
Love's in the air

Love is the feeling of inner joy and the people in love experience outmost joy and satisfaction at one level above the ordinary humans . The Love is the only feeling in the world which quite few times people don't realize by themselves But from others or someone that him/er self feels that same way . Love is the only feeling which mind can't sense it or make picture of and it also can't signal our body to feel love in every cell and that's why God created Heart . Heart is the most important part of our body it might be on left side of our body but it always takes such decisions which are only meant good or right to us and our body . Heart feels everything and even your heart reacts or responds to your feelings by increasing or making our heart beats at a constant rate . If you are happy you will feel it in your heart as your heart beats start to increase or heart beats faster , if your sad then your beats speeds up again, stress imcreasing Harmons are released and we feel stressed about it and obviously our mind doesn't intended to work properly , if we are enthusiastic about something then our heart again speeds up it's speed or heart beat rate and harmons of excitement are released but when we are doing normal things like eating food, bathing , singing and other activities then our heart stays normal or its pace is constant , this reactions taking place inside hearts occurs according to our feelings ( obvious mind is the leader which dictates every other organ but we always look up to heart and forget that there's only one master and that's our mind ) and it simply means that heart has special reaction for special feelings and normal reaction for our day to day feelings .

People see Love as the blessings of God but when they get separate from their loved ones they blame God for everything instead of thanking God for the Love they have gotten , how stupid it is that people who are unsuccessful in Love blame God and their destiny for being unsuccessful and not having the love lines in their palms but we need to understand that God has provided us with the same tree of opportunity the one's who smart will be able to get the fruit from this tree of opportunity and the one isn't smart enough will not get anything but the standing tree with no fruits , no leaves no nothing.

Love is no easy thing to do and that's why we see less people succeed in it but it doesn't mean that it is impossible actually Love never was , is and will be complicated it is the people who complicates thing by themselves and then blame the destiny and Love that is one hell of a thing to do . Being in love is like you being in judge in the court for some case where arguments will be made to prove it wrong , where proofs will be laid down in front of you , there will be people telling you that I've experienced it and trust me it doesn't work also there will be people who have been successful in creating their love life , there will be people telling you that how it has helped them to change as a person and many other arguments and related proofs and as a judge it's upto ypu how you see the case with negative perspective or with a positive view and then take action accordingly.

Raman had been quite upset these days about the fight happened between him and Nadeem ( for Sabina and Nadeem's Love story ) and he had approached Nadeem and had apologized to him for hundreds of time since last week after their fight but Nadeem had not spoke a word to Raman also he reacted as of doesn't care about Raman or whatever he is saying . The classes had become more boring as there was no Nadeem to make these boring subjects fun and Loving and he was only imagining how hard it will be become for him to sit and study for 5-6 hrs . Raman was doing every activity in the classroom except concentrating on what the teachers were teaching in the class , every teacher while teaching in the class noticed one thing that Raman was so much busy in his stuff that he didn't care to give his attention towards class and the activities of the class . Some teachers didn't like Raman at all because most of the time he was busy in his football thing and didn't have the time to attend classes (as he was at the field representing his school ) and teachers were asked by the school management to give him attendance by their own not only attendence the school management even asked teachers to promote him or pass him in school examination if used to lack 2 or 3 marks in some subjects and because of all this reasons teachers had develop a bad image in their mind regarding Raman as they had this thought in their minds that Raman used to forward his wish via management to teachers so that he didn't fail in certain subjects but in reality raman never did something like this but it was management itself favoring Raman because of his dedication and passion for football which was turning out to be very beneficial for their school and themselves . Teachers have told School Management about Raman's declining performance in examination results and their concern was genuine as he had managed to score only 48% in last year's examination and now when the boards is on board then from the teachers perspective this was a alarming situation for him but Raman actually had never took results so seriously and he had only focused on his Game and the rest on supporting his mother , he always believed that " A sheet of paper can't decide his future or predict his future and this isn't my future. I will drive my future in my own manner and will hit the Goal for sure no matter how many people or how many obstruction comes to my way !" . The Attitude of Raman what according to teachers was his main problem and they believed that Raman needs to change before everything slips from his hand . Today one of his teacher had met principal to tell him about the status of Raman's study

