
Love Reincarnated

Sometimes there is another part of us whom we do not know. Can love save the day or not. Will she be a demon or a god

Anjiey · Geschichte
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2 Chs



''Fang Shao, let him go'' Nushen said.

''No, if not for this demon, you would have already become an immortal and my wife. He destroyed everything and now, I'm going to kill him!! '' Fang Shao shouted.

'' Nushen, don't listen to him, go to the water of incarnation and wait for me'' Yonggan de instructed.

'' Stop forcing her,I'll make your soul burn so you won't be able to reincarnate and then, she'll be mine '' Fang Shao said with his hands gripped to Yonggan De's neck.

''How did a guy like you end up a warrior in heaven'' Yonggan De struggled to talk.

'' and what is a demon doing in heaven with the emperor's daughter, she was supposed to be mine, she was supposed to become an immortal but, she gave up everything just for you''

''Father, can't you see what he's doing, stop him'' Nushen pleaded as she turned to her father

'' Yes, but he's a demon and he nearly killed Lio (snake immortal). He has to be eradicated'' the emperor, her father noticed.

''But he didn't do it. I trust him'' Nushen argued.

''Nushen, you are still young and immature. You won't understand but if you still insist, you'll have to fight on your own'' her father said as he disappeared into thin air.

''Dad!, dad!!'' She yelled several times while crying.

Fang shao raised his hand and a magical sword appeared'' this will burn his soul, he won't trouble us again honey''.

Just as he was about to stab him, Nushen released a force field which covered Yonggan de ''go, I can't hold him for long'' She said as she began to cough out blood.

''No, I won't leave you'' Yonggan de said.

He pushed her away from the sword, the sword immediately struck right through his heart. He fell flat on the ground.

As Nushen watch him fall on the ground, her eyes turned blue. With her feet off the ground, she raised her hands and a great thunder was heard in the sky '' Nushen, calm down. You are not an immortal yet, you can't fully use your powers yet else, you'll die. Just follow me to the forever flowing lake, with a sip of the water, you'll become an immortal and then be able to marry me. Just, take my hands ''he stretched his hands bit as he did, the thunder struck it.

'' Forget?, oh I will forget! I'll end you and forget!!''. The ground began to tremble

'' Everyone, retreat to safety! '' a guard yelled.

Soon, everywhere was beaming with light. After 30 minutes, it all died down, Fang Shao was on the ground, dead as it may seem. Nushen flew down, no one knew what had happened because of the bright light.

Suddenly, her father appeared again

'' Father, I'ld like you to grant my wish and let me start afresh with Yonggan de '' she requested with a weak body.

'' OK,I will. But remember, everything will not be as planned,there would be plenty obstacles on the way but...one thing you should remember is that I love and will always continue to love you'' he expressed.

She smiled before saying''Thank you father'' she greeted him,turned around and faced Yonggan de.She gathered all her remaining powers and preserved his soul,at least,it would protect his soul from burning till they reach the human realm.

'' Here, take this necklace. You will be powerless for a while but until you gain your powers and turn 20, it would protect you'' her father handed.

Nushen took it and greeted her father one last time,then, she carried Yonggan de to the water of incarnation '' we'll meet again in my second life ''.And with that, they both fell in the water.

Thank you all for reading my novel and as you, my this journey be a magical one

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