

(WARNING: In this chapter, the characters are going to be investigating the death of a minor. The descriptions of the injuries will be kind of graphic and there will be talk of sexual assault. If you're sensitive to stuff like that, I suggest you not read this chapter..)

After an hour-long drive to Calabasas, Chloe, Lucifer, and I finally arrive at the suspect's house. This past weekend, the forensics team confiscated all the hidden cameras in the motel. They found the footage from the room Tia was last seen in and identified the man as forty-five-year-old Jordy Boucher. It makes things worse when you know that this evil man has a wife and three offsprings. Lucifer pulls up onto the driveway and we get out of the car. The three of us walk up onto the porch and I lightly knock on the door. When the door opens, we're faced with a boy, who I'm presuming is around fifteen to seventeen.

"Yes?" The boy asks nonchalantly.

"Is Jordy Boucher home?" Chloe asks.

"Yeah, that's my dad. What do you want from him?"

Chloe pulls out her detective badge and shows it to the kid.

"My name's Detective Decker and we're working on an on-going investigation regarding a kidnapping and murder. We just need to talk to your dad for a bit."

"So, if you'd let us in that'd be great," Lucifer adds.

The boy just rolled his eyes, walking away into the house and leaving the door wide open. Taking that as a 'welcome in,' we walk into the house.

"Mr. Boucher!" Chloe shouts.


"Mr. Boucher!" Chloe shouts again.

"He's probably in his office upstairs." The boy says unexpectedly. "First door you see when you're up the stairs."

"Thanks," I respond.

He nods and the three of us proceed to walk up the flight of stairs. Lucifer opens the door and we all walk in.

"Mr. Boucher. I'm Detective Decker from the LAPD. I have a few questions to ask you."

The man rises from his seat with a worried expression.

"W-What's going on? Am I getting a-arrested?" He stutters.

"Just sit down sir. We need to ask you a few questions regarding the murder of Tia Flemmings."

I can see that Mr. Boucher was shaking a bit, and in his state, he sits back down on his fancy rolling chair.

"You guys can sit down across me." He says pointing to the two love seats. "If you need another seat I-"

"No, no. I can stand." I state.

Chloe and Lucifer take a seat on the chairs.

"So, Mr. Boucher." Chloe pauses. "Where were you on the night of the seventeenth of this month?"

"I was in Downtown for an important business meeting." He explains. "I'm a professor at LATTC and we had a staff meeting that night."

"At what time was the meeting sir?"

"Six p.m. It went on for a couple of hours so I was out of the meeting by nine or ten."

"Okay." Chloe takes a glance at me as I'm taking notes in my notepad. "So, did you go anywhere after that?"

The man shakes his head.

"No, I went straight home."

Lucifer begins to chuckle. Chloe, Mr. Boucher, and I look at him.

"I apologize," Lucifer continues to chuckle. "But that's the most bullshit alibi I've heard all year."

"Excuse me?" Mr. Boucher questions.

"We all know that you were at the Wilshire Serrano Motel in Koreatown at around nine p.m." Lucifer states. "With fifteen-year-old, Tia Flemmings. You're a sick man Boucher. Messing with a teenage girl when you have one of your own."

Mr. Boucher begins to look confused.

"Drop the act. Our forensics team found a hidden camera in the room you and Tia were in as you penetrated her." Chloe explains. "We have all the video footage of you forcing yourself on and into her. Also of you forcing Tia into a suitcase and walk out of the room with the suitcase in hand."

He stays silent for a few seconds.

"Why aren't you talking? Say something!" I exclaim, extremely pissed.

"What else is there to say? You guys caught me." Mr. Boucher holds out his wrists to Chloe. "Just get it over with."

"We aren't done." Chloe spits. "Why did you shove Tia in a suitcase? Where did you take her?"

"I-" Mr. Boucher pauses. "I put her in the trunk of my car. I then was going to take her back here, since my wife and three kids were in San Francisco to visit her family. But I just want to make something clear, I did not know she was underaged. I thought she was eighteen."

"Why were you going to bring her here?" I ask.

"Because I wanted to have a bit more fun. You're only allowed one hour with a girl at that motel so I decided to take her to my place." He noticed our disgusted faces. "I know it sounds horrible to a lot of people, but I'm only being honest since there's video footage."

"It's not that." I start.

"Yvi, don't-"

"No! I need to say this." I interrupt Chloe. "You, Mr. Boucher, are talking about this event is such a calm and nonchalant manner. As if this was just some random hookup. Open your eyes! It's not. You had sex with a minor, even if you didn't know she was one, but you did. How could you do this? You have a thirteen-year-old and ten-year-old daughter! I have no words."

I pause, taking a deep breath.

"So, I'm going to ask you one question, and one question only. You better answer me honestly because that's going to be the only way of stopping me from ripping you apart. Did you, or did you not kill Tia Flemmings?"

"No, I did not kill that girl."

As those words flew out of his mouth, I make a move to jump him, but Lucifer takes hold of my body and forces me out of the room.

"No! Let me at 'em!" I shout.

"Yvi calm down-"

"No, I will not calm down. This man is guilty of the murder. I can feel it."

"I understand. Let the court decide on that. I don't want to see you in a cell after all." My father calms me down. "Trust me, I'd like to use that man as a punching bag too, but now is not the time."

I sigh.

"Fine. I'm calm, chill, however you call it."

Lucifer nods and goes back into the study.

"Is my dad going to jail?" Mr. Boucher's son questions, from the stairs.

"I'm sorry, but yes," I respond.

The boys face drops.

"Can I at least know what he did?"

I being to sadden myself. I feel bad for the man's wife and kids, but Mr. Boucher needs to pay. He needs to be locked away so he'll never do this someone again.

"You'll have to ask your father that."

Before walking downstairs, Chloe peers out of the room.

"Yvi, call for backup while Lucifer and I question him some more."

I nod.

"Excuse me," I mutter to the boy as I walk down the stairs.

When I'm on the front porch, I dial 9-1-1.

"Nine-one-one, what's your emergency?"