. I have no idea why she's so clueless and blind to my feeling towards her. Probably because she's too busy loving someone else, I think that it's time for me to go back home.


Brian sets me back onto the ground, and I smile at him in pure bliss. I look towards the bleacher and don't see Orlando at our seats. 

"Excuse me," I mumble to Brian, running off the field. I call Orlando, letting it ring a couple of times. 

"Hello?" I hear from the other end. 

"Orlando! Where are you?" 

"I'm walking home." 

"What on earth, why?" 

"Because I'm tired, and you seemed occupied." 

I scoff. 

"Don't be silly. Tell me where you are, and I'll come pick you up." 

Orlando proceeds to tell me where he is. I run to my vehicle, hopping on and driving to the cafe across the street from my school. I pull up and see him sitting on the sidewalk, looking emotionless. 

"Orlando!" I shout to get his attention. 

He quietly walks over and sits behind me on the scooter. He wraps his arms around my waist as I make my way back to Lux. I stop the scooter in front of the building and let Orlando hop off. 

"You know how to get to the penthouse from here, right?" 

He nods. 

"Alright, I'll be back in about two hours." 

I smile, and Orlando slightly smiles back at me. Once I see that he's entered the club, I drive off to meet Brian again at school.

Sit down on one of the bleachers in the empty field, patiently, waiting for Brian. 

"Hey, Yvi!" 

I look towards echo of the voice and see Sam in his normal attire with a gym back strapped over his shoulder. 

"Oh, hi Sam. Great job today!" I note.

"Thanks, but I think that Brian's the one you should be saying that too. Without him, we would've ended up tying with Crespi." 

I nod. 

"Yeah, but you did an amazing job as well. Don't underestimate yourself." 

Sams sighs. 


"Nothing," Sam states. 

Brian walks up the steps of the bleachers, heading towards us. 

"Well, gotta go. See you tomorrow, Yvi!" 

"See you!" I respond. 

Sam walks past Brian and to the parking lot.