
Lovers In The Stars

MORE CHAPTERS COMING SOON (WARNING: MATURE CONTENT! If you are under the age of 18, this isn't material you should be reading. Otherwise, Enjoy!) Claire had been in this war for 9 years, and so had her sisters. They all had boyfriends, and they tried to tell her to find a boy, but after what happened the last time with a boy, she was determined to never fall in love again. That all changed when she met Johnny. It was love at first sight, but she was determined never to tell him about her feelings. Johnny just rescued a top tier rebel leader from the clutches of the Crimson Empire, and he was ready to commit to the rebellion whole-heartedly, but one thing he never expected was for a girl to fall for him, and secretly, he felt the exact same way. Love and war don't mix, and rarely are these two in the same place, but can Claire and Johnny admit their true feelings for one another, and save the galaxy in the process?

LadyRebel86 · Teenager
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2 Chs

The Awkward Start

Johnny never thought he would be part of the Rebellion, much less fall in love. Before this, he was just a farmboy, working on his dad's farm when he found a message from General Soho, the rebellion leader that got caught in one of the Crimson's many traps.

In the process, he met Jackson Curtis, a freighter pilot who carried passengers across the galaxy. When Johnny showed Jackson the message, a.secret part of the message showed up, and it was a girl, and a beautiful one at that, and Jackson said that was his sister, Claire. And Jackson helped Johnny rescue the general, and now Johnny was face to face with a girl who looked like she was a goddess. Her name...was Claire Curtis, Jackson's sister.

[This girl is beautiful! Keep yourself together, Johnny. There is no way she even remotely likes you.]

But, he could tell that Claire liked him a lot. So, he decided to leave her with her thoughts while she was daydreaming. Now, he just had to figure out how to get Claire out on a date with him.

Claire was shocked, to say the least. So she went to the sister she trusted the most on advice about boys and relationships, Emily Rose Curtis.

'You WHAT! It finally happened, big sis! You are in love!' Emily was jumping up and down right now, and Claire was pulling her back down. 'Yes, but don't shout it from the rooftops, please! I don't know who that boy is, but he has captured my heart!' Claire flopped down on her bed, and Emily followed her lead, doing the same. 'Well, if you like him, ask him out on a date!' Emily said, and she walked out of the room without another word. Claire knew she had a chance to be happy, but she needed to think about the best way to go ask this boy out. She knew only one thing about him, his name.

[Well, Johnny, one way or another, I am about to do something that I swore never to do again. Let's hope this time doesn't go the same as last time I went on a date.]