
love the real me

This story is a journey of female lead who discover her identity while facing many problems & challenges in her life. so pack your bags with her and get on with her to this interesting journey..... stay tuned to uncover many secrets....~~~

suneul · Urban
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16 Chs


But before she can give the reply to him uncle ken interrupted them. "Sorry miss, you can't sit here. If you don't have any valid reason to enter the mansion I can't let you to do so. I must ask you to left right now with your friend" uncle ken said respectively and left. She becomes disappointed after heard her beloved uncle talk to her like this. She knew that he was just doing his job and he was even better in job than anyone else but she still felt sad.

Lawrence noticed her sad look and said to uncle ken "excuse me sir". After hearing that someone was calling him, he turned back and said "yes, please can I help you with something mister?" in flat tone. Lawrence also replied very respectively after seeing how uncle ken carry himself and the way of his speaking "I am Lawrence Carson and she is with me. I got an invitation from the mansion. I guess you would have the knowledge about this already". When uncle ken heard his name, he immediately recognizes him and makes a bow before speaking respectively "I am sorry for not recognizing you and to this miss. Please forgive me if I offend you in any way Mr. Carson" and make a bow toward Isabelle as well. Isabelle felt embraced after she saw uncle ken making a bow in front of her and said instantly, "No need uncle ken it's not your fault. I am the one at fault. I am sorry for disturbing you in your work" she said politely and makes a bow in exchange of his. Lawrence was quite surprised by her behaviours which is very opposite to how she behaved with him. And felt strange that from her side it looked like she know the guard very well but the guard doesn't seem to know her. And thought to himself 'what is going with her.' Uncle ken felt amused and thought 'I didn't know that like our miss there is also someone who has such great character. It's nice to see such younger generation'. Then he said "it's alright miss. Now you can enter Mr. Carson, everyone is waiting for you inside". Lawrence also replied, "I am sorry as well uncle ken, I didn't inform earlier that I am not coming alone and she will come separately. So let her in beforehand. Then I will bring my car." He left after making a bow which surprised everyone and walk towards his car. But he notice that Alice was still standing there silently without following him. He gets irritated by her lack of response. He went back towards her dragged her with him while saying, "Why are you not moving miss. Jennings. Didn't you hear earlier everyone is waiting for us inside." She felt confused by his sudden reaction but let him to do so because now she can finally enter her home in this way.

At base of 'D' mafia

A car was standing there since morning not moving at all. Everyone who was passing by it was staring at with curious and amazed eyes especially females. And some females to even approach the car to get the clear view of person sitting there or in case they get the phone no. of that person. At the same time someone was feeling very irritated and that someone was none other than, detective warren. Because for the first step of operation the two partners decided was detective Finley and detective warren. And they reached for their operation this morning at this alley. Detective warren was quite a handsome guy himself but because of the scar he got from the last encounter which is not healed properly was affecting his handsomeness. Since the morning not a single girl asks him for his phone number and on of top that they approach him in case he gives them the number of his partner. What piss him off was that the certain person who his not even looking towards the ladies and was ignoring them totally.

At the end after enduring so much torture he asked Steve irrelatively, "Steve, you should appreciate what you got from the god sometime". At that time, Steve was monitoring the shop of their target with small binocular. But after hearing what his partner said to him. He looked towards him with confused eyes and said, "What are you talking about now? I am not interested on those girls and by the way we are on a duty right now. So don't fool around." After he finished that he went back to his work of monitoring. Detective warren rolled his eyes after hearing his thing and said, "Ohh please… who said we can't care for our future while performing our duties and you need to settle down man." And pat his shoulder and close his eyes to take a nap. And thought 'Will this guy ever move one from his one sided love?'

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