
Loving You From the Friend Zone

Alexis Simmons is in love with her best friend Brandon Templeton. he knows she loves him but won't confess that he loves her. All she wants is him to love her as much as she loves him. Max Kyleson is a boy Alexis met at summer camp and he loves her but knows her heart belongs to Brandon or so he thinks. Alexis is head over heals for both of these boys yet some how fights her self to make a decision. her heart and head are constantly fighting knowing she can't have both of the people who fill the holes in her heart. who will she choose? Brandon or Max? read to find out...

Allie_Sanderson · Urban
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4 Chs


Hi! I'm Alexis and I have a best friend named Brandon, whom I have loved for around six years. I am 15 and he is 17. I am 2 years younger than him. He is well aware of my unconditional love yet some how has not for the the last four years told me wether or not he reciprocates my feelings.

When I'm around him everything just falls into place. I feel like things are perfect. the world stops spinning and time ceases to exist. almost as if with him I could over come even the most awful of obstacles in life.

Brandon is my other half. With him I am whole. BUT..... He has well put me in the Friend Zone.... almost permanently. I only wish he could see things from the same perspective as I do.

This is where our story begins!!