
Love will not enough

"WHAT THE HELL AMADEUS ASHER HARLOW! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!" I shouted to him. But he just calmly looking at me sitting on his swilver chair that makes me even more angry! "Answer my damn question Asher! Why are you doing this to me!!" "Why? What am I doing to you? I don't really know what are you saying? " he innocently said then smirk. So damn annoying but he is damn so handsome! "YOU DAMN MAKING ME CRAZY FOR YOU. WHY DO YOU MAKE ME FEEL SO IMPORTANT! WHY DO YOU WORRIED SO MUCH TO ME?" I shouted in rage. I'm so much in rage right now. "Because, your my friend?" he is acting damn so innocent. "DAMN YOU ASHER! I HAVE A LOT OF FRIENDS ALREADY! AND YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT I'M DAMN INLOVE WITH YOU! DON'T ACT LIKE YOU COULDN'T FEEL IT!" there I said it! I'm damn inlove with my former enemy turned to be my friend. He stood up and walk towards me. He stop in front of me. He leaned and whisper. "Your still so gorgeous even when you are upset my baby."

143_Jansiii · Teenager
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12 Chs


Andrian Diers Pov (Friend of Alice)

After Alice walked out, Uncle Alex Zander was taken aback. Now, what is he going to do? His daughter is now starting to hate him, while his wife is crying.

He left without words, and I wanted to laugh when he just left, never minding, or, should I say, forgetting his new daughter to bring with him.

Lycha and Jeyana are now finished talking to the media, and I know that everything that happens here stays here. We glanced at each other, then smiled evilly.

We went near the new daughter of Ancle Lex. Insert the sarcasm in my voice. She looked at us and smiled. As far as I can tell, this girl is a bitch! She looks so fake.

"How can I help you?" she said in a sweet tone that made us want to throw up.

"Nothing. We just wanted to say that you're such a fake. Also, be careful. You don't know that woman. Yes, you are bitchy, but, gurl, that woman is way bitchier than you, but in a nice way." I stated. You don't know what Alice might do to you.

"And just a piece of advice: Alice is a woman that you can't ever beat. Take note of that." Jeyana added.

"What a bitch." Lycha also stated.

She was about to say something, but we stopped her from talking and gracefully turned our backs on her. You don't know her. She is someone you can't mess with, especially her family.

Alice Sylvan Sawyer, Pov

I'm damn mad at everything right now! I'm mad at my dad! I'm mad at my mom for just crying! I'm even madder at that bitch!

I'm at an unknown location. I just drove out of madness and found myself inside a bar, drinking. I'm now on my fifth drink. I looked at the wall and found a clock. It's already 7 p.m. I received so many calls a while ago that I just turned my phone off. I don't need anyone right now. I don't need anyone.

I'm at the counter of the bar right now. I suddenly smell a damn familiar smell. a smell that I couldn't forget, and the smell that now I'm longing for.

I slowly turned my head to the side, and there I found him staring at me. I even blink my eyes, and he's really here! Or am I just drunk? Let see. I slowly got up and moved near him. I closed my eyes and kissed him. But I also move away from him immediately, which causes me to fall. He immediately held my waist and pulled me near him.

Damn it! He's really here! Asher is here! What the hell! What the hell is Amadeus Asher Harlow doing here? He tightened his grip on my waist.

"Why did you kiss me, woman?" His baritone, deep voice confirmed that he was here. I'm not dreaming. I don't know what happened. But my tears suddenly formed when I saw the gentleness in his eyes.

And the next thing happened: I'm now crying like a baby on his arms. I was standing between his open legs, and he was hugging my waist so tightly.

"I'm damn s---o fr--us-trated. I don't know what to do anymore! M--y fa-m--ily m--y mo-m is hurting! I'm hurting too! But my daddy is happily talking to that bitch!" I ranted at him.

"Shhhhh, baby, everything's going to be fine," he softly said. I moved my body away from him, but he was still hugging my waist. I look at him and glare; he was staring at me, and I wipe away my tears. I move my face away from him.

"How can you say that everything's going to be fine?! My family is a damn mess right now. My father, my father, my father has another daughter!" a new fresh tears came out from my eyes, he wipe away my tears gentle. He ordered water. He gave it to me, but I refused it. So he just drank it. 

I don't know why I suddenly became attracted to his damn wet, reddish lips. I didn't know what happened, but I suddenly moved closer to him. As I closed my eyes, I felt his lips. I moved my lips toward him, but he didn't respond. I moved my face away and looked at him; he was just staring at me. I closed the distance between us and kissed him again. I moved my lips and smirked when I felt him responding to my kisses. 

The kiss became dipper, and we ended the kiss when I ran out of breath. He looked at me and smirked. He licked his lips! Damn, he's so sexy! 

"Part your lips," he commanded. I don't have any idea what he's going to do, but I still follow his command. 

As I opened my lips, he immediately attacked them! He put his tongue in my mouth, tasted all of the corners of my mouth, and sucked it all up. My gosh! I felt so damn hot! My knees are getting weak! when he moves his face away. 

"Let's get a room." I stated it seriously. Gosh! I'm goddammit horny! He smirked at what I said and felt his hand on my legs. I'm just wearing shorts and a big t-shirt. His hands are traveling on his legs and he is slowly getting up. Damn it! It's getting higher!

But my mind suddenly went blank, and my eyes slowly shut down.

Amadeus Asher Harlow Pov

She was so careless, if I haven't caught her, she must be lying on the cold floor. I carried her through my car. I put on her seat belt and stared at her face.

