

"Uhm, excuse me, do you work here?" suddenly the man asked. Just hearing that voice shook her.

'oh! that deep voice again!' She squinted secretly.

"Yes," she answered, still without looking at the man, appearing to be the boss.

"Isn't it rude not to look at the person talking to you?" the man said with full authority. She almost cursed.

'Why is he so persistent?! Is he that dense that I'm not interested in looking at him?' But the other side of her said, 'oh, really??' So she secretly rolled her eyes. Annoyed by her own thoughts.

"I apologize. I was thinking something else. What can I do for you?" Slowly, her head moved to where the man was standing.

And when she looked at him...

Her mind went blank upon seeing him. Trapped in the mesmerizing eyes as if looking into her soul. Those lips were as if inviting her to go near him. He seems cold yet seductive in every way. He looks distant, yet there's a hidden warmth in those eyes. But... there's a vague familiarity in the man's facial features. Someone close to her.

'The eyes, it's so blue. Just like....' Ingrid heard the man chuckle, and then he cleared his throat. That made Ingrid blink twice and snap back to reality.

"I got that kind of stare a lot. But yours is different. Good different, though." There's so much amusement on the man's face that he looks at her with much interest.

'Her eyes become alert, moving to and fro, still speechless. She could not rebut.

"Could you lead me to the CEO's office, please?" his voice runs deep and gentle, yet it demands obedience. She just nodded, composing herself.

'Patience, patience, patience.' She mumbled to herself.

The elevator door opened, and some employees stood outside and gasped when they saw them walking out together. They could hardly greet them because of shock. Instead of going inside the elevator, they stepped aside, looked at them, and whispered among those who were present.

"Pinch me, please!" a female employee said.

"Ouch! It hurts!"

"Gosh! The future CEO and the supposed to be CEO walked together? This is news!" another one giddily shrieked.

"But hey, looking at Ma'am Ingrid, I think she didn't know it's the boss' son." A male employee commented.

"But what am I wondering if Ma'am Ingrid been affected by sir Cliff's presence? I mean, look at her, she seems lack in emotion.."

Then they all looked at each other and then at the two people who passed by.

"I got an idea... let's have a bet! Whether or not Ma'am Ingrid be affected by Sir Cliff."

"Affected? It's an easy bet, why not we bet if they will develop a romantic relationship within a year, what you think?" he let out a laugh.

"Great idea! How much should we bet?" the female employee said with a scheming smile.


"Freya? Where's Mr. Briggs?" Freya was startled.

"H-he's inside, ma'am, with–" She automatically opened the door.

"Mr. Briggs–" before she could finish her sentence, she stopped when she saw that he was in the middle of a meeting.

"Oh, sorry, I thought, you are not busy, sir."

"Oh no, it's okay dear," he said sweetly. The man with her frowned.

"I happened to meet, Mr–?" then she looked at the man behind him.

"Clifford Briggs,"

"Ahh, yes Mr. Clifford and he's looking for you, so I assumed that he already has his appointment with you. Wait... what...? Clifford Briggs?!"

"Cliff? Why's Ingrid with you? Do you know each other?" the old man interrupted, and his gaze shifted from Cliff to her, puzzled.

"Who? Him? Me? Nope, sir, we just bumped... no, we're on the same elevator and he ask for your office so I ushered him here." The older man's mouth went agape and then turned amused.

"Ingrid, dear, I apologize if you meet each other this way."

Her eyes widened with a surprised look.

"I want you to meet my son, Clifford Briggs. Cliff meet Ingrid Howard, the company's Executive Vice-President."

The people in the room fell silent, anticipating what would happen next.

"So you are the famous woman my father has been talking about," his gaze was intense that she had to gulp a lump in her throat before she spoke.

"Famous? I have no idea, and I am not interested in being known," she smirked. Felt mocked. 'Was he trying my patience?'

'Grrr! Why is he toying with me? Ugh! I don't like this jerk..." Clifford's right brow rose on her annoyed remark.

Upon sensing the conflict between the two, Mr. Clint cleared his throat.

"Excuse me, gentlemen, I think we must resume our meeting the next day. I think the three of us should talk first."

"I bet you all should," and all of them laughed.

"You're lucky to have Ingrid here, Clint," a middle-aged man commented. "and hey! Mind you, they looked good together." the man tapped Clint Briggs' shoulder.

On the other hand, Ingrid did not react to any of the teasings, but she just looked at them with a poker face. One by one, those who were present went out.

"Cliff, Ingrid, both of you sit here." Cliff walked directly to his father and sat on the straight settee while Ingrid remained standing.

"What are you still standing there, miss?" Cliff said coldly.

"I believe there is nothing we should talk about, sir."

"I think there is. Just sit in front of Cliff." Ingrid falteringly obeyed him and walked towards them but was still indecisive about sitting in front of the man.

For the first time, she was confused as to why she had this kind of dubious feeling if the man was around? She furrowed her brows upon contemplating what was wrong with her. So as not to complicate her emotions, even more, she sat opposite her boss.

This is the first time she was disobedient in front of the CEO, and all because of his son, and the furious feeling rages in her at the thought of him.

Silently, Clifford just observed her. His curiosity grew when he noticed how she furrowed her brows, the reddening of her fave as if wanting to speak her mind, but she seemed to force a great deal of self-control. Cliff wanted to know what she was thinking. He wondered whether she was feeling anything or planning to get even with him.

'this woman is fascinating. She seems to have a thick wall of defences and I would love to tear those and to see what's inside.' He mused while touching his lips.

"Ingrid, I want you to hear it directly from me and no one else. Starting next month, Clifford will be the new CEO in this company. It is also my great desire, if it's not too much to ask, that you and my son could work together harmoniously. And Ingrid, please, assist my son in the first six months of managing this company." He said gently with pleading eyes.

"But, of course, sir." She abruptly said, but her mind was telling otherwise. 'Me????' she screamed silently.

"At the end of this month, we will be holding a grand party for Cliff and all the employees are invited. You could also bring your date that night, dear." He smiled, and she blushed and nodded.

'hahaha are you kidding me, sir? You knew I don't have one.' she thought silently.

"And you Clifford –"

"hmm no date for me, I already told you and mom, either I go there without a date or I won't." He said firmly. His father sighed,

"Alright, alright!" his father dismissed.

"If that's the case, why not Ingrid and Cliff be together on that big night?" One of the board members subtly teased.

Immediately Ingrid's eyes widened. Showing her great disbelief turned anger at the suggestion. She was about to open her mouth when Cliff spoke.

"I think that would be unfair, gentlemen. Please respect our preference."

Ingrid is torn between amazement and annoyance.