
Loving You Is Blind

" I'm not wiling to love half of your heart " Her little self knew nothing about reality. She knew very little about the world. She knew nothing about death, even life itself. Until her mother died before her eyes and she fell into the arms of man that knew nothing about her. He, was shown the cruel world way before he should have. He hated the world. Until he could no longer ever see it, literally. His world had turned into an orphic darkness and so had he. She's back to reality and the first thing she meets is the darkness. Whom her boss assigns her to. So he warns her.. but things don't go exactly as the contract suggests. "Your job is to nurse him, not to fall in love," he says. "because that, little Claudia, does not only not exist in the contract, but it could also be explosive," A nurse and a mob boss? Why not?

theAkuhle · Urban
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20 Chs

03| pills and love potions


"Good morning baby," I hear a voice. I feel someone plant a kiss on my forehead and my eyes flutter  open. The first thing I see is him. I crack into a smile and he does the same.

I get lost in his stormy grey eyes, that reminded me of clouds whenever it rained or stormed. My breath hitched and his palm careesed my cheek.

"Baby? Baby?" I snap out of it and I'm met  with a pair of dark brown orbs. I gulp a bit.

Did I just-

Fuck. Luciano has grey eyes, not Liam.

This better be a morning thing.

"I made you breakfast," he brings the tray forward. I bite my lip, wanting to choose my words correctly. "Bacon free?" I raise my brow. "Meat free, my love," My smile widens and he lifts up the light brown tray that had all different  kinds of food on it.

I see the four layers of plain pancakes, maple syrup dripping of it  and blue berries, a scoop of vanilla  ice cream on top. On the side, was a fruit bowl  consisting of strawberries, kiwi, banana, apples and avo. My smile widens even more once I see my favorite, apple juice on the side.

I arch my brow slightly.

"This is me making it up to you," his face turns into one of guilt. "I'm  sorry about last night. I just got upset that you stood me up and you never called or texted me, to let me know," I sigh, feeling guilty. Knowing I was wrong  too.

I understood where Liam was coming from.  I wouldn't have appreciated  him coming home  late without even telling me. Though he had no right to treat me the way that he did. The anger that was in his eyes had been nothing I've seen before. Liam... could  be overly jealous, and sometimes, with absolutely  no reason to be.

I hope he wouldn't be that upset next time, well, if there is a next time.

I trusted him.

"And I'm sorry too, I should've let you know I was out with the girls,"

"Can't  believe  they dragged you into this," I furrow  my brows at this, wanting  to say something but I did not want to argue early in the morning. "I'm  gonna pretend like I didn't hear that," I remove the sheets  from my body, ready to walk off but he stands up blocking my way. "Where  are you going?" He whispers.

"To brush my teeth,"  I brush pass him. "Babe, you know I didn't  mean it like that,"


I hope not, Liam.

I hope not.


"This headache is killing me," Diane groans, her forehead plastered on the desk. "I told you, you shouldn't  have drank so much,"

"You're. Not. Helping," Diane glares at Mal. Suddenly, the elevator doors open. The same guy from yesterday steps out and I'm the first to see him. Today he wore more of a casual outfit. Plain black pants, a beige turtle neck top and paired it with a light brown jacket. His fresh cut was still neat and he made his way over to us.

I tear my gaze away quickly.

"Good morning, ladies," I hear a deep voice.   "It is not a good morning at all sir. Some of us woke up on the wrong  side of the bed an-"

He reaches his arm out, a white bottle in hand. It was painkillers. "Hangover?" Diane  finally raises her head, her sunglasses on the tip of my nose and she pushes them back up. Her burrows furrow, "How'd  you.. know?"

Instead of answering, he smiles. Something I did not expect from a person who showed no emotion from the little time I've gotten to see him. "You may need a strong coffee and something.." he says and I had to control my jaw from dropping.

He just-

Ok boy, we see you.

Asking my girl out.

If it weren't  for the Goddamn sunglasses   Diane was wearing, he would've definitely  noticed her staring.

He places the bottle of painkillers on the counter top and before he leaves, he nods at Mal and I, a smile on his face.

He then walks off and Mal rushes over to Diane and drags her out of her chair. "Are you stupid?"

"What?" Diane stares at her with confusion written all over her face. "Go ask and what his name is. Introduce yourself!"

It may have seemed like Diane was the love expert but she was not.

"Okay, fine!" She whispers. "Though you didn't have to drag me like that," Diane rubs the spot where Mal grabbed her, gently. Mal rolls her eyes.

"Remove the glasses,"

"What? N-" I took them right out and pushed her forward. She glares  back at us before exhaling deeply. "You can do this," I raise both my thumbs and she turns her heel.

Mission accomplished. 

Though there was something  else that was on my mind. Mr serious face came alone today, but Mr Rivera  wasn't there. "I see mouths moving," Mal giggles.

I turn my attention back to the scene in front of me. Diane has a grin -- the one that reaches your eyes while his back is faced us. After  a few more minutes, she comes back running. "So?" I arch my brow.

"His name is Isaak," she smiles. "Johnson,"

"Don't  be like Claudia now," Mal sighs and I  backhand her slightly. "What? You were literally doing the same with Rivera," she says. "Wait, like Luciano Rivera?" Diane looks at Mal with wide eyes.

"We are not talking about me, okay?" I say. "So what else happened?"

"Nothing, I introduced  myself and thanked him for the pills,"

"Oh my goodness ," Mal rolls her eyes.

"Hey, she tried."


Diana's pov

My heart was racing with every step I took. I inhaled and exhaled as much as I possibly could. I don't know why I was this nervous. I was rarely nervous around men and always had self control.

But now was different.

This was different.

I was approaching a man I had only seen yesterday. I barely knew him, all I know is that I saw him with  Luciano Rivera yesterday. With such an emotionless face, it was actually intimidating. Sexy, perhaps? He was good to look at, too good actually.

But there was just something about him.

All I think about was commitment.

I was never serious with any  man. Neither was I planning to be. So why was I so afraid? He was just another guy, right? Right?

"Hey, uh..." If I wasn't  standing in front of him right now, I would have just slapped myself. Making the headache even worse for myself because of all the the words that just came out of my mouth. "Isaak. Isaak Johnson," he smiles and I swear I almost  melt. "Mr John-"

"Please, call me Isaak, Diane." My brows  come together.  "How'd  you know my name?"

"I pretty much know everyone  on this floor,"

"Oh," I nod  slowly. "Howcome?"

"I'm here for some business, and obviously, here for Luciano," he says. Confirming  my thoughts. What else would he be here? Duh. "Guess I'll be seeing you around more?"

"I hope so," I smile. "Well, I gotta go. My shifts about to start," I fiddle with my fingers, wanting to say something so badly but I don't know what.

Say something dummy! Anything!

But my head was blank. In any case I didn't trust anything that was coming out of my mouth right now. Taking in my defeat, I step back.


Right as I'm about to retreat, he speaks up.

"You want to go out for lunch sometime?"

"I'd like that," I nod.

"It's a date then. My treat,"

haven't updated in a while but here's a little something

theAkuhlecreators' thoughts