
Lover in my dream

When I close my eyes I can see you in my dreams. I can feel your love. I keep spending time with you on my dreams.

Dreamer_zaina08 · Teenager
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1 Chs


"Please!!...don't wake up.. Don't leave me."

"When I got up in early in the morning I realized that it was just a dream. But I feel that moments it's feel like a real. And after I done my usual morning routine and suddenly I feel someone want to talk with me and someone calling me I feel something strange. I'm Su Wenyu who studying in last year in Highschool. I'm only one daughter of Su family. My dad is well-known business men in locktown city and My mom is housewife. I'm very proud to be there daughter and we are happy family. Well after my dream I confused and looking pale. My parents are noted that something happened to me.

" Su Wenyu!!!... My little princess!. Are you okay?? why are you looking unwell today? Shall we go to hospital? Say something we are worried about you!"

" Dad!! Mom!! I'm alright. look at me I'm fine don't worry about me. I'm just worried about my homework that school gave me. School giving me lots of troubles . See.. I'm not finished it on time I'll be get punishment for that. ( lightly snobbing) That's why??.."

" My little Stupid!!..Why did you didn't tell us earlier about that. we are worried to sick about you."

" I told you I'm okay. Alright I'm going to late for the school I'm leaving. Bye!!.. Bye!!.."

" As usual I went to school. In last period time I suddenly feel very sleepy and uncomfortable. I fell in sleep. Again I dreamed about i was standing in bus station and someone calling me. So I followed that voice where is come from that time I saw a person who is standing Infront of me. But I couldn't see his face clearly it's blur step by step I closed to him when i about to touch his shoulder Suddenly school bell was ringing and I woke up immediately. I'm really curious about that person who's appear in my dream also why I'm dreamed about him? who's that... I'm still confusing myself and I lost my attentiveness for a while."

" Hey!! Su Wenyu.. Wenyu.."

" I hear that someone calling my name. It's coming from behind side. I turned back. it's my friend Zhen Zheng."

" Hey!! Zhen!! Why are you called me now? I thought you went home earlier."

" Wenyu!! I kept calling you but you didn't give any response. So I followed you. Wenyu!? Are you okay? why are you lost your attention? is there any problems? "

" Ahhhh.... no problem. I'm just thinking....ahh think about my school project so that's why I didn't pay attention to anything. I'm sorry!! I'm leaving. Bye!!! see you tomorrow."

" I can't say anything about this to anyone so I kept that for myself and it's night so I had dinner and I arranged my bed to sleep i closed my eyes. Again I dreamed about same place.

" This time I won't miss the chance again."

"It's a snowing day. I saw someone who is really familiar to me so I closed to him to look at him. And I realized that His is the one who called me and that person is him. That's the first time I saw him. His very pretty and good looking. MMM.... He has a tender skin and his lips are looking so softy. I guessed his height 185cm. His totally perfect and handsome. I lost my attentiveness again. oh my god I'm gonna fell for his look. Looking at him his remind me like a angel his perfect in any angle. arrghhh... i think I'll miss this chance by looking at him''

" Su Wenyu!! get up and ask him what you want to ask!!" i slapped on my face to pay attention to ask him why i came here? .

" Hey!! mister? Who are you? What are you doing to me why are you calling me? why I'm here? is that we are related to each other anyhow? can you please explain about this to me?."

"He didn't give me any responses and keep quiet himself. I asked about that again. he didn't give any answers to me. I finally I asked about that again he gave me cute smile as a answer ahhhhhh.... i almost fell for it and I'm still confused. So i asked again that same question And after he talked to me."

" Su Wenyu!! Longtime no see . We can meet again!! I'm waiting for you."

" And I woke up. it's morning I'm still confused why his told me his waiting for me and who is that? how did he know about my name. what's the place that I dreamed about? everything are very confusing me right now wait for me until the night. I'll See you again."