

Miss Churchill looked at her, and then at Terry. She knew it wasn’t usual to have a mother and her kid book accommodation in Turatus.

She smiled at Stephnie and checked her records carefully, “Madam, my record shows you have been here for two days now and you have paid for the first day—” she smiled in a way Stephnie got disgusted.

Stephnie quickly interrupted her, “that is correct. I’m ready to make payment for the second day, that’s why I came over.”

She opened her handbag and brought out some money, she counted out some money and kept the rest back, “here is $480 for the second day. Thanks for the reception.” She looked straight into her eyes and now she was getting all the more worked up.

Miss Churchill quickly collected it, and replied, “you are welcome Madam, it is always a pleasure, having you around was great. Hope to have you around some other time, bye!” She smiled.

Stephnie smiled warmly at her and turned around.