She looks angelic and peaceful, but I know that deep inside she is a wreck right now. She must be so stressed about what is happening in her life. 

I closed the door and drove to my condo. I glanced at her. Hmmmmmm, what will I do to you?

Alice Sylvan Sawyer, Pov

I wake up, and my whole body hurts. from head to toe. Damn it. What happened to me yesterday? Did I fall? The heck. 

I opened my eyes, and I saw an unfamiliar ceiling. Fuck. I checked myself, and I still had my clothes on. But why the hell does my body hurt? I immediately shut my eyes when I heard a door open.

Damn, I will just pretend to be asleep.

I heard his footstep beside me. He is damn near me. When I heard his voice. I know exactly who it is. Damn, why is he here? Why is Amadeus Asher Harlow here?

"Yes." His husky voice sent a shiver down my spine. I am feeling his breath on my left cheek.

"Is that important?" an irritated Asher said, but I stilled when I felt Asher's hands gently caressing my cheeks.

"Okay." I heard him say it, and his hand left my cheeks. I heard a door close, and that's the time where I opened my eyes.

Damn, what am I doing here? I immediately got up, even though my whole body was aching, and ran to the door that I saw. A hallway welcome me and a stair. I ran as fast down and opened the big door.

I saw a long hallway again, but this time I knew that I was now outside. I saw an elevator and went in. I pressed the first floor, and when the elevator opened, I ran again and waved at the taxi.

I gave our mansion's address. My heart beats so hard. I closed my eyes, remembering what happened, but I really can't remember what happened last night.

My head is spinning. A couple of minutes later. When the taxi stopped, I opened my eyes and saw our gate. The guard immediately attended to the taxi. I opened the backseat door, and the guard greeted me immediately.

"Pay him." I commanded and went in as I walked on our pathway. I glance at the garden on the left, and a lot of memories flash back. where my father and I pick flowers for mom. I glanced on the right side, where a wide open field can be seen.

This is the place where I always run, and my father is the catcher. Mom and I are going to hide, and Dad is the seeker. I miss my life before.

A maid opened our main door. I saw my mom. She was about to welcome me with a hug when my father stopped her. I wanted to smile at her, but my dad is watching us. He is giving me a cold expression. Like I was the one at fault here.

"Where did you sleep last night?" My father's tone is just like thunder. If I wasn't mad right now, I'd be terrified right now. 

I don't even want to talk to him. But still, he is my father. That thought is just the reason why I answered his question.

"I slept in Grandma's house." I lied. I saw how my father's face became absolutely irritated. 

"Now, you are lying," he coldly said. 

I just gave him my bored look and smirked. 

"We may be attitude alike, but I'm not like you DAD. I am a very honest person. That's how my mother raised me." 

I started to walk and pass them. I walk so fast to reach my room on the second floor. I locked my room and went to my bathroom. I took off my clothes, and the warm water from the shower welcomed me. 

I just know where my tears have begun to fall. 

My heart is aching. I am damn guilty for saying those words to my father. Especially when I saw the pain that crossed my father's face.

My mom, my beautiful mother I don't know how she will accept this. Or did she really accept this? I don't know what to do now. How can the man I adore so much, the first man I love, betray me like this?

I was hoping to find a man like him. I stopped myself from crying. I wash myself. I dried myself. I put on my pajamas and threw myself into bed. My mind repeatedly showed what happened yesterday until I fell asleep again.

I woke up when I felt someone caressing my hair. I opened my eyes, and I saw my beautiful mother looking at me so sadly.

My tears have begun to form. I just found myself crying on my mother's arm. I cried harder when I heard her sobs. 

"Mom, are you okay?" I tried my best to speak, but my tears kept flowing. My mom wiped my tears away. 

"I'm okay, baby." Don't worry about me.

"I'll be fine," my mom said while trying to stop her tears. 

She handed me a cup of warm water. I sip on it. I look again at my mom, who is still looking at me. I handed her my cup, and she put it on my bedside table.

"Where's your husband?" 

"Alice..." Her tone is now like a warning. I rolled my eyes at her. 

"Remember that he is still your father." 

"My father that betrayed me and cheated on his wife." 

My mom looks at me. Her eyes were really giving me a glare. 

"Did I raise you to be rude? I heard what you did to your stepsister. Did I raise you to just slap someone that you just met?" 

"Mom, can you hear what you're saying?" That woman is much younger than me, and that means that father is cheating---" 

"Enough of that!" my mom raised her voice. I look at her in disbelief. I get off the bed. My mother did the same. I am on the right side, while she is on the left side. 

"I know already about that, and I forgive him. I love your father, Alice." 

My mother. My mother is unbelievable; she is...

"You what? Forgive him? Really mom?? That easily? You didn't even think twice, you didn't even take time to absorb this bullshit. You forgave him. Huh?" My voice is now shaking. 

I am damn frustrated! 

"How can you do that?" My mind is clear that I just woke up, and supposedly I have strength, but damn it! I feel so weak. 

"Because I love both of you," my mom whispers, while tears are now flowing down her cheeks. 

"No, mom. Yes, you both love us, but I guess you love dad much more." I don't know why, but my heart started to ache again. 

"No, no, no, baby." My mom's tone is pleading. She is now walking to reach me. She held my hand, but I immediately took my hand away from her. 

I step back away from her. 

"I'm not so sorry to say this, mom, but you are really unbelievably stupid." My voice is cold as ice. 

I started to walk away from her before I shut my door. I heard her sobs and her plea that she was sorry. 

As I walked up our stairs, my tears kept flowing. 

I will once again leave this fucking house.