"Sir, I want to tell you something about Raman !"- Raman's teacher said to principal

"Raman !, Ok go on !" - replied Principal sensing what could be the matter which teacher want to tell him

"Sir , as you know that in 2 months the students will be facing their board examination and sir you also know that boards are not school examination in which Raman would get passed due to some recommendation or consideration , he had to study and study hard otherwise he would fail . In school tests he had only scored 45% and to be able to score this much in boards one needs to have the knowledge like that of 60% scorer " - teacher explained his concerns and thoughts over raman and his performance

"I agree with you but we don't wanted Raman to shift his focus from football to study just he was not able to score good marks in exams and for that we request you and other teacher to promote him or pass him in their subjects and all the time it was about just 1 or 2 marks that was needed to pass him and to let student pass for 1 or 2 grace marks isn't a crime but also I think whatever you said about boards is absolutely right you need much more to pass in boards then in school examinations for which Raman had to study really hard and with focus and for which he had to keep football aside for few weeks or months !"- replied Principal understanding the seriousness in the issue raised by teacher regarding Raman's performance

"Yes sir you are right , I want you to talk to Raman and his family and make him understand the seriousness of board exams otherwise it wouldn't be going to be good for his future and for the hopes which his parents might have from him . Sir , I really care about Raman he's my student and i am more than proud of this but as his mentor and coach I want to him focus on study as well "- said teacher

"Hmm, I think you are right . Send Raman to my cabin and I will talk to him first before talking to his parents !"- replied Principal

After this conversation between Raman's teacher and his principal Raman was asked by his teacher to meet principal in his office and listening to this Raman became anxious and he was thinking about what would be the matter behind principal calling him to meet om in his office .

When Raman was taking his steps forward towards principal office he was so lost in his thought that he was only seeing the principal at his office in his thoughts , his mind was juggling in between the thoughts that the aspect of principal calling him to his office is positive or negative. While he was so busy weaving his own thought that he didn't even paid attention to people around him and met in an accident with the person coming from other side and both people fell on the floor and then only he got the time to get out from his imagination and he all of sudden was in reality , a freakin reality . However, Raman didn't recognize the person until he saw that person wearing blue and red colored suit and said to himself

"It's a girl !" and then got up quickly and said

" Oh ! I am so sorry , I didn't saw you coming as I was so involved in my thoughts . I hope you didn't got hurt , are you? . I am really sorry !" - said Raman looking at her but the girl didn't looked at raman not even for a second and was busy collecting her items which fall on floor after their collision and seeing girl collecting her items he also started to fetch items fallen on the ground and giving it to her but still Raman had not seen her as her long hairs had completely covered her face when she was on the ground

"Are you blindfolded , can't you see the person coming from the other end . If you are lost in yourself then don't walk just sit somewhere imagine all the stuffs you want to , Idiot !" - said that girl after she collected all her stuffs and got up clearing the hairs on her face overshadowing her divine beauty and as Raman saw her face he got Mesmerized by her face immediately and now even when he was not Imagining anything still he was lost but in thoughts of her , her face was only visible for merely 10 second or less but it was something that Raman can't forget not for now . Raman had xeroxed her face and beauty of hers in just few seconds afterwards Raman somehow managed to keep him moving from outside the principal office but while he was passing from the principal office from the slightly opened door he saw that girl standing with her friend and they were talking continuously with each other and soon the principal stood up from his chair and that girl went to touch his feet and take his blessings and the principal gave her blessings and said

"Oh my dear ! May God bless you with whole lots of love and happiness and May you get whatever you have desired for . Lots of Love to you both and now go you will be late for your classes !"

"Thank you sir for your blessings and love , I am so grateful for your love and concern . Thank you once again !" -replied girl

"Now go ! , Good Luck Miss Rekha Prajapati! "- added principal sir

After that Girl and her friend left the cabin and moved towards class as Raman saw her becoming lost in the pubilc in search of her one more glimpse .

