
Going back Home

"Mum hurry up we will be late!" Henry shouted to his mother who was busy preparing breakfast. "Do you want to with an empty stomach son? Because i guess you might starve to death" Annah said to his son who was seated on the coach not even paying attention to whatever his mother said.Finally they had their breakfast then they carried out their bags to their car.

Henry was so anxious to meet his friends for they had not met for quite a while. When they arrived home Henry found his friends anxiously waiting for him. When he stepped out of the car, they came running to him.They hugged each for quite some time. Henry was so happy to be finally back home to his friends. "How was Marik city?" Jonathan one of his friends asked him. "Well i can say that it was pretty awesome but no as much fun as here Gotham."All of the friends laughed and were glad to know that Henry loved his home town, much more than the city.