
Loving a Rororal Lord

LOVING A RORORAL LORD Copyright 2023. Lilian Anyadike All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written consent of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously and are a product of the author’s imagination. Being locked in a world of fantasy and falling in love with a Lord who everyone despise, Lisa finds herself tangled in the web of love between two people but must end up with just one.... only one.

Blaliy · Fantasie
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12 Chs


Lisa sat quietly as Selina did her hair, Lord Saga hadn't showed up since and she waited.

"Are you alright my Lady?" Selina asked feeling her unease and she nodded.

"Lord Saga isn't here" she said and Selina smiled. "He will be soon" she answered and Lisa faked a smile, she needed to see him, she had alot she wanted to ask.

A slight knock following the opening of the door made Lisa and Selina look up, there he stood most radiant. Lisa smiled inwardly, she had seen him severally but felt that he looked exceptionally handsome each time she saw him.

"I heard you were looking for me" he said with a smile that made Lisa look away, she was getting hot by just looking at him, no man ever had such effect on her, not even her ex.

"Selina please" said Lord Saga extending his hand supinating it towards the door. Selina bowed before leaving and closing the door behind her. Lord Saga then stood behind Lisa who faced the mirror. "Are you okay?" He asked and she faked a smile before standing.

"Let's seat" she pointed to the bed and walked towards it sitting down, Lord Saga did the same.

"What's wrong?"

"I need to know the truth" she started.

"What do you want to know?"

"Everything, everything you didn't want me to know before" she answered and he signed.

"Looks like Lord Gus said something to you...."

"Yes he did" she interrupted, "And I'm about to believe them, I want to know who you are, if or if not I am a joke or a toy you seem to have control over because you feel I'm ignorant and..."

"Lady Gorra..."

"Please just tell me, I need to know who's body I posses, please" she begged.

Lord Saga inhaled deeply before taking her hand. "I don't know what the outcome will be but I just need two things from you..."

"What?" She asked in a whisper.

"Don't pity me and don't hate me" he said and she smiled.

"I just want the truth, believe me it has nothing to do with what I feel for you" she answered and he smiled..


My father Isaak Reigs, was King of Rororal and my mother Samantha Reigs was queen and jew bearer for years, I had an elder brother who's name was Sagaran. It all started when we received words that Eudorus Kingdom planned an attack on us to kill my father, we didn't believe it until my brother was sent out on a mission and came back nearly dead, he was attacked by the people of Eudorus who took hold of our boarders. The council had a meeting and went for war fighting against them, I was just ten. News came that their women and children fought back so my dad had to give the order to kill all women and children. They killed all of them at least that's what they said but I heard some are still in exile.

They came back victorious and ofcourse we continued living peacefully, Sagaran was to be king so he was always around my father but me?, I just wanted mother's attention but she didn't give it, she wouldn't listen to me and always regard me lowly, I didn't speak in the dinning room and always took permission to play outside. I watched her die and I couldn't say a word to anyone, Lady Gorra left a scar on her body which no one saw until she was carried out, a scar which symbolizes Eudorus so my dad wiped out all servants belonging there and went in search of them wasting all he could find. The council took my father's behavior personal and decided his fate, they said he killed people who weren't from Eudorus so he was asked to step down but he wouldn't neither would my brother, the castle was divided and they fought a war, my father was slughtered by his own cousin Lord Carmen, my brother was captured and sentenced to death then the throne was moved from me to King Carmen. Ever since they've decided my life and equally my wife, I know the plans of Lord Gus and I know he used his position as council member to link the Lady up to me, I know his purpose".

"What purpose?" Asked Lisa and he smiled

"They know the throne will move back to me and they want to take control, they want to kill me now and play victim or wait until I get to the throne" he laughed now.

"I've had lots of enemies because of my father but I don't consider him a bad man though, he did what every king would do"

"The king is your cousin?, Why do you hold so much resentment for each other?" Asked Lady Gorra

"His father and my father were cousins but our relationship is over, in a battle field..I don't think there will be anything to talk about".

Lisa inhaled looking away, how could someone live like that, she had enemies yes but he was surrounded by them all, she rubbed her palms together when he slowly placed his on hers.

"I'm sorry" he whispered


"I'm taking so much time to take you home and it isn't right, I should...."

"Shhh" whispered Lisa placing a finger on his lips. "Take your time, I'm kinda enjoying this place and will love to know what living in years back before my parents were born" she laughed bringing down her finger. "Thank you" she said.

Lord Saga smiled before standing from the bed. "Come my Lady let me walk you in the garden" he offered.

Both walked quietly in the garden, Lord Saga had his hands behind him and Lisa smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked.

