

After the long night of tugging her drunk brother to bed and cleaning after him, she decided to see David.

Alvin's incessant plea worried her as she stared at David who was having dinner in front of her.

She knew he had ulterior motives to bankrupt Alvin but she didn't expect Alvin to come begging and to think he apologized for maltreating her troubled her.

As stunning as it seemed she couldn't forgive him. Maybe she would try if Simon was alive but he wasn't.

Henceforth, she is playing the game with David to learn about his plans for her after he had achieved everything and Alvin was as poor as a church rat which she didn't think of before accepting his offer but she knew better now and was going to keep a close watch.

All wasn't lost perhaps she wanted to be normal again for Louis and her mother's sake whom she hasn't seen for four years.

" David! She called as he raised his head to acknowledge her call.