

It is a saga of love, hate, revenge, happiness, sadness, kindness, betrayal and acceptance. A story about four young people who fight over a company, love, and revenge. One chases after the company, other one tries to get her down and take the company. One tries to confess his love, whereas other tries to take her revenge. Characters: - Arica, A super confident, beautiful, intelligent and devastating girl. She appears to be bad but good at heart. - Robert, A handsome hunk with brains but a conniving one. He is good at the sight but cunning at heart. He always tries to take down Arica. - Kevin, A heart-throb of every girl but only loves Arica. He is good at the sight and good at heart. Will he be able to win her heart? - Jane, A very pitiful one but also the most cunning. She is bad at sight as well as the heart. She meets Robert with a reason behind. Will she be able to succeed in getting what she wants?? Everyone has a story. Get to know more about them in this one. Will everyone get what they want?? Will everyone succeed?? Does love has the power to change them?? Does the WAR between them stop and love blossom??

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15 Chs

Slowly Falling For Her

Arica comes out and waits for the signal to turn green. As it turns green she started crossing the road.

"BAAAAMMM...!!!!!!!", a car hits.

Everyone gathers around her. Someone calls out for an ambulance. She kept on bleeding and lost her consciousness. People help her out into the ambulance.

She was taken to the hospital quickly in the ambulance. The hospital called her family members to inform about the accident. Everyone including Rob rushed to the hospital. When they reached the hospital, the doctors intimated them about Arica's condition.

"I think the patient jumped to protect herself. She did not have any major fractures. But she injured her head. There are no external injuries so we performed some scannings. We got to know that there is internal bleeding for which we immediately need to perform a surgery. Can anyone fill the details and check the formalities?", the doctor says.

"I will do it", Rob says and goes to the reception.

"Will she be alright after the surgery?", grandpa asks.

"We can't tell you now. We can't give you a fake hope because the survival rate is low. If it was something external, it can be healed by time. But we can't pre-estimate the surgery's success. It's all depends on her luck. We will try our best to make it a success. One more thing, there are more chances of getting paralyzed, if the nerves get damaged. We can tell that she is completely fine only after performing some tests when she wakes up after the surgery", the doctor says.

"Please Doctor. Please save my granddaughter", says grandpa.

"We will try our best", says doctor.

It took three hours for the completion of surgery. Everyone is praying sitting near the operation theatre. Grandpa sat in a corner without saying a word. Arica's mom is continuously weeping and praying. Rob sits with grandpa holding his hand. The doctor comes out of the operation room.

"Congratulations. Your granddaughter made it. Now we have to wait till the patient wakes up, to check for further complications. If there are no complications, she is perfectly fine. We will move her to ICU. After she wakes up, we will shift her to the room", says doctor.

"Thank you so much, doctor. Thank god", everyone thanks the doctor and feel somewhat relieved.

After twelve hours, Arica wakes up. The doctor goes and checks her. He runs some tests. After the checkup, he comes out.

"Congratulations everyone. The patient is absolutely fine. We will move her to the room in an hour, then you can meet her. But there were few fractures. She slightly broke her left shoulder and arm, as well as her right leg. They are not severe but she needs to be in the hospital for atleast three weeks and one more week for rehab. Then she needs to atleast rest for one more month so that the bones can get healed completely", the doctor says.

"Thank you so much, doctor. We will take care of her", says Arica's dad.

After one hour Arica is shifted to her room. Everyone went in to see her. She is leaning on the bed with plastered hand and leg, and a bandage tied around her head. Though she is in such a painful situation, she smiled when everyone came in to see her. Arica's mom rushed to her and grabbed her right hand. She badly wanted to hug her daughter, but she couldn't. She started crying seeing Arica on the bed.

"Who are you all? Do you know me?", Arica asks with a confused expression. Everyone gets shocked.

"Don't you remember us, Arry?", asks her mom with tears in her eyes holding her hands.

"No. Who are you people?", she asks with a more confused expression.

"Rob call the Doctor. I think she lost her memory", commands grandpa to Rob. Her mom starts crying holding Arica's hands.

"Mom I did not die. So stop crying", Arica says.

"Shut up. Is this the way you speak to your mom. How can you do such an act?", says grandpa with an angry face.

"Sorry I was just kidding", apologizes Arica and feels happy to see everyone.

"Thank you for being alive Arry", saying, Arica's mom starts weeping.

"Mom please don't cry. The thing I hate the most is...", Arica says.

"Crying... I know", says Arica's mom.

"Then why are you crying. Stop crying. I'm totally alright. See", saying Arica lifts her arm.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.....", Arica starts screaming. Everyone starts calling the doctor.

"Oh Oh... What are you doing Arry?", says Arica's dad.

"Ha ha ha", Arica laughs," I'm just kidding". She hides the pain though she is feeling it.

"You got us dead", screams Arica's dad.

