
Anger, Rage and Marriage?

The morning dawned and I awoke alone. Where did he go? Did he feel awkward after last night, so he slept somewhere else?

"Aaron! Hello?"

Where did he go? I got up and started to search for him, I walked over to where we were at last night and he was sitting off the edge if the cliff. I moved toward him when his back stiffed.

"Are you ok? Can I sit here"

All I got was a stiff nod. He looked as if he wanted to say something but did everything to avoid my gaze. I reached my hand out and touched his face lightly guiding it to face mine, when he looked into my eyes it seemed as though it pained him to do so. My voice was soft

"Are you going to say your piece. Ha. I won't bite. Its ok speak your mind. "

He was wrestling with himself and in deep thought when he finally spoke he had an apologetic tone.

"I meant to tell you sooner but there wasn't really a right time but... "He averted his eyes

"Its ok, look at me, what is it"

With a deep sigh he spoke "The reason why I was sent here and not some guards was because... Your mother has given me your hand in marriage"

His face was full of deep regret. Then I blurted out "WHAT! I BARELY KNOW YOU! "

"I know but, Lavende this was not my choice either. Although I do think there is something between us, don't you? "

All of the anger and rage towards my mother had suddenly dissapered, after all this wasn't his choice but I couldn't denie it I did think the was something between us.

"I'm sorry this isnt your fault. I shouldn't be taking this out on you and I do think there could be worse men to marry. I just wish we could go slower because I do really want to see where this goes." A smile was on my and his face as it wasn't bad but I wish that it had been my choice to wed someone not my mothers!

He gave me a kiss on the forehead and embraced me as I did him.

"Thank you for understanding" he said with a warm tone. As we stood up our wings grew from our back's. The look of longing on he face made my heart flutter.

"We should get going if we want to make it to Sky Stone befor dark. I need to speak to my mother." We smiled at each other and with that we took of unto the sky.