

Sitting in the hostel room watching the spectacular view outside the window Adriana is trying to get hold of the bitterness inside her heart. She is trying to figure out what and where did it go wrong. Heart broken silently enduring the pain in her chest trying to control the tears which are on the verge of falling. Bringing her knees closer and putting her head on them finally she rested trying to console her broken heart. Pondering is this what people call love? Is love this painful? Is this how it feels to be lost without answers? Will somebody answer the unanswered questions? Her endurance for pain was weakening. The last thread of her endurance was broken and tears started flowing down her small eyes. The pain in her chest started to increase. Her body started trembling. There was no end to the misery she was suffering. No end to the pain she was going through.

After a long time she finally realized her eyes were tired and dry. She had run out of tears. Her head was heavy and she was exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally. She looked outside her window trying to figure out what time it is. The sun was setting behind the beautiful hills. She finally realized it was dusk. She had been crying her eyes out from don't know when. She had to energy left in her. She moved her heavy body to find her mobile to check the timing. She had more than 50 missed calls. She didn't bother to check it and tossed her mobile on her bed. Somehow gathering all her energy she moved and placed her feet on the ground. The cold surface somehow brought a little life back to her. She pulled her heavy body and got up. The moment she tried to stand there was a strong pain in her calf area. She remained seat for God knows how long and then finally managed to get up. She switched on the light and found herself struggling to keep her eyes open. When everything was settled she opened her eyes and dragged her body towards her cupboard. She opened it and took out a new set of clothes. She took her towel and dragged herself towards the bathroom area in her hostel. It was almost dinner time so she could not find anybody in the corridor. She dragged her body and reached the hot water tap for hot water. She filled her bucket and took it inside. She arranged her clothes and started removing her clothes. The weather was chilly so she her body reacted to the cold. She poured the hot water on her body and cleaned herself. She was scrubbing on her body for a longer time. Due to the hard scrubbing all her body was red in color.

After an hour of bathing she was back in her room. Small drops of water was dripping from her wet hair. She was fresh and somewhat relaxed after a shower. She went to the balcony area to hang her wet towel. She stood there for a while looking at the night sky. She sat on the railing for some time and admired the black sky. She sensed someone was coming she got down and walked towards her room. She didn't want to see anyone. She closed her door and locked it.