"Don't do these things again", says grandpa.

"Why did uncle and aunt come, when they have nothing to talk", Arica says.

"You are alright. That's enough for us. Take some rest. We can chat later", uncle says.

"We all will leave so take some rest", grandpa says.

"I'm going to stay with her. You all can go", mom says.

"Mom I can take care. It's already late. You can come back in the morning", Arica says.

"But...", when her mom starts saying Arica interrupts.

"No buts mom. You go home, take rest and come back tomorrow. If you do this, I will feel uncomfortable. I just need to sleep now. There is nothing else to do. So, go now", Arica says.

"Ok. Ok. Don't think much. Go to sleep", mom says.

"Okay. I got it. Dad, take care of mom. Make sure she eats and sleeps well. You people also take care of yourselves. Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself", Arica says.

"Okay. Take care. Good night", says everyone.

"Bye. Good night", says Arica.

Everyone leaves. Arica makes her bed down and goes to sleep. The routine goes on for days. Continuous checkups, treatments, tests, rehabs, physios, etc., Arica is already tired of all these and began to get sick of the hospital. During this time Rob visits her daily.

"Hey, Rob. You don't need to come daily. I'm completely fine. See", saying, Arica starts walking without using support. Her leg starts aching and she slips.

"Aaaaa... Aaaaa...", shouts Arica. At the right time, Rob turns immediately without him knowing and catches her waist. He helps her from falling. The atmosphere becomes a bit romantic. Immediately they get back to their actuals.

"Don't... do it... again", Rob stammers.

"Oooo...kk...", Arica says and gets back to bed.

"Mom has sent fruits for you. I too bought some on my way", Rob says.

"Knock-Knock", someone knocks the door.

"Get in", Arica shouts.

Her friends came to visit her. Everyone is happy to see her, except Kevin.

"Heeyyyyy... What a surprise!!", says Arica. She is so happy to see them. She didn't expect them because they still have one more semester to complete their graduation. Arica, with her academics and permission, completed her graduation one semester early.

"I didn't expect you people here", she says with a big smile on her face.

"We took a week off to visit you", Suzy says.

"That's great. But what about your classes?", Arica claims.

"Professor George gave us permission when we told him that we are going to visit you", says Nicole.

"Ohh how is Professor George doing?", asks Arica.

"He is doing fine. He kept on asking about you and sent you a gift", says Nicole.

"Ohh Wow. It's his pen. I remember asking him for this pen. He gave it to me now", expresses Arica. It is a recording pen. When she presses the button on it, a voice comes out.

"Hey, Arica. Hope you are doing well. I got to know that you have met with an accident. Get well soon. And one more thing, till now I didn't find anyone who can take your place in the school. I'm missing you a lot, my favorite student. All the best for your future and be safe", says Professor in the recording.

"OMG!! OMG!! He said he is missing me. He is the most handsome Professor I have ever seen and he is my college crush. I don't remember listening to any of his classes because I was too busy just watching him. Listen, Nicole, he said that I'm his favorite student... Wow...", Arica screams with joy.

Hearing her saying that he was her crush, both Rob and Kevin's faces turned red with anger.

"Leave about that professor. How are you doing?", Peter asks to divert the topic.

"I'm doing perfectly well Peter. How is it with you?", Arica asks.

"I'm doing great", says Peter.

Kevin comes to Arica and hugs her.

"What are you doing?", Arica asks with a confused expression. She is feeling uncomfortable when Kevin holds her. He holds her like that for few minutes and Rob gets angry.

"How did you get into the accident, you fool? Do you know how much tensed I was when I got the news about your accident", Kevin bursts out.

"Calm down Kevin. I'm alright. They are just minor injuries", Arica consoles.

"I just wanted to come immediately. But we had exams last week. For a moment I felt like skipping them but if I did that I need to repeat my semester again", Kevin says.

"I know. That's why I didn't tell you people", Arica says.

During the whole conversation, Kevin kept holding Arica. But for some reason, Rob is getting jealous.

"Arica I brought kiwi for you. You like them, right!!", Kevin says.

"She hates kiwi. She only eats them because they are healthy", Rob says.

"Rob Ssshhh... No, I like kiwi", Arica says awkwardly and gives signals to Rob telling to keep quiet.

"Why are you lying?", Rob argues.

"Stay calm Rob", Arica gets angry.

"You really like kiwi??", saying, Kevin gives a smirk.

"Not you Kiwi. Idiot. I like fruit kiwi", Arica says in a very irritating tone. Everyone calls Kevin as Kiwi so, he makes a move out of it.

"She doesn't like any kiwis. She likes apples a lot", Rob says with anger.

"Rob why are you behaving like this?", asks Arica. She kept on wondering why he is behaving like that.

"Anyways, who is he? He is interrupting a lot for a long time", asks Kevin with anger.