"I don't know" she answered and he stopped.

"What?" She asked.

"You're blushing hard" he stated and she smiled again.

"Were you worried about me when I took the poison?" She asked and he stopped.

"What's wrong?, Did I say something wrong?" She asked but he didn't answer, he only looked from her before continuing in his steps.

"Maybe I shouldn't have brought it up, I forget sometimes that I'm in the body of the woman you despise the most in the world"

"Lady Gorra....

"It's Lisa incase you've forgotten" she interrupted and he halted.

Lisa then turned to him. "What?" She asked.

Lord Saga then walked close to her placing both hands on her shoulder. "You need to stop talking so much of nonsense sometimes" he started and she gasped.

"Lisa, Lady Gorra or whatever I don't care but I know the woman who has this heart" he said placing a finger to her chest. "I will never forget you, even though I have to let you go against my wish..."

"You want me to stay?" Asked Lisa suppressing her chuckle but Lord Saga looked serious.

"By my side everyday, everytime and hour, I want you" he said in a coarse voice.

Lisa's face was replaced with surprise at his sincerity, his word held so much emotions that she almost couldn't believe she heard it, could he have fallen for her?, Well he was attractive and she knew she liked him but his feelings seemed to have escalated, was she ready to fall in love with a man who lies in a world she didn't even feel is real. She looked at him as he stared at the beautiful flowers in the garden.

"You do love flowers don't you?" He asked not looking at her.

Lisa inhaled deeply before smiling. "Yes" she answered and he plugged one walking towards her.

"For my Lady" he said.

"Thank you" she appreciated smiling and taking it from him.

"Lady Gorra?" A voice called and they looked seeing Lord Theodore standing some distance from them

"Lord Theodore.."

"A word please" he said

"That won't be necessary" chipped Lord Saga

"I believe she can speak for herself..."

"Ofcourse, when necessary..."

"Do not live her life for her, the Reigs family are know for controlling and manipulating people!" yelled Lord Theodore and Lord Saga smiled.

"You seem to know so much but you were barely ten then..."

"Enough!" Intervened Lisa. "I'll talk to him Lord Saga" she said in a whisper before looking at Lord Theodore, "There are things I need to clear too" she added before walking from him to Lord Theodore. "Lead the way" she said

Lord Theodore smiled at Lord Saga before leaving. "I'll be back" whispered Lisa using her hand to demonstrate as she left with him.

"Lord Gus told me something but I didn't believe, I said I'd confirm"

"What did he tell you?, That he hit me hard across my face because I called him uncle?" She asked

"Lady Gorra...."

"If this is about Lord Saga then I'm sorry but I cannot talk about it, I'm done having that conversation"

"Lady Gorra... please let me speak" he pleaded

"Whatever you'll say will not change my mind"

Lord Theodore exhaled, "What has he been telling you?, Those lies?"

"You speak of my husband so I think it's fair not to be rude"

"Husband?, What about me?, Have you forgotten what you said to me?" He asked.

"Remind me again because I seem to have forgotten"

Lord Theodore chuckled painfully, Lisa could sense his pain and fear, did he love the Lady alot?.

"You said nothing would change the way you felt about me, you made a vow to come back to me"

"I lied, something changed the way I felt...it was Lord Saga so please don't bother me" she said and made to leave when he spoke.

"You will come back to me, he's a Reigs, he cannot be trusted. I'll wait for you"

Lisa didn't turn to reply to this but walked ahead, she needed to find this lady Gorra and give her a piece of her, she clenched her fist moving fastly, she had her doubts and wasn't going to be fooled by anyone, she was watching them.

The ladies sat quietly as the Lords and king made a sport in the field. "My Lord Stephen is very humble" started Lady Catherine to Queen Lela who smiled on hearing this.

"How is the King?, Does he have plans on taking a second wife?" She asked again.

"I don't know, he's a King and has that power" she answered

Lisa could sense the bitterness in her voice, she would start a fight besides it's been a while since she and the Lady exchanged words. "Ofcourse he's the King, he can take as many wives as he choose unlike Lord Saga who just wants to be with me"

All the ladies seated turned to her. "What makes you so sure?" Asked Lady Catherine disgusted by her.

"Everything and he's made it clear" she said and they all laughed rhythmically.

"He's a Reigs Lady Gorra, they're the last people to trust or keep promises" answered Lady Catherine

"You better learn because it seems to me that your brains has left you since you came back" said Queen Lela before facing the Lords and the ladies followed.

Lisa quietly thought about what they said, it was not the first time people told her about the Reigs and their not being trustworthy.

