
Lovers From Childhood

Main characters-: Rima Yuzoki & Qyuro Rin

Hope you enjoy the story! ^^♡


Contains mature content such as: Cuss words and sexual scenes

7 years ago (The Past)

(Rima and Qyuro are 10 years old)

Rima's POV:

It's my first day to ever meet any other kid. To be honest, kinda nervous. I've never met any other kid in my life and my heart is racing. Suddenly i hear the doorbell ring and before i could even put on my hat, i hear the door open. I suppose my mom opened the door. I feel nervous and excited at the same time as i put on my hat. I walk out of the room and hide behind my mother as i feel nervous. My mother laughs and another woman also laughs along with her. My mother pushes me to the middle of the room and the woman pushes a small girl infront too. We both crash into each other and bump our head. We then start to fight which makes me embarrassed on a first meet. The woman and my mother break up the fight before we got physical. The woman told us to go into the my room. We agreed and went straight to my room. I asked her name and refused to answer. She took out a tablet and started watching videos. I got angry and smacked the tablet out of her hand. She got angry and slapped me. I tried to hold in my cries. I managed to hold them in as the pain increases. I take a deep breath and calm down.

She notices and hugs me. "I'm so sorry for slapping you!" she says in guilt. I feel bad and forgive her. I say something under my breath and she tells me "Uh, can you repeat that again? I can't really hear you clearly cause you're so quiet-". I giggle and say "I'm Rima. Rima Yozuki". She gasps and replies "The Mafia's daughter?!". I nod and she looks at me in shock