"Ohh... I didn't introduce you, people, right... Guys, this is Robert. He is family. And Rob these are my friends. Nicole, Suzy, Peter and Kevin", saying, Arica introduces.

"Family? Brother?", Kevin asks.

"No, I'm not her brother"

"No, he is not my brother", both shout at the same time.

Kevin and Rob exchange glances. Both look angrily towards each other.

"I can't explain our relation. He is just family", clarifies Arica.

They all talk, laugh and have a good time with each other.

"Knock-Knock", someone knocks the door.

"Get in", Arica shouts.

"Is this Miss. Arica Ford's room?", asks that person.

"Yes, this is. I'm Arica. How may I help you?", says Arica.

"We are from the police. This is my Id card. We came here to talk to you about the accident. Your doctor gave us permission now. Actually, we came the week before. But your doctor asked us to come back after your condition gets stabilized", he says.

"No problem sir. Get seated. Guys can you all give us some time", Arica says.

"Ok we will wait outside", says Nicole. Everyone leaves the room except Rob.

"You too Rob", says Arica.

"Okay. I will leave now. I need to get back to the company. I will come back later", Rob says.

"Okay. Bye", says Arica.

"Miss. Arica, how are you doing?", asks the Officer.

"I'm doing well officer. How may I help you?", Arica asks.

"We want to know more about the accident. What exactly happened that day?", asks the officer.

When Arica explained everything to the officer, he started offending her. But Arica stuck to her word. She told the officer that she will handle it herself and will ask for help if needed.

"It's your wish. But why are you insisting so much on not filing a complaint", Officer asks.

"I can't tell you. But please don't tell anything about this to grandpa", saying, Arica asks a favor to that officer.

"Okay then. I will take my leave", says the Officer.

"Thank you, Officer. Have a great day", Arica says.

Officer takes his leave. Everyone waiting outside comes in.

"Guys you can go and get some rest. It's good to see you all", says Arica.

"Okay, Arica rest well. We will leave", says Nicole.

"I will stay with you", says Kevin.

"You are the first one who should leave Kevin", says Arica.

"Haha, we will take him with us. Don't worry", says Peter.

"Thank you so much buddy", says Arica.

"No. Who said I will leave? I'm going nowhere. I will be staying here", screams Kevin.

"Don't act like a kid, Kiwi. We will come back tomorrow. She also needs some rest", says Suzy and takes Kevin with her pulling his ears.

"Okay, we are leaving. Bye Arica. We will come back tomorrow", says Peter and goes with them.

"Bye guys. See you tomorrow", says Arica and everyone leaves.

This week went on like this. Visitors, more visitors, and some more visitors. She takes her rehab properly. Takes her treatment well. After a few days, the doctor allowed Arica to use a wheelchair. The doctor told her not to strain her left hand as it's not completely healed. She accepts and starts using the wheelchair. Arica comes back to her room and takes rest.

"Aaahhh I'm tired. My hand is aching", tells Arica to herself.

"Knock-Knock", someone knocks the door.

"Get in...", shouts Arica, "Who could it be?"

"It's me... Jane", says Jane.

"Jane...!! Why are you here?", says Arica in a bearing tone.

"We didn't get much time before because of my boyfriend. So I just came to see you alone this time", says Jane in a sarcastically.

"There was no need for you to come", says Arica rolling her eyes.

"What can I do? I just came to see how are you doing", says Jane with a smile.

"By wellwishers and God's grace, I'm perfectly fine", says Arica.

Someone opens the door. "Mam, the doctor asked you to visit him. He said that he is going to Sydney for a conference. So it will take time to come back", says the nurse.

"Okay take me there. I'm tired already", says Arica. When the nurse comes forward to help her, Jane steps in between.

"I will help you Arica. I will take you to him", says Jane.

"Don't bother", says Arica angrily.

"Hey don't act like that. You may leave. I will take her there", says Jane turning towards the nurse and the nurse leaves.

"What are you trying to do Jane?", asks Arica.

"I'm trying to help you", says Jane with concern.

Jane helps Arica to sit in the wheelchair. She takes her to the doctor. On the way she asks.

"How did the accident happen?", asks Jane.

"Don't bother. Just keep walking", says Arica in a rude way.

"Did someone hit you?", Jane asks.

"Yeah, I got hit by a car. Are you satisfied?", says Arica with rudeness added.

"Who did it?", asks Jane.

"But sorry I can't answer this", says Arica.

"Why?", asks Jane.

"Because I don't remember", says Arica.

"Didn't you see the driver's face?", asks Jane with eagerness.

"I might have seen the driver's face. Probably I don't remember anything. Can you please take me fast", says Arica.

"Oh really!! Then I will send you really fast", says Jane cunningly.

She leaves her wheelchair on the slope way. It starts going fast and Arica doesn't have control over it. The wheels roll on fast and Arica cannot get the grip over it.

"Help... Help... Aaaahhhhh", she shouts.

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