"Rekha Prajapati !, What a beautiful name but not as much as Beautiful as her face , Rekha has name in common with Miss Rekha Ji ( from bollywood and had been part of films like silsila , Mukkadar ka Sikandar and much more ) but I have to admit that she was more Beautiful than Rekha ji . I think I haven't seen any face like her before , but the thing is where she had came from as she doesn't belongs to our school , I haven't seen her before in this school or in this area might be she has just came from somewhere and she might be new in this city and this school that means she don't know much about anyone , yes ! that's why when we had collision then she reacted so harshly if she had knew me and what I do then she herself had said sorry to me and would have asked me about my skills but it doesn't happened so which means she's very new in this school but how the hell she knows the principal ?, Is she the daughter of principal or she just generally keeping in touch with our principal for future ?!"- Raman talking to himself and all these questions constantly kept on arising in his mind and the answers to all these questions were quite simple " How the hell I can know all this " .

For few minutes Raman was completely disengaged from the thoughts of miss Rekha Prajapati but he couldn't control it for long and after few minutes he was once again lost in the thoughts of Rekha and her beauty

" She had the straight and black hairs coming over her face and making her look even more beautiful , her eyes were talking more than her lips and one can see the honesty in her eyes and every time her eyes twinkle it made me fealt someone switching on & off lights in the building , her impatience hands moved continuously and trying to match up with her speech rate and her finger continuously moved which on some occasions were pointing me and while on others her fingers pointed her own body , she gestured for me as if i am crazy or something or I have done all this with an intension but not it wasn't plan but maybe I'll have to plan something like this , her lips were not just talking the lips were actually explaining the disaster that I have made even if it was a mistake but her pink lips were so soft that even her harsh words felt like blossom up all over me and god had decided to rain all variety of flowers on me and just me , she was beautiful and might be the most beautiful girl in our school ( Raman can be wrong in my stand and deliver survey so don't get him wrong Raman is just being biased ) and one can just imagine how beautiful she could be if she look like some fashion model in our school dress while some girls of our school didn't even manage to look like a girl in our school dress , her smile was wonderful ( the only time Raman had seen her smiling is the time when she came out from her meeting with principal ) as she laughed freely without any hesitation or restrictions and her smile felt so genuine and seen her smiling I felt like smiling and for no freakin reason and I have to say has she has the most Prettiest Smile in this entire world and when she used to smile it made me feel like that my God is smiling seen her smiling and if God can smile seeing her smile than obviously any human or living being surely can smile and forget all his /er pain and sufferings .There was something unique about her something which had forced me to think of her for so much long and she was really a wonder as she one in a billion and God has created best of his till date . I hope to see her again , meet her and if possible talk with her but today whatever happened is for sure goin to be last in my memory forever and just because of her I didn't got bored in the class for first time as I was busy in self talking and thinking . !" Raman in his own thought and lost in his own imaginary world while attending his classes and not knowing what was happening in the class ( we call such peoples as body present mind absent type ).

"Did you got into some kind of fights or did you intensionally beat someone ?, Tell me Raman ?" - Raman's father enquiring him about why he ( Raman's father ) has been called to Raman's school and that to all of sudden

"I don't know Papa, the principal sir didn't told me reason but asked me to bring you tomorrow by any means and also said don't bring unrealistic reason for father not present in the school or principal office , except thos he didn't told me anything !" - raman replied with an innocent face knowing he had not done anything wrong and thereby relaxing his father a bit .Actually in Indian family we have always been skeptical visiting the three places in our life is

1. Hospital

2. Court and

3 ( last but certainly not the least ) School but the fact we have to visit these places no matter how much we pray and resist our mind to think about visiting these three places and Raman's father was in similar situation like every other lower middle people and that's why he was so nervous and tensed meeting Raman's principal , Raman's father knew one thing for sure that the principal had not called him to give the invitation for his daughter's marriage or baby shower there must be something related to Raman which the principal might have noted about Raman which Raman didn't knew at all .

