
love the real me

This story is a journey of female lead who discover her identity while facing many problems & challenges in her life. so pack your bags with her and get on with her to this interesting journey..... stay tuned to uncover many secrets....~~~

suneul · Urban
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16 Chs


Both was seating silently throughout the journey. He asked for the address, She how him the identity card where the address was written. He put the address on GPS. Both of them didn't make any sound the whole journey until she reached the apartment. She said "thank you" for the ride and entered the building without even looking back towards him. He feel little bad that she didn't even smiled once at him and talk to him. Then he went back to his own way but got called after exist the gate. He takes the call and park the card at the side.

She didn't go upwards toward her flat instead she went outside again to go her real house. She hailed the taxi like she saw on the way and a taxi stopped in front of her this time. She didn't notice someone staring at her. She sits in the taxi and left. 'Why did she come back outside? Did she going somewhere else?' he thought then he heard on the phone his mother was asking him something, "son, why didn't you go upstairs? Uncle would be happy to see you after so many years." His mother Mrs. Carson said from the other side worriedly. "Mom, I am sorry. I had something important to handle at that time. I will visit him next time." He replied while scratching his head. "Okay, then you is free right now. Come to Remington's mansion and pick me up. I didn't bring driver with me and I am not feeling well." His mother said in weak tone. He agreed directly because he knows very well about the special occasions when his mother don't feel well and told him about her health.

He then looks towards where the taxi has leaved earlier for a short time and went back to car and drive towards the mansion.

At the front gate of Remington's mansion,

She was standing at the front gate of her home, sweet home. But she was hesitating to go inside because she doesn't know if anyone will recognize her or not. And what will she do if there is someone who looks like her pretending to be her. Will anyone believe her that she is real Isabelle not her. Than after standing there for a long time she finally mustered her courage and went toward the gate. But before she entered the guard at the gate stopped her from entering. She looked towards him and recognizes him immediately as uncle ken. She felt overwhelmed with emotion after she meet with an known person. "Uncle ken, how are you doing?" she said happily as you usually do. But something was different this time , uncle ken was not looking at her affectionately like before but as if she was a con-artist who is trying to breakthrough in. she remembered that she look different now. "Well, can I go inside? I want to meet with mo…. Ah I mean Mrs. Remington." She asked politely and changed her style of address form mom to Mrs. Remington. "Can I ask the purpose of your visit miss? And we are not expecting any female visitor at this time." Uncle ken said with straight face and went back.

She left all alone at the front of big gate. She felt this gate very unfamiliar now because the person who lives there will not recognize her anymore. Suddenly she heard a sound of honk behind her. She turned back and saw that three luxurious standing there. She recognizes the car immediately. First one was his grandpa's car, middle one in navy blue was her favourite car and last one in white was her uncle's car. She was lost in her thought that they all are his family members but now who are they to her. She heard the voice of uncle ken for giving to the way to cars to pass one. She silently gives way and saw them entering the mansion leaving her beside. But she felt strange that her car was also there. 'But this is my car and I am here, who is using my car?... does there really is someone who is duplicating me.' She thought and run behind the car aiming that she can also enter secretly but she failed to do so. Uncle ken spotted her at once and throw her out of the gate.

She sat down at the side, taking the support of wall. She doesn't know what she do to enter the house now that no one is recognizing her. 'Does my replica have already entered my home? What if all this was her plan. Did she trying to harm my family? Oh no…. what do I do?' she thought to herself and starts pacing back and forth. She was so immersed in her thought that she doesn't even notice someone was staring at her from a long time.

Lawrence suddenly stopped his car after he spotted Alice sitting near the mansion's gate. He was getting out of the car when he saw her getting up hurriedly and started pacing back and forth in fast pace as she was planning something. 'What is she doing here? And walking with this pace, does her leg holding up' he thought and notice that she is walking better than before not limping as before. 'Well I heard that she recovered quickly than others. But after seeing it, she got quite a pace... uhhmmm.'

Then he walked towards her and said "what are you doing here?" in serious tone as she has stole something from him. She got shocked seeming him there and thought to her 'what is he doing here? Is he following me? Is he a pervet+stalker?' she looked toward him disgustingly and didn't reply to his question. He is also noticed her strange expression and can make a guess easily about what she was thinking right now. "Miss you need to talk in real. If you want that someone who was talking to you can understand" he said by mocking her and repeats the question "what are you doing here? I guess I just dropped you at home. And I am not following you. I have my personal work here. So what about you." He cleared her misunderstanding before she even asked him in real. Which also not amused her but him as well? Because he was not like one of those, who will explain the reason behind their actions.


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