

A day turned into a week yet Kate hasn't shown up to confront him which had Alvin worried.

Had she decided to lay low but that wasn't like her. She was one to act on impulse.

" Mr. Reagan, I have checked the resort as you instructed. She's not there" Colt was disappointed in himself for letting a thing like that happen. He'd promised no harm will come to her yet she was in David's custody.

" When did this happen? Asked a worried Alvin who had a murderous look on.

" Quinn's birthday; the day she won the case. I think David did this. What do we do? Alvin lit a cigar and took a long drag of it puffing out smokes that withered into thin air.

"Where's David at the moment?

" The boys are yet to report back to me"

" It's a good thing we have a man inside. Don't leave the resort premises in case they come back " colt's eyes stirred up then hummed.

" An inside man?

" Yeah"

" I'll inform you when he's in town