

"Good," Lucifer stated nonchalantly, letting go of my face before signaling his accomplice off me. "I'm glad we've come to some sort of agreement."

I looked at the man in disbelief.

"Come on, don't be too sad. You're a ravishing young man, I'm sure you'll find someone else within the week."

Lucifer and Maze head for the front door, but before they can leave, I said, "Sir, before you leave–"

The two turn in back in my direction.

"I just want you to know that I have strong feelings for Yvi, and I'm still unsure why you're not letting us be together. Can you just tell me why?"

Lucifer groans. "Look, it's not about you. My daughter's just not emotionally available—now and forever. So, I suggest that you stay away from her—for Yvi's sake, and yours."

✞ ✞

"I can't believe Brian blocked you," Sasha stated in disbelief, taking a sip from her bottle of iced tea.

Alisa's face twisted into that of confusion. "What even happened to make him do that?"

"I'm not sure, the last time I talked to him was yesterday when I briefly stopped by his house and left in a rush. I didn't even know he blocked me until I tried to send him a message last night and it was immediately received as undelivered. I searched what that meant on Google, and eventually found out that it meant I was blocked."

Kala sighed out of sympathy. "I'm so sorry Yvi, I know you really liked him."

"Don't say that Kala, you're gonna to make her think that their relationship is officially over." Sasha hushed her sister. "Maybe's it's a misunderstanding, you just have ask him, Yvi."

I peered over at Brian's usual lunch table and could see him laughing with his friends.

As I got more and more courage to confront the boy, I sat up from my seat, and Sasha immediately grabbed my wrist. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to ask Brian why he blocked me. If I'm going to confront him, it's better to do it now."

Sasha let go of my wrist, which allowed me to make my way to the busy table. I tapped Brian's shoulder, and in response, he turned around to face me.

His facial expression had shifted from that of amusement from speaking with his friends to nothing—actually, he looked utterly emotionless. "What are you doing here?"

"Why did you block me?" I asked, confused by the fact.

"Because I–" Brian hesitated before saying, "Because I got back together with Audrey."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Excuse me?" I questioned, confusion lingering in my voice.

"I decided to get back together with Audrey—she's the one for me, and I guess it took me some time to realize that."

I stuttered, "But I-I thought we had something between us."

"You were just a rebound, Yvi. Our relationship made me realize that I love Audrey, and want to be with her."

My eyes fill with tears as those words left Brian's mouth. I glance around the table full of teenagers and notice Sam's face drop, completely in shock and sympathizing with me.

"But I told you I love you!" I shouted. "How could you–"

As I was about to slap Brian, I stopped my actions immediately.

Instead, I ran out of the cafeteria and to the nearest bathroom.

Luckily it was empty, as it allowed start sobbing lightly with no judgment from other students.

The emotion I was feeling was truly unexplainable.

I had read about heartbreak in thousands of books, but I was unprepared to feel the same thing. Not only was I pained, but I was also highly embarrassed—I had opened myself up with Brian and professed my love to him.

Maybe it was too soon—I probably scared him away.

As I continued weeping, sounds of running could be heard from outside the restroom door. Moments later, Sam, Alisa, Kala, and Sasha rush into the bathroom.

"Hey, are you okay?" Alisa asked sympathetically.

I shook my head, causing more tears to stream down my face. Sam pulled me into a comforting embrace, and I accepted the gesture by propping my cheek on his chest.

"What did he say to you?" Kala questioned.

After explaining to Alisa and the twins what had happened minutes before, Sasha's facial expression twisted into that of anger. "What an asshole."

" I just can't believe Brian did something like that—I've known the guy for two years and this is not him."

"I guess it's just me," I croaked.

"Not it's not, Yvi. He's insane if he chose Audrey over you. You are such an amazing person, and Brian doesn't deserve you—you're too good for him," Kala stated.

"I don't know," I paused, letting go of Sam and wiping away the continuous stream of tears. "I've never felt something like this before and I'm not sure of how to feel."

"Don't worry, you aren't the only one that has experience something like this," Alisa reassured, gently grabbing my hand.

I sighed, looking into the mirror in front of the sink and rinsing my face with cold water to calm myself down.

"Feeling any better?" Sam questioned, rubbing my upper back.

I nodded, shinning a convincing smile at the group. In reality, I was not feeling any better. This situation could not be amended by a simple conversation, but I did not want to delve into the subject, so I faked being okay. I didn't expect them to believe me, but I just wanted to go on with the rest of my day without talking about Brian.

The bell soon rang, signifying the end of our lunch break.

Sam, Alisa, and I quickly headed to our class, brushing and pushing against other students in the crowded hallways.

Once we reached our destination, the three of us sighed in relief as we realized our teacher was late to class, leaving the room only occupied by students for the time being.

We then took our seats in the back, with Ms. Angelos rushing in minutes later, with a half-empty coffee cup in one hand and a stack of papers in the other.

"Hello, class." She greeted, setting her items down on her desk. "Sorry for arriving late, I was busy grading the last couple of unmarked tests for your class and lost track of time. Today I'll be letting you guys view your graded assessments. So, come up and retrieve them when I call your name."

One by one, Ms. Angelos called the students and handed them their tests. Once my name was announced, I strutted towards the front of the class and took the piece of paper from the teacher's hand. Sitting back in my seat, I peered at the marked form and immediately noticed the "100%" written in red next to where I had put my name.

Sam glanced over my shoulder, curious at what score I got, and gasped in shock. "A one-hundred percent—how!?"

"I've been studying Latin for us long as I can remember, so it was pretty easy," I stated nonchalantly.

"But that test was so hard—shit, I got a seventy-two!"

"Yeah, it was because you didn't study," Alisa exposed.

"Hey, I did study!"

Alisa turned in her seat and stared into Sam's eyes, giving him a knowing smirk.

Sam craved under pressure and rolled his eyes, "Okay, okay—I didn't study."

She shook her head, smiling.

"What did you get?" I asked Alisa.

"A ninety, which is a score you can get when you study," She joked, targetted towards Sam.

He made a mocking jester and expression towards Alisa, making me laugh.

"Alright, class," Ms. Angelos began, interrupting everyone's mini conversations with each other. The room became silent as she soon began the day's lesson.

"Wow, I'm tired," I yawned as Sam, and I made our way through the empty halls of the school.

"Tell me about it. At least the worst part of the day is over."

I groaned. "Not for me, it isn't—I have to tutor Brian."

"You still have to do that?" Sam questioned in a shocked tone. "I'm surprised you didn't cancel the study sessions with him already."

"I know, that's why I'm going to march into the library to tell him that my help is no longer an option."

"Yes, go Yvi!" Sam cheered. "Do you need me to walk in with you?"

I grinned. "It's alright, I should be fine."

"Okay, see you tomorrow then!" Sam stated, waving goodbye as we walked towards the exit of the building.

I soon made my way towards the library, and Brian was nowhere to be seen.

A small, older lady came out of hiding from one of the bookshelves. "Hi Yvi, are you looking for Brian?"

I nodded.

"I'm sorry dear, but he came in earlier to cancel his tutoring sessions."


"Thank you for letting me know."

I quickly walked out of the building, driving away as soon as my bottom hit the leather seat of the moped. 

Driving at a pace that was way over the speed limit, the only thing on my mind was getting home so I could hide under some blankets for as long as I could. 

My vision soon blurred from the tears that began to swell around my eyes. While blinking, trying to clear my sight, I missed a red light. In a flash, a car collided with the side of the scooter, causing me to fling onto the concrete below.