

Eden Callaway was sitting by the right side of the table with lingering eyes on the door as Alvin and his lawyer walked in.

Eden stood up to acknowledge him as a famous businessman shaking hands and all then pointed to the vacant chair which they occupied.

" Where's she? Eden would have rolled his eyes at him but acted professionally.

" My client is a busy woman. You don't go around setting meetings suddenly expecting others to roll with it because you got nothing doing" Alvin raised his brows astounded.

" I see. Like you said I have all day" he said amused leaning on the chair rest.

Minutes turned hours. She arrived just when his lawyer spoke up.

" This wasn't our schedule. Your client is wasting our time"

" That's because I don't see the need for it but I tried to be reasonable so here I am" Kate replied before Eden could defend her then took a seat.