
What an asshole

“Why are you overeating? I said I have a plan” Alex yell at Zack turning back to face him.

“To hell with your stupid plan Alex, I see no plan, all you do is play into Lincoln's hands, what the fuck are you doing with his daughter?.”

"Leave Evelyn out of this” Alex warns Zack. “If you have a problem with me then say so”

“What an asshole!” Zack said and Alex got angrier.

He held Zack by the collar and pulled him up with one hand and Jack rub his eyes.

“Wow! Did Alex just pull that guy up? Yes, beat him, punch him” he said so excitedly because he has been meaning to punch Zack ever since.

“Let go of me Alex” Zack warns but he refuses.  

He struggle to take Alex's hands off him and they started to fight.

“Wow! That’s great. “Kill him, Alex!” Jack shouted and Zack turned to look and him.

But before Jack knew it Zack is right in front of him and he knock him out.

“What have you done?” Alex rushed Jack shaking him vigorously. “Jack!”

“What did you do to him? answer me!” Alex gave a loud shout and left Jack lying down unconscious.

He and Zack fought for hours showing all their powers and changing into different kinds of creatures.

Alex could not win over Zack, he was strong too, they kept fighting until Vampire appears.

He looked at the unconscious Jack and turned to face the two fighters.

“What is wrong with you boys, why have you turned enemies overnight?”

They stopped fighting and turned back to human form breathing heavily.

Alex rushed to Jack carrying him. “You killed him!” Alex started to cry.

Zack turns to look at Vampire who just raises an eyebrow, they can't believe Alex could cry like this.

"He’s not dead Alex” Vampire said and took Jack from him.

“Why did you even bring him here?” he asks.

“He’s my friend”

“Hmm,” Zack hummed knowing what Jack did to Alex by sleeping with his girlfriend behind Alex's back, and he still calls him his friend!  But Zack came to understand that Jack and Alex are birds of the same feathers, so why get angry on his behalf?

Vampire did what he could to wake him up.

“Your lucky Zack did what he did to knock him off, were you planning to show him what you are?” Vampire asks Alex but he could only wipe the tears off his eyes.

He thought Jack was dead, how was he going to face Clara and tell her that he brought Jack here just so he could be killed?

He knows that Clara won’t forgive him.

"Jack!” he rushed to his side when he coughed.

“I’m fine,” he said pushing Alex away from him and Alex could only smile.

Zack turned to leave but Alex hurried to him.

“I’m sorry, but you have to trust me, I got this,” he said placing one hand on Zack's shoulder.

He turned and looked at his hand on his shoulder and then back to Alex.