
Loving Mr. Bully

Loving Mr. Bully Since elementary Tammara Naomi Faulkerson is one of favorite target of bullies. Much worse when she is in high school. She is fat, nerdy, and she has no interest in making herself beautiful. For her, study is more important than anything. When she is at grade 9, they have a new classmate, transferee from other school. Raiden Rio Archer is a heartthrobe type of guy. They have a different kind of attention that everybody give. At first she thought he is nice, but to her dismay he is one of those bullies. He always like to make her cry infront of many people. She handled it until she finish her grade 10. Because at her senior year, this guy is disappear without notice. She hear that he goes to abroad but she didn't know why? Instead of celebrating that one of his bullies far away its contradict what she feel inside. Because even he treated her that way instead of feeling angry or hate him, she secretly admire him. That's why she feel down, she love him without her noticing it until his gone. Then one of her unxpected day, she is riding her motorcycle. She pass by in one of the dark street, she hear scream of pain. She want to ignore it but her instinct said otherwise. She was fighting to save him whoever he was, that they were punching. When she's done helping him, she decided to take him to the hospital. When they arrive at the hospital, she saw his face clearer. Its him, the one who admire her the most. Until today her very love...

MegumiJ · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: Transferee

She wake up early in the morning to prepare herself going to school. Even though her life is always a mess day because of the bullies in the school. They are bullying her but she keep going to school and study. Future is more important to her and the proud smile of her parents when she graduated in the future. It's her dream. She just kept on ignoring them and pray that they will stop one day, stop bullying her.

No one like her at the school and don't want to close to her. Because they were afraid that they will be the next target of the bullies.

She take a bath and make her morning routine before wearing her uniform and going down stair. Going to the dining room.

"Mom, Dad good morning," she sweetly greet them and she kiss her mother on the cheeks and also kiss her father on the cheeks.

"Good morning too, Tammy. How was your sleep?" Her mom asked her.

"Mom, can you stop calling me Tammy please it looks like your teasing me because of my big tummy." She pouted like a kid. She is not afraid to tell them what's inside her mind, they were close. Her mother always want her to tell what's in her mind. In that case, she omit about the bullies. Don't like the thought of worrying her parents.

Her mother smiled at her. "Of course if that's my baby wants."

"Mom..." She whined at her. Her Dad was chuckled silently next to her Mom.

"Okay, okay. Your not a baby anymore. What do you want me to call you?"

"Tammara is okay Mom." She suggested.

"Okay if that's my baby want. Opss. Sorry, if that's my Tammara like. I won't argue." It make her heart warm.

'this is my only home who make me feel I'm worthy'. She said to herself.

"How was your sleep again Tammara?"

"T'was nice. Last night I dream about my future becoming a good business woman, like you mom. And established my own business."She's smiled widely at her mother, then she eat the bacon in her plate.

Become a business woman is her dream like her mother. At her age she know what she wanna be in the future. Many obstacle in her way but her future is her top priority. She want to build the pastry business. She love to bake sweets like, cookies, cakes, breads, brownies, anything she wants to bake. She really love sweets, that's why it is the cause of her Chubbiness. And she always want to eat, her mother and father was worried to her. She want to diet but can't help herself to stop. Specially when the dishes was delicious, who in this wold can refuse that. Not her.

They continue their breakfast while talking and asking about each other. Until she need to go, she bid goodbye to her parent before going inside the car. She have a personal driver who drove her into the school. She bid her goodbye to her driver and said that she will text him when her class ended and thats the cue when he need to fetch her.

She walked into the school, it is a prestigious and well known school at the city.

But the bullies is everywhere. No one can stop them from bullying her. The bullies spotted her and stating to shout at her a hurtful words. Most of them is her classmate and the other is their friends. Join force to bully her.

"Oh the black pig is walking!"

"Hello fat nerdy!"

"There she goes again the famous piggy of all times."

"There is a magic word kojic, gluta, collagen. Girl why don't you use it. Your skin is so disgusting, and your fats make me vomit. And try to use comb."

"Look at her. Do you think that she is taking a bath? Her skin looks dirty, her hair was messy. And she can't walk properly because of her fats!"

They are mocking her and saying hurtful words. She look in her shoes don't want to look the smug look and the smirk on their faces.tears are welled up in her eyes trying to stop it from falling. She don't want to make them satisfied to see her crying. Expertedly she wipe her unshed tear before anyone can notice. She went to the classroom and ignored them.

She sit in her designated chair. Third row and near the window. Until in her class room. Her classmate is not contented when they not mocking her. She ignored them, she get her note book and her book to study and keep ignoring them.

Diana took her notebook and passed it on to her classmate Gale. She did not take her notebook back praying that they will stop. They pass it to another until the pages were torn off before returning. Because she's ignoring them, they feel more annoyance towards her. That makes Diana annoyed and pull her hair and shoved her notebook to her.

Thanks gracious, their teacher go inside. Making Diana nervous but she manage to give warning glare to Tammara before going to her chair. She dried secretly her unshed tears and get her broken notebook. She handle herself to not cry and pretend that nothing happen like she always does even deep inside she's tearing apart and scream all her anger and hate for them.

"Class, you have a new classmate. Transferee from other school. Let me introduce him." Mr. Morales said thats make everybody quit for a moment. They are waiting for a new tranferee to come inside.

A young man entered the room. his hair is brown as a chestnut, tall and his body is medium built for his age. His skin is fair but not as white as a paper. His skin a butter cream color.

It suit him perfectly, with the looks he is. His hair is perm that makes him more attractive.

When he smile before introducing make every girls in the room screamed and thrilled with so much admiration in him. She silently scream in her self, like the normal girl she admired him also. He is so charmed it make their heart capture because of this new transferee.

"Hello everyone, My name is Raiden Rio Acher. I hope we get along. Thank you for the warm welcome." Then he blow a flying kiss to everyone.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Archer. You may sit here." Their teacher point at the back, last row near in the left window. Then Mr. Morales start his lecture.

After a while he dismiss the class and they are waiting for the next class. While Diana and the other girls go to Raiden Rio to make friend or most likely flirt with him.