" Welcome Mr. Pal !, How you have been doin ? " - Principal started conversation formally as Raman's father enters in the principal's cabin and shook hands with him while Raman was asked to wait outside till both mens are in the room

"I am doing Good Sir!"- replied Raman's father firmly with adoring fake smile on his face

"Great! ,So tell me how's everything goin in your life ?" - principal enquired some personal question to make Raman's father relax a bit and made him feel comfortable and also to keep the conversation go on

"Nothing much , just same usual life and its freaking struggles that make life bit more complicated but yes if these complication are removed the life will be no fun and we will be out of focus forever . The new struggles in life are like our new teachers which comes to teach us something different but so relevant so that one doesn't lack in knowledge and experiences of life ." - answered Raman's father in positive manner to his current situations .

"Beautifully said Mr. Pal , I loved your spirit and your attitude , I think everyone facing odds in their lives should possess same kind of attitude. I think Raman has very well learnt this art to fight with the odds in his path and overcome them (without any stress ) from you Mr Pal and that's why he never back downs from any challenges and fight out all the hard times by his own , in my view Mr. Pal he is a fighter just as you are !"- replied Raman's principal with his voice full of pride and one can feel the proud in his voice .

"Mr. Pal we all love Raman and we all are proud of his achievements and want him to achiceve what nobody in our country has achieved from football or playing football , our school's Management as well as our teacher support him in his every activity and his every decision and whatever he wants to do I am the first who always comes forward to support Raman as we also know this really well that Raman don't like doing things which he himself find irrelevant and unrequired, Mr. Pal you know your son is star of our school everyone knows his name and they are aware of Raman's football skills and some of them even compte him with Ronaldo or Messi . He has a brilliant future Mr .Pal but the only thing I and some teachers are scared of is his declining grades in exams , he has scored lowest of his entire school life 45% only and that to in school exams just imagine Mr . Pal what would if scores same in boards what it will do to your aspirations and to your beliefs and you know that to score this much marks in boards requires a lot's of efforts and more than what Raman is doing as per now or had done till now . Mr. Pal I am someone in this school who always supports and inspires every student of my School for participating actively in sports and other extracurricular activities everytime they see an opportunity and have time for it but at the same time I ask students to also do take care that it doesn't effects your studies in any manner whatsoever! , Mr. Pal I think Raman should do exactly the same to take care of his examination and not over anything else for any reason and should keep his passion for football to remain aside for few weeks only till his board examination after that he must take steps forward for turning this passion into successful profession

because I know he will be an excellent footballer as he possess all required abilities to be a Great footballer! ." principal ended the conversation by saying "Think about it" , afterwards both man shook hands with each other , Raman's father came out

of the cabin and was looking very tensed and seeing his father in so low Raman quickly came to see his father

"What happened papa what are you looking so tensed? , what did my principal said to you? Is there something serious ? Please tell me Papa I need to know it all "- Raman asked his father while Raman was talking to his father a look of concern on his face for his father can be clearly seen and his voice was so low all of sudden

"Nothing happened ! , Whatever your principal said to me is Right but I will talk to you at home as I don't want to create any scene here just because you are loved by everyone in this school and everyone knows you so well here , I think listening to me or my words people will make fun of you and this might discourage you as well as hurt you but I want all my words to get in to your head and I dont care if they hurt you and hit you deep inside because I want exactly the same. For Now go back to your class and focus on whatever being taught to you in the class and if you are not able to understand then ask teachers to explain further , Now go !"- Raman's father replied to Raman in calm manner as if nothing happened but at the same time hinted Raman a bit about what is coming to him , Raman's father respected Raman and the feelings which everyone in the school has for Raman and that's why he reacted completely opposite to the way he must have reacted if that place where they were standing wasn't school .

Raman came back in the class but he was only thinking about what would had happened in the principal cabin and what was so serious to talk about ? What did I do ?.................