The King walked up to them and they all stood up slightly bowing before him. "My Lord" said Queen Lela taking his hand and kissing his palm.

"Please it must be tiring to watch let's all go have dinner together, the servants prepared already" he said.

They all sat on the dinning as the servants dished the food.

"We will be heading to the village by tomorrow, the festive carnival is taking place by next week so we prepare for it" started the King. "I must say I'm excited, the carnival happens once every ten years and I'm to witness it being King" he continued

"I am happy for you my King" beamed Lady Lela before facing others. "A toast to the king" she said raising her cup, others did the same.

"Toast!!" They chorused.

"Carriages will be out by tomorrow, we don't have time so I will free all the Lords and Ladies from all internal and external works, just arrange for the travel"

"We will do as you've instructed my King" said Lord Stephen the eldest.

Lisa stood before Selina who packed some things in a bag. "How's it like?" She asked and Selina turned to her. "The carnival?"

"It's wonderful my Lady and comes with good blessings" she answered

"What blessings?"

"Good news normally come within that period, some people get answered prayers while others get married and celebrate child birth" she explained

"Oh, is that so?" Whispered Lisa

"I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time with Lord Saga"

Lisa smiled. "Hopefully".

Selina blushed before continuing what she was doing.

Lisa sighed walking towards the window, she looked at the the dark sky and glittering stars which beautified it. She remembered her parents, her home, "Is this real" she whispered

"It is my Lady" answered Selina and she turned to her sharply.

"You're not supposed to hear that"

"I'm close to you my Lady, I can feel your heartbeat, I can tell when you're in trouble and when your heart's not at peace"

"You can do all that?"


"For Lord Saga too?"

"No, Lord Saga is very...well..I don't know the word but it's so difficult to hear his thoughts, he speaks silently to himself, he's very difficult"


"Don't worry, he's an amazing person".

Lisa smiled. "I know Selina, you don't need to tell me". Selina then turned from her continuing with the packing while Lisa faced back to the window exhaling.

Lord Theodore stood before Lord Gus who kept pacing around. "If you have anything you want to say, just say it. I need to prepare for the journey ahead" said Lord Theodore.

"We have to be able to get her back on our track" he now faced him. "She's our only hope, our only ally"

"Aren't you listening to me?, She shut me out, she's never done it before she was always the one needing me, wanting me but now she doesn't even want to see my face, it's over Gus, that Reig of a husband finally got his claws on her"

"And you want to give up?, Where is your warrior side Lord Theodore"

"The war has been fought and a winner declared, there's nothing anyone can do about it".

Lord Gus exhaled. "You don't know the weight of what you just said, she's my niece I subdued her once, I can subdue her again and over again"

"What can you do?"

"I just need your corporation, leave things to me, I need an ally who stays Inside the castle so I can have access to it because she won't ever let me in again"

"Fine, you have my corporation, excuse me" he bowed slightly before walking away.

Lord Gus smiled wickedly when he had left, finally his plans were back to action.

The next day, the servants parked the belongings of the Lords and Ladies inside the carriage.

"I will lead as the King and my lovely wife queen Lela will join me in my carriage" he said and climbed on the carriage. "We ride!" He yelled and the crowd cheered.

"My Lady please" said Selina to Lisa who made to climb the carriage when she saw a little girl being held by Lady Catherine as they got into a carriage.

"Who is that?" She asked and Selina followed her eyes.

"That is princess Genevieve, Lady Catherine and Lord Stephen's only child" she answered

"Why am I just seeing her now?" Asked Lisa

"She's a Lady's daughter and mustn't be all over the palace but you've seen her occasionally as Lady Gorra just not as Lisa" she answered


"Please get on my Lady" she said and Lisa climbed into to carriage full of curiosity, she looked at Lord Dargo and Lady Aurelia who got into their carriage, the Lady never really smiled and she wondered why, there were things she needed to find out by herself, she wouldn't ask permission from anyone not even Lord Saga.

Lord Saga climbed into the carriage and their eyes met.

"Speak of the devil" she muttered under her breath.

"You okay?" Asked Lord Saga

"Yeah, yes I am" she answered and faked a smile looking away. Lord Saga sat opposite her watching as she looked out through the window of the carriage, something was up because she acted awkwardly.

Drums, flutes and musical instruments filled the air as they sang songs of celebration starting their match. The King's carriage had left already and Lord Stephen's carriage followed, Lord Dargo's followed afterwards before Lord Saga's carriage began riding out and after, another which was the last.

Lisa hummed at the slow and boring ride, she had never rode on a carriage that was that slow and the music was going to make her sick.

