

Liane returned to their table, beaming and full of mischief that Ingrid became suspicious, but she just shrugged it off and focused on enjoying her time with them.

"Honey, what took you so long?" Frank asked.

"Ahh, I talked to someone. We'll take about it at home,"

Frank knew Liane was up to something, so he shrugged, pulled her seat closer, and kissed her earlobe.

"I think you have something in your sleeve for tonight, and you're planning something, am I right?" he whispered. His wife just winked at him.

"So much of your PDA, please," Clifford said, smiling.

"You could do this if you like?" Frank's response was hinting at something else. Clifford narrowed his eyes at Frank and shook off his head when he guessed what he was saying.

Throughout their dinner, Clifford loosened his cold aura and felt at ease. It's been a while since he found time to relax and dine, considering that he is unfamiliar with the two ladies. But, on the other hand, his curiosity about Ingrid is becoming intense. He cannot help but stare secretly at her.

Most of the ladies he was with in other countries constantly flirted with him. They would often touch his thigh while talking to him or slide their foot on his legs, giving sensual signals. He would often ignore them or politely excuse himself and leave in peace.

But the lady beside him is something else. She ignores him altogether as if he is not there. Her big brown eyes showed no emotion at all. She looked so stylish in her clothes tonight, away from the distant demeanour she saw in her the last time they met.

"Well, if she could fill the bill..." he said mysteriously.

"Ayyyiiieee, I just knew who could fill the bill..." Liane feels giddy. They could hear an outburst of pent-up laughter from her that made Ingrid roll her eyes again.

"Ingrid, you've been single all your life. Don't you have plans to settle down?" Frank's gaze settled on her.

'Here we go again.' So she thought and sighed silently. When will this kind of topic come to an end? Can't they understand that I have no plans for it?

"Is this some kind of an interview?" she asked jokingly instead. And before Frank could continue to respond to her, Clifford interrupted with a grin.

"Well, it's only answerable by a 'yes' or a 'no', Miss Howard. So why make a big fuss?"

Clifford feels like teasing her. Seems like he cannot stop himself and is enjoying the annoyed look on her face. At least. If his assistant could hear him now, he would be surprised since he was known to be severe and won't give a second listening to nonsense talks and especially topics like marriage or love life or anything romantic.

"What is it to you? Is this related to work or something? Please, Mr. Briggs, I'm here to enjoy my night, so please stop pestering me." Ingrid couldn't count how many times she rolled her eyes that night. Briggs is getting on her nerves!

"Woahh, calm down, it's just an opinion. So why make a big fuss out of it?" But the brute did not stop on bugging her.

"Whatever!" Ingrid squinted, which made Clifford let out a soft chuckle.

On the other side, the couple, especially Frank, was wide-eyed, knowing his complicated friend never pissed anyone off. But, to his observation, his friend was having fun while Ingrid was irritated. What a scene to behold! Even his wife is adding fuel to the fire and teasing Ingrid even more.

"Why are you both so formal with each other? We're not in your workplace, y'know?" Ingrid glared intensely towards Liane, but her best friend ignored her.

"It is what it is since he's my boss, right Mr Briggs?" she glanced sideways at the man beside her.

"I don't mind if we'll call each other's name outside our work," Clifford said suavely, testing if Ingrid could be swooned by his charm. However, despite the spark of attraction she's starting to feel, Ingrid tries so hard to just ignore him.

"I agree, Cliff. It feels so stiff to hear you formally calling each other while we are here in this cosy place..." Frank added but silently squeezing his wife's hand under the table.

"Why do I feel that I am pushed aside here?" At last, Ingrid protested and aimed it at her best friend.

"Sorry, sis, I won't buy your drama..."

Suddenly, someone interrupted their bantering. A man on the mini stage suddenly talked using the mic.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Tonight is a special night for all of you..." Aside from good food, the restaurant offers various events, but only on rare occasions. And luckily, it happened that night. Of course, with Liane's plan.

"It is our great pleasure to serve you and make you feel relaxed, but aside from it, we also love giving surprises," Looking at the crowd, the emcee noticed that the audience mainly as couples.

"Tonight, let's have fun.." the emcee gave hints to the waiters. The waiters came into view, walked in, and went to every table showing small boxes.

"As you can see, you are each given a box. Kindly open it." All of them opened. The diners huffed when they saw the fortune cookies.

"Ayyiieee, what will be their gimmick for tonight, honey? I'm so thrilled!" Liane leaned on her husband and so excited for that night's turn of events.

'This is a make or break for my match-making career!' Liane secretly grins.

"After you open the box, you could see a fortune cookie, and you know what to do, crack it and look what's inside."