Raman somehow managed to bring him back in the class and studied with quite a focus on whatever being taught in class but ( history repeats itself once again ) this focus didn't last long for Raman as soon as he saw Rekha sitting in the front row with other Girls of his class ( in his class only ) , it was quite shocking and also unrealistic for Raman to see her in his class and now Raman was wondering what she might be doing here at the same time Raman was also wondering whether she is a teacher or student but soon he got all his answers as teacher invited Rekha to introduce herself to everyone in the class

"My name is Rekha Prajapati , I belong from your city but due to some reasons I have been living in Mathura from past six years !" - Rekha introduced herself so delicately and with whole lots of confidence

"Why you moved from Mathura ? , I know Mathura is a beautiful city ! , Is there Something happened with you ?? " - replied Raman instantly just to pinch her also to get to know about her in detail while Rekha smiled looking at her friends

"Yes Mathura is the most beautiful and peaceful place to be at in entire world . I love Mathura a lot and those of you who had been there would have fall in love with the simplicity and ethnicity of Mathura and it's people . The atmosphere in Mathura is completely different than any other city , the sacred air blows in Mathura and everyone literally everyone feels the Love Vibes of this sacred air , the blue sky isn't just blue but it is reddish blue indicating the shower of Love from Heaven . Talking about why I came back here is just because in Mathura I was living with my maternal uncle who is in the Indian Army but due to certain mishappenings on LoC he and some other soldiers from his regiment has been asked to give their services in Kashmir as well as in some other parts of country and that's why I'm here . I want to thanks principal sir and all teachers of school for helping me and supporting me and making me part of your school ." -added Rekha in her introduction

As soon as the teacher left the class Raman and Rekha stared each other as If they were the two captains of their respected football teams who may have smiled at each other while looking at each other but that doesn't mean that they didn't remember the reason for which they had came for they were just being sporty that's it but Raman didn't knew one thing that slowly he is getting attraacted towards her and that to without knowing the fact that he is attracted towards her and due to this reason only he was able to speak in the class for the first time ever since he had started to attend classes or started his school life . Raman had never spoke in class before because he is less confident about replying in class to teachers , he had this thought in his mind that he don't study much and what if he answers something to which he isn't sure about and responds to it than it will become a matter to laugh for everyone in the class which he find very disgusting and that why he always prefer to stay silent in class while the teacher is teaching ( expect when he is with his best friend Nadeem in the class then he only whispers and still don't let his voice to reach in the sharp ears of his teachers as it can be injurious to his name and his image but currently he and Nadeem are not in talking terms and they completely avoid talking and even seeing each other ) and now when the situation has come to this stage he needs to be more careful then ever and he should prefer to act like deaf and dumb in the class , leaving 45 other students there was this 46 student in the class who was of great importance to Raman and that to for no reason .

"You described Mathura so well , I think the Government should ask you to be the face of Mathura tourism and in my view you will he most feasible and valuable face for promoting Mathura tourism "- Raman said to Rekha as he went near to her bench and initiated the conversation by praising her for her description about Mathura

"I did well because I know Mathura so well and I am aware about Mathura and all its Beauty and it's all because I didn't see mathura not just from naked eyes but from my heart . Please I don't need anyone's applauds for what I feel !"- replied Rekha rudely and indirectly asking Raman to not to disturb her with his irritating questions again

"Ohh , Thank God ! I thought you are someone who cares much about applauds and appraisals , someone who wants people to not only respect her but also keep praising and pampering her all the time like a little kid !"- replied Raman in a sarcastic tone and thereby controlling his much necessary anger towards her attitude and her way to talk

"Actually whatever you said regarding Mathura there's nothing new in it but the way you said was something new and unique , yes I agree you must have felt Mathura instead of viewing it and that's why your description felt so genuine as if was siting in the Mathura and feeling every bit of whatever you said in the class . The reason why you viewed Mathura like no one else in this class or in this school is that you have the most beautiful heart !!"- added Raman keeping his replies of such a level that neither they offend her and nor they made her feel that Raman was lying or just faking around . Raman get back to his seat after his epic and monumental reply to Rekha as Raman's reply to Rekha had somewhere affected her and made her aware that Raman is no Road side Romeo but a Gentleman, Afterwards the stare game started the eyes of both Raman and Rekha met with each other in the next class quite sometimes and if I say absolutely everytime then it would not be wrong and it was also not that it happened accidentally ( how can in this world an accident can happen again and again and if does happens then one thing I can gurantee you is that the either you or that person don't know how to drive and his license is fake and he don't deserve any licence and rights to call him/er driver )  and it was happening so much that even if they were trying to avoid each other .