"Lady Gorra are you alright?" Asked Lord Saga and she turned to him, he's look was full of concern as she noticed.

"Yes, why won't I be"

"The music, Lady Gorra feels sick whenever it plays so we normally stay as the last carriage to leave"

"Huh?, Really?" She asked and he nodded before smiling. "I'm fine" she eventually answered.

Lord Saga sighed and moved from where he sat to beside her. "What?" She asked

"Nothing, just want to stay beside my woman" he answered and she faked a smile before looking straight.

A bump on the carriage pulled Lisa forward heavily as she almost hit her head against the hard edge but stopped halfway. She held her breath when she felt a strong hand on her stomach stopping her from moving forward, she slowly turned to him and he smiled. "I don't want you having a mark on your face" he grinned.

Lisa exhaled slowly as she took back her normal position and his hand slowly moved from her stomach. She looked straight immediately, his little action were making her body react differently, he just touched her stomach and she was already hot, she needed to move from him before she did something she might not want, she was a girl from the 21st century and little touches meant alot to her body.

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Yes I'm fine, I've answered that severally" she replied sharply

"I mean your dress, it seems tight" he said.


Lord Saga leaned forward moving his hands to her back and trying to ease the lace.

Lisa could feel his breath on her neck, they were slow and gradual but something was odd, her feelings of desire suddenly aroused and all she wanted was him, she clenched her fist tightly waiting for him to be done with the clothing but it was taking time, she needed to be away from him. Her breath increased rapidly and being in his arms was what she desired, her body responded to him, she slowly touched his shoulder and he leaned backwards looking into her desiring eyes.

"Do you feel at ease?" He asked as if in a whisper but those words echoed in Lisa's head. "Lady Gorra" he called moving a finger to her lost face. Lisa's eyes eventually locked with his and she leaned forward kissing his lips hungrily, she had taken control as she explored his with hers, she hurriedly began taking off his clothes and he didn't stop her, he kissed her too, they were so engrossed that they didn't notice Selina who stood there gaping at them, she knocked slightly distracting them and they faced her.

"Lord Saga....Lady Gorra..." She stammered.

Lisa moved from Lord Saga in total embarrassment, Selina shouldn't have seen that.

"You should knock" said Lord Saga to her.

"I did, severally...but..you..... couldn't you both wait till we got to our destination?" She asked and Lisa shot a deadly glare at her and she shut her mouth suppressing her laughter. "We stopped for you to stretch your legs" she eventually said.

"We've taken note you may leave" said Lord Saga and she bowed before leaving and closing the curtain.

Lisa turned to Lord Saga angrily.

"What?" He asked

"This is all your fault!" She hissed

"Really?, How?, You kissed me and...."

"That's because you were touching me damnit!" She screeched. "Don't ever touch me again" she warned pointing a finger to his face.

"I'm sorry" he apologized and she looked away.

"I need some air" she said and hurriedly got down from the carriage walking far from it.

Lisa kept walking faster from the carriages aggressively when she stop feeling exhausted. She inhaled deeply to calm herself before she saw a lake close by, she made to walk to it when she heard a rustle. She signed, "Who is it, Selina or Philip?"

Philip slowly walked out. "I'm just keeping you safe my Lady"

"I'm not stopping you, I'll be by that lake" she said pointing at the lake she saw earlier. "Don't follow me there, you can wait here at least you'll be able to see the lake from here" she said and he nodded.

"Good!". She beamed and walked on. On arriving at the lake, there was Lady Aurelia who was squatting humming a song as she made a little boat with leaves and made it float on the lake.

She stood up and began singing softly.


A petal is fluttered to the ground by the season....

It's void of company and will be there lonely and sad....

Just like the sky where the stars left is so sad....

So it cries like falling rain...

Like the flower blooms and falls.....

Please deliver my mind via wind.

If you know my grieving heart....

You'll be back again....


She sang painfully as tears flowed down her eyes. Lisa slowly walked close to her, the Lady seemed to be going through so much just as she thought, she contributed little or nothing to discussions and was always in isolation.

"Who is it?" She asked making the Lady turn to her before hurriedly drying her eyes.

"You shouldn't be here?, Are you following me?" She asked

"No, I just happened to pass by . Who is the person you sing of?"

The Lady smiled bitterly as more tears flowed. "My child, my baby" she broke down.

Lisa watched her cry, she didn't even know how to console her. "What happened to him?" She asked

The Lady the braced after drying her tears. "That's none of your business, just mind your business and your family" with that she raised her gown walking away from her.

