
A scheme

There is something within her suspecting that Liane is setting her on a blind date. Again!

'Not again!' she screamed inwardly and then frowned at the realization.

While Frank was on Liane's right side, another man was sitting in front of her. Liane was facing her direction, and she waved at her. She stared at the back of the man, and then she gazed at Liane with a questioning look.

'Who is he?' still frowning, she mouthed and slightly pointed at the man using her head.

Instead of answering her, Liane just grinned from ear to ear. She tried to calm herself so that her night won't despoil.

'This will be a long night for her. Ugh!' she sighed at the thought.

"Hey Sis! I'm so glad you're here!" Liane's voice screams excitement, making her roll her eyes as she approaches them.

"Really, you do?" she said sarcastically. "Frank," she greeted him, and Frank nodded, smiling from ear to ear. Ingrid realizes that Frank is an accomplice, and it's too late for her to back out.

When she sat beside the man, she greeted him,

"Hi, good evening–" she gasped, and her eyes enlarged in astonishment. "M-Mr. Briggs? What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean by that?" he was dumbfounded.

The couple looked at each other, puzzled as to why they knew each other.

"Wait, wait, wait... you knew each other already?" Frank asked.

"Yes!" they answered in chorus. Ingrid's left brow rose, while Clifford was just calm and distant.

"Why am I not surprise?" Liane said with amusement in her eyes while she held her husband's hand and squeezed it as if communicating something to him. Then, he leaned on his chair and looked at her passionately.

"We've meet again Miss Howard." It was Clifford who spoke while staring at her with no emotion.

He looked so hot in his striped shirt with a black blazer rolled neatly to his elbow and blank pants and leather shoes. The blazer fits perfectly on him, which makes him so relaxed and intelligent.

"Yes, we meet again, Mr. Briggs..." she said stiffly. When Liane noticed Ingrid's hatred and tension, she cut their conversation, and a waiter went to them.

"I think we should order first." So she called for the waiter and ordered. "I'll go for a Charboiled Kobe Filet and Kobe Strip Steak for my husband."

Ingrid smiled upon hearing Liane order for Frank. How she wanted to bully her, what a controlling wife she is. But she is restrained since her boss's son is around.

"Wagyu Sirloin for me," Clifford ordered.

"and you Miss Ingrid...?" the waiter enquired at her politely. The waiter was mesmerized by Ingrid that he just stared at her.

"Uhmm I'll go for Fullblood Wagyu Tenderloin..." she looked at the waiter and politely smiled at him. The waiter reddened.

"Will that be all, Miss?" still, the waiter lingered. Clifford frowned and interrupted.

"Well for the wine, we'll go for Merlot. That will be all, thanks!" Clifford added, hinting at the waiter to go away.

"A-ahh yes, of course, if you will excuse me," the waiter hastened off.

"So, let's go back to where we end our conversation, where did you two meet?" Frank asked nonchalantly, half-grinning.

"He's Mr. Briggs's son, my future boss." She said bluntly.

"Oh." Liane covered her mouth due to astonishment.

"Really?! That's lovely..." she shrieks slightly, touching her husband's arm and squeezing it again.

"Cut it, Liane." She stared sharply at her best friend. Her scheming best friend is up to something... again!

"What? I didn't say anything sis? Why are you blushing..." she teased. Ingrid just rolled her eyes in response. She might not bring her eyes back to their usual place because she's been rolling her eyes the moment she stepped foot in the restaurant.

"What's wrong with Liane's word Miss Howard?" Clifford interrupted.

Ingrid's blood started to boil. She's starting to get pissed.

"Excuse me?!" seeing her indignant face makes Clifford smile.

Without Ingrid's awareness, Clifford was already observing her,

'Hmmm... She seems to be very defensive indeed. Always thinking in advance.' He observed.

"I mean, there's nothing wrong with what she says that we will be working together soon, right?" Clifford put stress on the word 'together.'

"I know right, Cliff? What are you thinking by the way, sis?" She giggled. She seems to be in a hot seat.


"The foods are coming, I am famished." Frank barged in, sensing that Ingrid was somewhat irritated. Clifford and Ingrid became quiet while the couple stared at each other meaningfully.

"Bon appétit..."

They started to eat without a sound, and only the couple dominated the conversation. As time passes and they've become at ease, the ladies catch up while the men talk about business.

Then suddenly, Liane thought of something.

"If you will excuse me, I need to use the restroom," Liane stood up.

However, Liane did not go to the restroom. Instead, she talked to the manager and arranged some things; her ideas were like fireworks, which excited her even more.

"Please manager, don't ever, ever tell it to anyone that I have planned it, okay?"

"Rest assured, Mrs. Surey, no one will know." He smiled politely and motioned his hands as if zipping his mouth.


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