"From now onwards you will not play football anymore , from now you will only focus on your study . I don't care how and in what way you are going to do it but I want you to score 70 % in your boards even if you don't feel like to but you have to do it not just for me but for the sake of your future ! "- Raman's father instructed Raman very strictly to let go his passion and just focus on his study , he was quite angry about the fact that Raman was not able to score even 50 % in exams and this fact was extremely disturbing for him and he was getting stressed up after knowing , it was not easy for Raman's father to accept such a fact about his son whom he wants to be a Government servant and at some higher posts but what the current results shows Raman can never get an Government job with these marks and little or no interest in studies

"But papa I can't do it , I can't forget football is more like part of my life and .."- Raman replied politely  understanding the emotions of his father

"and What ? , You will continue doing what you want and will keep playing football until and unless one day you finally fail in your exams and then whole life be a beggar . I am telling you Raman if you don't take your life seriously then life will definitely teach a lesson and then you will understand what have you done to your life then you will left with no choice but to live like a beggar because who is going to employ at work when you are not even Intermediate or 12 pass ??. You don't know about life anything yet as you have not faced life and struggle that comes to serve you each and  everyday , you are not aware about how money is made and what it takes to earn a single rupee in this world . I have always supported you for football but not on the extent of your future and your future is only with study and nothing else is going to bring you Sucess in life or all those comfort as well as luxuries (which I am not able to provide you ) is the education you have earned !" - replied Raman's father after listening Raman's statement and his anger now being on different level

"But Papa please try to understand it is not possible for me to let go something I am so passionate about  , I don't know why you think that only study and getting educated will bring the success and respect to me , I understand your anger papa but leaving football isn't the solution for me performing better in my exams but instead it will make me more distracted as I will be constantly thinking about it . I will focus more on my studies and I will try to score as much as marks I can , please understand me papa quitting football isn't solution !"- Raman tried to convince his father by representing his viewpoint in hope his father might understand his views

"Now you have grown up so much that you have forgotten your parents are still alive to tale care about your future and decide what is good and what is bad for your future , you have never viewed life from my perspective  and not even you had cared of trying for once and if you had then instead of arguing with me you might have thought about what my father is saying . Just by watching some footballers playing on TV doesn't mean anyone can do it and achieve what they had achieved in their life , I don't about their family background but I know yours for sure and your family background doesn't allows you to dream so big even if you want to because your father is no rich ,he can barely fill your empty stomachs and fullfil your needs then how he would be able to support you in this big unrealistic dream of yours that's why I am asking you Raman to let it go you have played enough football and now all you should be focusing is your future and that's making yourself  educated and getting a Government job !"- Raman's father tried to make Raman understand the situation by reminding him there family backgrounds and  their financial conditions but Raman was not one who gets convince easily so he reacted to his father with his views

"But Papa I am not asking you for anything else but a hand of support , I don't wamt put an extra burden of me and my passion over you all I want is you to be simply stand with me in my decisions , I want to see you cheer for me from the stand, I want you to make me feel me confident when ever I feel down and leave everything else on God he will help me out in achieving my dreams and get what I have always desired of !"- replied Raman clearly stated with all his emotions and showing his respect to his father , his voice being in utter calm and warmth can be felt in his voice when he was trying to make his father understand that he expects his father to help his father to help him financially but emotionally and that's all he wants from his father

"Stop your bullshit Raman! . Don't you understand the meaning of words no. Look at you Raman today  you are arguing with your father for this pathetic game that holds no future for neither this country nor for you tomorrow you will beat me for , God knows how and why you got into this I never thought that this game will get so deep into your head but no worry I know how to cure these kinds of diseases !"- replied Raman's father shockingly and angrily over Raman's views and his intension of convincing his father to allow to play football

"But Papa !...."- replied Raman who was brutally interrupted by his father this time

"Stop it Raman , Don't dare to speak not even a word now you are making me mad . You are not going to play football anymore and if you continued playing football then you will find me dead and my body hanging beneath this fan , is that clear to you . Now you choose who you want in your life your father or football !" - said Raman's father