"Your secret is safe with me.." said Lisa halting her


"I know the Lords will find it annoying that you come here to mourn so I won't tell anyone"

The Lady laughed. "Marrying a Lord is the wish of many but what follows is not what everyone can bear. Rororal isn't so rosy as people always think, one little mistake and you could face the worst rejection, they don't recognize family Lady Gorra, we're just there to answer it" she said before turning, she walked slowly and exhaustedly before halting.

"I guess he hasn't told you" she wept.

"What?" Asked Lisa and Lady Aurelia turned to her.

"I told you my dear, there's no family and even though we have the same parents our hearts are far apart, he wouldn't ever meet me for anything or help and I never got close to his wife but she stands right in front of me trying to sense my problems"

Lisa gasped. "What?"

"Don't worry dear, there are things you'd preferably not know because if the secrets of Rororal comes alive, many homes will be broken, I owe him my life and I long to be around him but it's a no, our love can't even overrule it. So long Lady Gorra, I hope you get to have all the love I longer for"

"My Ladies, we're set to leave!!" Philip announced.

Lady Aurelia smiled at Lisa. "Take care" she whispered before leaving.

Lisa walked quietly as Philip followed her, there were many things she didn't know about Lord Saga and Rororal as a whole, she got into the carriage and it began moving, Lord Saga wasn't on it so she was all alone. They finally arrived at the destination and got down, they were welcomed by the people before shown where to stay.

"You look bothered my Lady" started Selina after they got into their chamber.

"Selina" she called quietly

"Yes my Lady"

"Please leave now"

"Huh?, My lady..."

"Now Selina"

Selina bowed before leaving the room.

Lisa sighed seating on the bed, she could feel the pain in Lady Aurelia's eyes but couldn't understand what triggered it, what was Lord Saga not telling her?. The door to the room opened and he walked in but stopped on seeing her staring to space.

"Are you alright?"

"You lied to me.."


"Yes!" She shouted standing and walking to him

"Lady Gorra...."

"Why can't you just be sincere with me, is it that difficult to trust me?, How hard is it?"

"What are you talking about, I've told you everything..."

"No you haven't, what about the part where lady Aurelia and you share the same blood?" She asked and he sighed looking away.

"Who have you been talking to?"

"People who are willing to tell me the truth and not lairs like you!!" She yelled

"You seek truth?, Do you know the consequences of bringing out the truth in Rororal, if you don't have a strong power protecting you death will be your potion"

"Then tell me all I need to know so I don't go outside getting informations!"

Lord Saga nodded rubbing his palms together. "She's my sister, we have the same father and mother, the King Isaak was my father but my mother who I have been forbidden to call mother is Hana, my birth mother. The king was seeing her and his wife the queen and jew bearer found out, she told the kingdom and the King decided to take her in as a second wife. The queen wouldn't agree and she sent men after us, my Mom died in the fight but we fled. I and Aurelia...we strived to survive in the cruel world we found ourselves, she was always looking out for me, she was my elder sister anyway.." his voice broke.

"It got worse when we...when we came across these men who raped her one after another and I just stood there crying, I couldn't do anything, I watched her yell but was too small to help. Eventually we were found by the king's men and taken to the palace where we were made his children, I was so happy to have a new Mom but she never was, she gave me that necklace you asked about because she didn't need it anymore but I valued it, I cherished it. Few months later, they discovered my sister was pregnant, they called it an abomination and wanted to kill her but my dad intervened, the queen wouldn't let it pass, she spoke to the council about it and they came up with a plan but she died before she could implement it. Once she died, they took Sagaran who was best big brother I never had, he didn't treat us any differently but they killed him and killed my father. They brought the case about my sister who already had given birth to a son, they wanted to kill him but I wouldn't let them. My father was a council member before he became king but all his friends abandoned us. They came to a conclusion that only one of them could live...they pulled me out and asked me to pick, my sister begged me to pick her child, her son but I couldn't, I was still a kid and I felt she was my only ally, I didn't know anyone else so I chose her and child was killed. I am an illegitimate son, so I was toss aside and they crowned their King. Years later my sister was forced to marry a Lord called Dargo who made us disown each other...Lisa we cannot act or love each other because we're different, it's been years how do you think we will still be like that, I know she blames me for her son...."

"She doesn't" interrupted Lisa. "She misses you" she added as tears filled her eyes.

"Don't pity me Lisa or try to bring us close to each other because you'll only commit a crime that will lead to your death, lots of people already want you dead so don't do anything. I've lived with all these and I don't need your pity, I just want to know and be sure that you're by my side, the love of a sister I was rejected to have, I can get them from you that is if you want to give it" he said and stood from the bed inhaling. "Dry the tears in your eyes, it's not going to change anything" he said and walked towards the door leaving the room.