
Chapter 1 - Back to where it starts

I am Agatha Bellesian, an illegitimate daughter of baron Harold Bellesian. After I reached my age, they forced me to marry marquis Anthony De Velarian to gain much more power. At first, I thought Anthony was a cruel man but he is kind to me. I grew fond of him and soon I fell in love with him. Our love grew when we knew that I was pregnant. I thought it was the happiest day of my life ..


When I gave birth, Anthony got into an accident. He lost his memory of me and became cold towards me. He can't accept the fact that we got married and we have a child. Later on, his stepmom ruined our relationship. She creates misunderstandings between us and it tears us apart. The saddest part is he divorced me and he doesn't want our baby that really looked like me. 

I failed as a wife and a mother.

As soon as we were leaving, Mari, his fiancée, ordered the horseman to leave us in the middle of the road. I walked while carrying my baby and our luggage. While I'm walking behind the trees to give us shelter from the sun, that's the time I met them. Jacob and his wife Stella.

Stella, who noticed us kindly gave me a ride with them. I was really glad that I met them on that road. When we reached the town, they also gave me a shelter to rest. Food to eat. And even a dress to wear for me and for my son. Because of their kindness, I volunteer to be their maid for the payment I received from them. At first, they didn't accept it but sooner they did. I thought our life here was better but things got out of my hand. 

Six months later, I got news from Anthony. Anthony takes sides on the enemy land and he wants to be the grand duke of the Herland Land. And out of nowhere, he sent a letter to me. He says that he will spare my life if I give our child to him. I'm scared to lose my son, my only family. So I pleaded for help from Stella and she took my side. 

I was very grateful to them even though we're not family, they helped me. But I didn't think that begging for help from them would cause a lot of damage to them. 

Anthony started a war from Herland Land. Many people are dying and the town is full of fire. When Stella and I were escaping, Anthony tailed us and didn't stop from coming at us. When we were running into the woods, it started to rain. I slipped my foot while running and Stella noticed me when I didn't follow her. She looked back and she saw me lying on the ground with my son. She helped me stand up but Anthony was there. He ran towards us but he stopped when he saw something. 

A flood is falling on us.

Stella pushed me to get out of the place and the flood ran to her. Because of my shock, I can't move. And I saw her blood running out of her body. Suddenly, Jacob appeared and he saw what happened. He killed Anthony and came down to get his wife. 

He cried.

They talked but I couldn't hear. 

I tried to come near them but Jacob shouted at me.

"Don't come here!" He said so angrily.

That's the first time I saw him angry. 

"I'm sorry… i'm sorry." I said and cried.

That's why he's too cold to me now. Marrying me in the papers was for having a child. Stella's last wish to Jacob is to have a new family. But for Jacob, Stella is the only family for him. He also sent my son to another country to prevent the war on heritance. I didn't know if my son was well because he cut our ties. He said that is my punishment for carrying a bastard who is the fruit of their pain. 

'I don't want that to happen too.' I said to myself.

All of the people here are blaming me.

No one wants to hear me out.

I'm in pain too. But it seems my pain is the only key to them to be happy.

Later on, I got married with Jacob and sooner got pregnant. Nobody's happy for the baby exept me. I knew it will happen but for me I can't hide my happiness. I wish for this baby to be a source of happiness for Jacob. For him to open his heart again and to love again.

I hope my children will live well and have a better life than me. 

Six months after I gave birth to Odin, he ordered for me to be beheaded.

*Huff huff

This time is my last. Although I have so many regrets, to think that this life was so cruel to me.

It didn't give me a chance to be happy.

I was going to be beheaded today, on my husband's orders.

I gave him a hard time. And because of me, his previous wife died. 

I didn't mean to hurt him, but it seems that fate is cruel to us too. 

"The lady is here, master." Said the butler

When the knight pushed my head down, he swung his sword and he cut my head.


"-dy .. my lady .. MY LADY!" The horsemen shout.

"Are you alright? My lady?" He asked

Wait… where am I?


"I said that you should go down now. They gave me a small amount so I'll be leaving you here." He said.

Wait… I know I was beheading? Why am I here?

Did I … 

Go back in the past?