

Entering the headquarters of the Organization, a blindfold was removed from Cain.

Once again, before him, stood Omega, holding the report Cain had submitted earlier.

"So... you found a member of the Family. They were locked away for trying to escape with their lover?" Omega inquired.

Cain confirmed, "Yes."

"We have the man in our hands, but he seems crazy. How did you get him to talk?"

Cain wryly grinned. "He just started explaining everything, although he's clearly lost it. But I believe the reason he went crazy was because of recalling the secrets of the Family and his lover who he... ate."

Omega leaned back in his chair, "Cannibalism... why?" Omega spoke in a low tone full of disdain.

Cain watched Omega sulk, he didn't dare act presumptuously and kept up the act of a subordinate. However, he did try to console his leader.

"At least we know why they kidnap the exiles. This is also the reason behind the strict laws that create the exiles."

Omega abruptly stood up from his desk, the air around him seemed to restore a bit.

"Indeed, you have done well in this endeavor, Beta-6. Not only recovering a member of the Family but learning their dark secret. We could have never found this out before because of our low numbers, but in recent decades with more outsiders catching the eye of the Family, we have been able to grow during these short periods."

The leader sighed before raising his hand. "Rejoice, you have done your fellow brothers and sisters proud. We are all a family fighting against another that suppresses us."

Cain bowed slightly, "It is my joy to help. I was once a vagrant, but I was saved. Now I hope to save everyone else. I hope to be the backbone in fighting against the Family."

"Backbone, huh?" Omega rubbed his chin in thought.

He then walked over and put his hand on Cain's shoulder, "How about this, Beta-6? You will stay here in the headquarters and oversee our information gathering. You seem logical and intelligent enough. I will need you in the coming days; strategies are needed, and we are at a disadvantage. Will you take up this position?"

Cain lowered his head in gratitude, "That is my only wish, Lord Omega. I will do my best to aid you and give you my all!"

"Good! I will be awaiting your help in the coming days. Alpha-32, please escort Beta-6 to the newly refurbished intelligence building on the premises." Omega then looked into Cain's eyes with trust, "The building is small now, but we will be sure to expand it. I hope for the best."

Cain once more thanked Omega, using a face of gratitude and joy. He was then escorted by the so-called Alpha-32, one of the guards.

'Bingo. A first-class ticket to fun! Now I'm starting to understand why Numineer liked to manipulate people! It's exhilarating getting what you want by pulling someone's strings!'


Months went by, and Cain spent his time creating and laying the foundation for the Organization's intelligence. He worked closely with Omega, acting almost as a right-hand man and perfecting everything to his leader's desires.

Cain learned that the easiest way to manipulate someone was to, one, make them feel like they are in control, and two, play on their preferences.

He already knew the second rule very well. He used it to a degree in Netherane, using the Contaminant's "preference" for better lives to control them. However, this example would be a little extreme.

Other than that, Cain also had a few men under him. Some were covertly taken over by Cain's ghosts to create loyal soldiers who could then act as his eyes and ears without arousing suspicion.

Besides that, the Dream core had started to stabilize in digestion.

'From the looks of it, the Dream Core will consist of three powers. Two were the ones I already guessed, being creation and distortion. The third is actual reinforcement, not just on a passive level for all my abilities but also as a form of distortion. If I try to enhance my weapons, I wonder just how sharp they would become. Or would they begin to have some power of Dream and Nightmare?'

Cain found the third power nice. Not only could it kickstart the rebirth of his immortal body, which not only improved all his physical capabilities but also his lifespan, but it also affected the abilities he would be gaining from the core along with his mist and mist ghosts!

'Although I can only get the gist of the three powers, I will only know how advanced each one is once they are all fully settled and the core perfectly fuses with me.'

With the thought of finally regaining some of his prior powers, Cain couldn't but think about his remaining lifespan.

'I wonder how much longer I have to live? A few decades? Maybe a hundred years? Well, I'll feel it when it comes, I can always just use a new body and not override it until the situation fixes itself.'

Other than that, the fake Cain living in Jinx's Gin was also working hard. He had been under the scrutinizing gaze of the Family ever since the incident where the Organization infiltrated the compound. Although they now increased security, an outsider was a wild card.

Inspector Zoe had been visiting the fake Cain regularly. Cain even had to switch with that fake Cain a few times for things to go smoothly.

'That inspector sure is hard to please. She seems to have a deep hatred for me. I wonder why?'

The opinion of a single inspector didn't matter. As of now, Cain could say his plans were complete; he only needed to see the response from the enemy and act accordingly.


Weeks passed.

"Lord Beta, we have information coming in from multiple cells! The Family is sending out numerous hunters; they are going across the city and attacking our safehouses! Even some of our informants and their families have been taken!"

Since he was now a core member of the Organization, Cain no longer had a number assigned to him.

Cain showed no agitation or panic in his subordinate.

His response was calm and confident, handing over a few papers. "Take these. I foresaw that a situation like this would eventually happen. These papers give a detailed plan on how you should use the cells to counterattack. While they do that, have our elites move into the remaining safehouses and destroy all evidence, while also safeguarding the important information. As for our informants, take them in, the ones that haven't been found yet I mean."

The subordinate took the papers and bowed. "What will you do, Lord Beta?"

"Simple, there was a leak. I'll be in charge of finding it. Now hurry, time is of the essence." Cain quickly commanded the worker to leave and distribute the plans.

'Now, I have to find a traitor. It shouldn't be too hard; I already have a list. But I also have to make an example... this will be an opportunity, one to shed my morality, to truly step away from being human. But that's only if my guess works...'

Cain had already thought about it; him connecting himself to the ideas of a human was a limiter, in every sense of the word. He had his morals and views but where did they get them? Only through throwing everything away can he rebuild himself to become the construct of the Freedom he desires. 

'Remember, I have no right to speak of freedom if I cannot grasp it. I must be humble when weak and assertive when strong.'

Cain clenched his fists, for the first time, he felt fear in his actions. He didn't know if, by the end of this, he would be the same him. For once, he didn't know what the consequences that his actions would entail.

He left the Organization's headquarters and headed somewhere in the "slave" sector. He was going to go down his list one by one. Very slowly... and painfully.