
Love traffic....!

One busy day on the roads of heavy traffic a boy named ankith going to his work in a rush.He saw a girl on the opposite side of the road,found that she's struggling to cross the road in that heavy traffic.Ankith crossed the road went to her and helped her to cross the road.She thanked him and rushed to the work as it's being late.This happend daily, and one ankith asked "I have seen u some where,you look close to me".But she replied "I met you first time when you helped me".Then one day she looked for ankith to help her to cross road but he's not there.To find out,she opend snapchat and saw the story that ankith is sick today.Immidiately,she went to fruit bazaar and bought some fruits.Then she met ankith gave him fruits and took care of him that day.The care she took made ankith to fall in love with her.Then next day he decided to propose her and bought a ring to gift her.On that day he asked her to go cofee shop.They sat in coffee shop and while ankith going to propose she revealed that she is in love with his colleague.Anikth with sad inside said "Oh! Nice", and left from there.From next day as ankith doesn't want to meet her,he went to office early.She comes everyday and finds ankith is not there to help her this time and anyhow goes to her work.One day she found ankith is ignoring her.That ignorance made her frustated and realized her that she is in true love with ankith.And next she caught ankith while crossing road and asked him "why are you going to work so early ,are you igonring me?".During this convo a car came towards her but ankith pushed her but that car came and hit to ankith.When the car hit to ankith the gift(that he wanted to propose her with that) fell out of his bag.She saw that and helped ankith to admit in hospital.Then ankith became concious,she came to him and with the same gift she proposed to ankith.Then the love continues.....!