

Quinn's presence lightened her mood as she thought of resuming her search for Eden.

A joystick fell from the table thus she bent down to pick it up but ended up stepping on something. Her face scrunched up in fury ready to dial the housekeeping manager's number when her eyes caught the envelope and recalled Bianca handing it to her.

Curiosity had the best of her as she decided to open with widened eyes.

It was a birthday invitation: Quinn's Birthday or as it was written.

Quinn Norton Reagan.

There was more so, she read it out.

" The Reagans family. Alvin's family? Quinn Norton Reagan? Quinn Norton Reagan! August 15. No, no-no-no. This can't be. He can't do this to me. Bloody hell no" she grabbed her bag rushing out of the hotel to grab her car keys then drove off while Logan smiled driving after her.