
Chapter 3 Joanna's birthday party

We left kelia’s shop around 11am, we went to JoJo's home to check if everything was being taken care for the party. Luckily, Jane was cooking and making smoothies. Jane was a maid at Joanna's house, she worked for them since we were kids, she was nice and so caring, she had big eyes which looked good when she smiled, and she was in her late twenties. When she saw us she offered us tea with pancakes which I wanted so badly but Joanna insisted that we first try out our clothes before the party begin just to make sure it fits. before eating anything so as soon as we went upstairs in the jojo room we started trying out the clothes we had bought . Joanna tried out her red short body tight dress with long zip from neck to knees with short arms .She looked sexy when she tried it out, I didn't care much about what I should wear in that party since my mind was still on that trip looking at Jacob smoking with his handsome face, I was far in my mind when I heard that Joanna was calling me "Hannah won't you try out yours??" she asked handing me the green mini skirt and white tank top with yellow flowers in the chest and transparent short arms. I took it and tried it out, it was . "What do you think JoJo?" I asked JoJo who was staring at me. “You look amazing, I am afraid people will think you are the birthday girl" she said giggling. "Stop it “I answered in small tone.” but Hannah are you okay? I noticed a change in your behavior, what's going on? Don’t tell me you scared of going to college? She asked in a serious tone. “no, I am fine it's just that I don't feel like leaving my home, my friends ,the town I grew up in" I answered smiling trying to hide my feelings. "Oh so am I, but look on the good part, we will meet new people, probably we will get good boyfriends and everything will be different for me, I am scared but excited too” JoJo said cheerful. “I don't know just promise me we will stay in touch no matter what" I answered. “yes and we should share every New Year and Christmas events" she said giggling. We hugged each other and went to see Jose who agreed to bring vodkas and beers, he said he will bring them in the evening around 6pm. After talking with Jose we headed home take shower, JoJo did both our make up " Clinton is coming tonight may be the night you won't forget so I have to make sure you look amazing " she said while applying foundation to my cheeks. Time passed quickly before we realize it it was 7pm the party has started and people were coming one by one. There were drinks people were drinking while talking. Clinton was there too wearing a black jeans with a grey t-shirt with orange arms, he was handsome with his small lips and fair black skin. If only he could know how much I liked him. He was sitting near the pool talking with Jasmine smiling which made me so jealous but I could do nothing. Jasmine was her girlfriend and they been together for two years, to him I was just the girl next door. Joanna's mother took a moment to welcome everyone who came and proposed a toast to eighteen years of her daughter" to eighteen years of my beautiful angel" said Alice. After her speech Joanna cut a cake with his father....

It was time to dance everyone was dancing, JoJo got a chance to dance with Collins and I was standing there watching when Clinton approached Me." want to dance neighbor?" he asked grabbing my hand. "Yes of course" I replied then we headed to the dance floor. we danced a slow song talking" so you are leaving for college next month?" he asked. "Yes saint Mary University and you?" I replied eagerly. “I am planning to stay here run a local business, I haven't made up my mind well “he answered uncertain. We danced for a while until there was no music left to dance. I kept looking in his cute face and thinking how I was going to live without him but for him I didn't even exist.

When the party ended everyone went home it was just me and Joanna. I helped her to clean everything .There was garbage everywhere plastic cups were laying on the floor. “Hey look what I found" I said handing JoJo the necklace with letter C in the middle .The necklace was silver made. “Oh this is Clinton's necklace “she said staring me with a smile on her face. “What is it JoJo?? What’s with that look? I asked giggling. Whenever JoJo was around I used to laugh for no reason. “Are you thinking what I am thinking? She said cleaning the table which was covered in cakes and sodas all over the floor. “What? Tell me Jo please stop that. I said with a begging tone. “Well you should take it to Clinton's house, who knows you may get a chance to say the magic three words you never got chance to say! She suggested. “Ahhh forget it because I am not going, I don't want to meet with that witch Jasmine. I just can't risk to be humiliated" I answered with bitterness. By just saying Jasmine name I felt so angry .we cleaned the house for more than two hours.

On my way home I met Jacob's mom. She was across the road at the police station with her husband Mr. Kamanzi.she was wearing a trouser and black shirt with the sunglasses. Her face was so pale. My heart sank when I passed and she called me “Hannah” I tried to run but she was staring at me. I was so scared whenever I saw this woman I couldn't help but feel guilty. I was guilty of murdering her son. There she was with a police officer who was middle thirty. At that moment I was ready to be arrested. At that moment I decided to come clean and tell the truth I wasn't going to live with that guilty forever. "Mrs. Kamanzi I am ... really sorry for your loss, Jacob was a great guy" I wanted to tell her I was guilty but the words couldn't leave my throat. It was like something was suffocating me. “Ohh he was a good boy, my sweet boy, always be careful. Don't ever do anything that can make your parents lose you it's hard for parents to live when the only reason you lived for is no more. Now my child which college are you going to?" she said with tears in her eyes. She was using a tissue to wipe it. When she said those words I felt so sad but I calmed myself." Thank you, I will keep that in mind. I am going to attend saint Mary College in Ngoma district". I replied I was trying to leave that awkward situation when another police officer came with documents which she showed Mrs. Kamanzi and then she went with him inside the police station.